Annual Report to County Fiscal Body and County Board of Commissioners; Report by the Division of Mental Health and Addiction

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Sec. 16. (a) A community mental health center that is certified by the division of mental health and addiction shall provide an annual report to the division of mental health and addiction and to the fiscal body and the board of county commissioners of each county located in the community mental health center's primary service area. The annual report under this section must include the following:

(1) Information concerning the operational and community based activities undertaken during the year by the community mental health center in each county from which the community mental health center received funding under this chapter.

(2) A listing, by the county of patients' residence, of the following information:

(A) The total number of patients served by the community mental health center.

(B) The total number of patients receiving addiction treatment services from the community mental health center.

(C) The total number of patients receiving mental health services from the community mental health center.

(D) The total number of patients receiving both addiction treatment services and mental health services from the community mental health center.

(3) A copy of the most recent financial audit provided to the division of mental health and addiction under 440 IAC 4.1-2-5, including a balance sheet of assets and liabilities, which shall be prepared by an independent certified public accountant.

(b) The division of mental health and addiction shall:

(1) specify the format of the annual reports that must be provided by community mental health centers under subsection (a); and

(2) include a summary of that information in the annual report prepared by the division under subsection (c).

(c) The division of mental health and addiction shall annually provide to the county fiscal body and board of county commissioners of each county a report that includes the following:

(1) An overview of the total funding provided to all community mental health centers during the year under this chapter, including funding provided by the division for purposes of programs under this chapter.

(2) A count, by county of residence, of the following concerning patients served by the community mental health centers under programs funded under this chapter:

(A) The total number of patients served.

(B) The total number of patients receiving addiction treatment services.

(C) The total number of patients receiving mental health services.

(D) The total number of patients receiving both addiction treatment services and mental health services.

(3) An assessment, specified by the county of patients' residence, of the overall outcomes of the treatment provided to patients of the community mental health centers.

(4) A summary of the information provided by community mental health centers in the annual reports provided under subsection (a), and an explanation of the differences between the patient count information provided by the community mental health centers in those reports and the patient count information included in the division's report under this subsection.

(d) The division of mental health and addiction may provide a report required under subsection (c) to the county fiscal body and the board of county commissioners by publishing the report on the division's Internet web site.

As added by P.L.79-2002, SEC.5. Amended by P.L.123-2008, SEC.5; P.L.76-2018, SEC.10.

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