Fund Grants; Considerations in Approving Applications

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Sec. 12. The state department shall consider the following factors before approving a grant application:

(1) The number of pregnant women that will benefit from the grant.

(2) The services that the applicant's program will provide.

(3) The need for services in the applicant's location.

(4) The amount of money, if any, the applicant or other donors will contribute to the applicant's proposed program.

(5) The eligibility requirements to participate in the applicant's program.

(6) The quality of prenatal services provided in the home if prenatal services are provided there. If prenatal services are not provided in the home, the availability of prenatal services.

[Pre-1993 Recodification Citation: 16-2.5-3-7.]

As added by P.L.2-1993, SEC.9.

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