Alternative Pcb Technologies; Study

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Sec. 3. The department, in cooperation with the United States Environmental Protection Agency, an applicant for a permit issued under this chapter, and a city or town in which an incinerator described under section 1 of this chapter is or will be located, shall conduct a study of alternative PCB technologies. The study must include an assessment of the efficacy and the technical and economic feasibility of the following:

(1) Alternative technologies such as the following:

(A) The application of lime to break down PCB.

(B) The low temperature thermal disorption process.

(C) Disorption and vaporization extraction.

(D) Plasma torch technology.

(E) Bacterial remediation.

(2) Other technologies identified by the commissioner as having possible value in the treatment or disposal of PCB in Indiana.

[Pre-1996 Recodification Citation: 13-7-16.5-9(d).]

As added by P.L.1-1996, SEC.7.

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