Motor Vehicle Emissions Inspection Station; Duty to Report Violations; Notification of Compliance

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Sec. 8. (a) Whenever:

(1) an officer or employee of the department; or

(2) a person the department has contracted with under section 5 (before its repeal) or 5.1 of this chapter or IC 13-1-1-11 (before its repeal);

learns of a violation of section 1, 2, 3, or 4 of this chapter or IC 13-1-1-6 (before its repeal), the officer or employee shall notify the bureau of motor vehicles in writing of the violation or failure for purposes of the suspension of the registration of the vehicle in question under IC 9-18.1-3-8.

(b) After a vehicle's registration is suspended under IC 9-18.1-3-8:

(1) an officer or employee of the department; or

(2) a person the department has contracted with under section 5 (before its repeal) or 5.1 of this chapter or IC 13-1-1-11 (before its repeal);

who recognizes that the violation of section 1, 2, 3, or 4 of this chapter or IC 13-1-1-6 (before its repeal) has been corrected shall notify the bureau of motor vehicles in writing of the correction or achievement of compliance for purposes of the reinstatement of the vehicle's registration under IC 9-18.1-3-8.

[Pre-1996 Recodification Citation: 13-1-1-12.]

As added by P.L.1-1996, SEC.7. Amended by P.L.229-1999, SEC.4; P.L.257-2017, SEC.42.

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