Life Support Provided in Connection With Disaster Emergency

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Sec. 4. (a) This section does not apply to an act or omission that was a result of gross negligence or willful or intentional misconduct.

(b) An act or omission of a paramedic, an advanced emergency medical technician, an emergency medical technician, or a person with equivalent certification or licensure from another state that is performed or made while providing advanced life support or basic life support to a patient or trauma victim does not impose liability upon the paramedic, the advanced emergency medical technician, an emergency medical technician, the person with equivalent certification or licensure from another state, a hospital, a provider organization, a governmental entity, or an employee or other staff of a hospital, provider organization, or governmental entity if the advanced life support or basic life support is provided in good faith:

(1) in connection with a disaster emergency declared by the governor under IC 10-14-3-12 in response to an act that the governor in good faith believes to be an act of terrorism (as defined in IC 35-31.5-2-329); and

(2) in accordance with the rules adopted by the Indiana emergency medical services commission or the disaster emergency declaration of the governor.

As added by P.L.156-2001, SEC.3. Amended by P.L.2-2003, SEC.53; P.L.205-2003, SEC.35; P.L.97-2004, SEC.64; P.L.114-2012, SEC.40; P.L.77-2012, SEC.49.

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