Authority of Secretary; Authority of Director; Compiling of Information

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Sec. 3. (a) The secretary or the secretary's designee may do the following:

(1) Employ experts and consultants to assist the division in carrying out the division's functions.

(2) Issue orders under IC 4-21.5-3-6.

(3) Perform any other acts necessary to carry out the functions of the division.

(b) The director may do the following:

(1) Use, with their consent, the services and facilities of other state agencies without reimbursement.

(2) Accept in the name of the division, for use in carrying out the functions of the division, money or property received by gift, bequest, or otherwise.

(3) Accept voluntary and uncompensated services.

(4) Expend money made available to the division according to policies enforced by the budget agency.

(5) Establish and implement the policies and procedures necessary to carry out the functions of the division.

(6) Perform any other acts necessary to carry out the functions of the division as delegated by the secretary or consistent with the director's statutory duties.

(c) The director shall compile information and statistics from each bureau concerning the ethnicity and gender of a program or service recipient.

As added by P.L.141-2006, SEC.38. Amended by P.L.229-2011, SEC.117; P.L.153-2011, SEC.5; P.L.35-2016, SEC.12.

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