Boundaries; Annexation; Maximum Size; Consolidation

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Sec. 7. (a) The boundary of a horticultural and quarantine district shall coincide with a line enclosing the lands owned by the association members.

(b) A person who is the owner of lands contiguous to a horticultural and quarantine district is entitled to become a member of the association at any time by signing the articles of association.

(c) Horticultural and quarantine districts may be increased in size to not more than twenty (20) square miles of territory by annexing contiguous territory under this section.

(d) Contiguous horticultural and quarantine districts may be consolidated if the combined area of the consolidating districts does not exceed twenty (20) square miles. The question of consolidation may be submitted to the members of the respective associations at a joint meeting called for that purpose. If a majority of members entitled to vote under section 8 of this chapter vote in favor of consolidation:

(1) a new district comprised of the consolidating districts is formed; and

(2) the articles of association of the new district shall be filed and recorded as prescribed in section 6 of this chapter.

(e) Directors of the new district may be chosen at the meeting called to determine the question of consolidation or at a subsequent meeting.

[Pre-2008 Recodification Citation: 15-3-7-7.]

As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.7.

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