Certificate of Inspection and Registration; Issuance

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Sec. 2. (a) Before issuing a certificate of inspection and registration for a passenger boat, the department shall have the boat, including all motors, machinery, and equipment, thoroughly and carefully inspected by a competent person.

(b) If the department finds that:

(1) the boat, including motors, machinery, and equipment, is:

(A) of a suitable design and construction for the service in which the boat is or is to be employed; and

(B) in a good, safe, and sound operating condition and state of repair that warrants the belief that the boat can be operated with safety in the service;

(2) the boat, including motors, machinery, and equipment, is in compliance with this article and the rules adopted under this article; and

(3) property tax under IC 6-1.1 is not owed on the boat, as evidenced by the tax receipt for payment from the appropriate county treasurer;

the department shall register the boat and issue a certificate.

(c) If the department does not find the conditions in subsection (b), the department shall immediately notify the owner of the boat why the boat fails to meet the requirements.

[Pre-1995 Recodification Citation: 14-1-1-48(a).]

As added by P.L.1-1995, SEC.8.

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