Payment in Lieu of Redemption Required Upon Judgment Invalidating Title in the State

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Sec. 10. (a) A decree or judgment holding a title of the state invalid must provide that the successful party pay to the court an amount determined by the court to be approximately the amount that the party would be required to pay to redeem the real property on the date of the judgment or decree if the real property had continued to be:

(1) delinquent in taxes while in the possession of the state; and

(2) taxable while in the possession of the state;

plus the reasonable value of improvements, costs of administration, fire protection, and other benefits conferred upon the real property by the state after the expiration of the redemption period.

(b) A statute enacted granting redemption concessions to taxpayers does not apply to the computation of the amount prescribed by subsection (a) unless the statute specifically states that the statute applies.

(c) Upon payment of the amount, the amount shall be distributed to interested parties and taxing agencies according to their interests and as provided by the decree or judgment.

[Pre-1995 Recodification Citation: 4-17-11-6.]

As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.10.

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