Necessity of License or Accreditation Before Performing Asbestos Project; Exceptions

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Sec. 12. (a) Except as provided in subsections (c) and (d), a person that enters into a contract providing for the person to execute, for compensation, an asbestos project must hold an asbestos contractor's license.

(b) Except as provided in subsections (c) and (d), an individual who works on an asbestos project must be accredited under this chapter.

(c) In an emergency that results from a sudden and unexpected event that is not a planned renovation or demolition, the commissioner may waive the requirements set forth in subsections (a) and (b) for a person that enters into a contract or works to resolve the emergency.

(d) The commissioner may:

(1) exempt an employer from subsection (a); and

(2) exempt the employer's employees from subsection (b) with respect to an asbestos project on premises owned or leased by the employer;

if the commissioner determines that the employer has adopted and is enforcing an asbestos safety program that is adequate to protect the health and safety of the employees and of any other persons who are or may be affected by the asbestos project.

[Pre-1996 Recodification Citation: 13-1-1-24.]

As added by P.L.1-1996, SEC.7.

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