Asbestos Emission Control; Program for Accreditation of Persons Engaged in Inspection, Management, or Abatement; Licensing of Contractors

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Sec. 1. (a) This section does not apply to a person making an inspection under the authority of IC 22-8-1.1.

(b) The board shall adopt rules under IC 4-22-2 requiring the commissioner to establish a program for the following:

(1) The accreditation of persons engaged in the inspection, management, or abatement of asbestos containing material.

(2) The licensing of asbestos contractors.

(c) The board shall, in the rules adopted under this section, do the following:

(1) Prohibit a person without accreditation or an asbestos contractor without a license from engaging in the inspection, management, or abatement of asbestos containing material at:

(A) elementary and secondary schools; and

(B) facilities subject to:

(i) United States Environmental Protection Agency regulations; or

(ii) rules of the board;

pertaining to asbestos emission control.

(2) Require training and examination as a precondition to accreditation.

(3) Require periodic retraining and reexamination to maintain accreditation.

(4) Establish minimum requirements for the issuance of an asbestos contractor license, including a requirement that all workers employed by an asbestos contractor to inspect, manage, or abate asbestos containing material be accredited under the program established under this section.

(5) Extend the applicability of the accreditation and licensing requirements to other facilities as determined by the board.

(6) Exempt from accreditation and licensing requirements a person that performs work:

(A) on a private residential dwelling and commercial residential building with fewer than five (5) dwelling units; and

(B) during an emergency that results from a sudden and unexpected event that is not a planned asbestos project.

[Pre-1996 Recodification Citation: 13-1-1-14(a), (b).]

As added by P.L.1-1996, SEC.7.

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