Grant Eligibility Requirements

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Sec. 7. For a county to be eligible to receive a grant from the fund, each year in which a grant is sought the following must occur:

(1) The county sheriff must submit to the fiscal body an estimated budget request to provide special needs boat patrol on lakes or boundary waters located within the county. If the county sheriff does not request a grant from the fund, the fiscal body may complete an estimated budget.

(2) If the budget request is approved, the fiscal body must timely apply to the department, on forms provided by the department, for a grant under this chapter.

(3) The department must certify the information on the application and, based on the formula developed under section 6 of this chapter, determine:

(A) whether the county may receive a grant; and

(B) the amount of the grant the county may receive;

under this chapter.

As added by P.L.137-1997, SEC.3. Amended by P.L.217-2011, SEC.1; P.L.219-2014, SEC.19.

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