Medical Assistance; Necessity

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Sec. 2. (a) Except as provided in subsections (b) and (c), the township trustee shall, in cases of necessity, do the following:

(1) Promptly provide medical assistance for poor individuals in the township who are not provided for in public institutions.

(2) See that medicines, medical supplies, special diets, or tests prescribed by a physician or surgeon in attendance upon poor individuals in the township are properly furnished.

(b) A township trustee may not provide to an individual medical assistance under the township assistance program if the individual could qualify for medical assistance for the same service under:

(1) IC 12-16;

(2) Medicaid;

(3) other governmental medical programs; or

(4) private health insurance that would cover the individual at the time the assistance was provided. However, if the individual's insurance does not pay for the medical assistance due to a policy deductible or other policy limitation, the township trustee shall pay for medical assistance that the trustee would provide if the individual did not have insurance.

However, a township trustee may provide interim medical services during the period that the individual has an application pending for medical assistance under Medicaid (IC 12-15) or another governmental medical program if the individual is reasonably complying with all requirements of the application process.

(c) The township trustee shall pay only for the following medical services for the poor of the township:

(1) Prescription drugs, not to exceed a thirty (30) day supply at a time, as prescribed by an attending practitioner (as defined in IC 16-42-19-5) other than a veterinarian. However, if the prescription drugs are available only in a container that contains more than a thirty (30) day supply, the township trustee may pay for the available size.

(2) Office calls to a physician licensed under IC 25-22.5 or another medical provider.

(3) Dental care needed to relieve pain or infection or to repair cavities.

(4) Repair or replacement of dentures.

(5) Emergency room treatment that is of an emergency nature.

(6) Preoperation testing prescribed by an attending physician licensed under IC 25-22.5.

(7) Over-the-counter drugs prescribed by a practitioner (as defined in IC 16-42-19-5) other than a veterinarian.

(8) X-rays and laboratory testing as prescribed by an attending physician licensed under IC 25-22.5.

(9) Visits to a medical specialist when referred by an attending physician licensed under IC 25-22.5.

(10) Physical therapy prescribed by an attending physician licensed under IC 25-22.5.

(11) Eyeglasses.

(12) Repair or replacement of a prosthesis not provided for by other tax supported state or federal programs.

(13) Insulin and items needed to administer the biological, not to exceed a thirty (30) day supply at a time, in accordance with section 14 of this chapter. However, if the biologicals are available only in a container that contains more than a thirty (30) day supply, the township trustee may pay for the available size.

(d) The township trustee may establish a list of approved medical providers to provide medical services to the poor of the township. Any medical provider who:

(1) can provide the particular medical services within the scope of the provider's license issued under IC 25; and

(2) is willing to provide the medical services for the charges established by the township trustee;

is entitled to be included on the list.

(e) Unless prohibited by federal law, a township trustee who:

(1) provides to an individual medical assistance that is eligible for payment under any medical program described in subsection (b) for which payments are administered by an agency of the state during the pendency of the individual's successful application for the program; and

(2) submits a timely and proper claim to the agency;

is eligible for reimbursement by the agency to the same extent as any medical provider.

(f) If a township trustee provides medical assistance for medical services provided to an individual who is subsequently determined to be eligible for Medicaid:

(1) the township trustee shall notify the medical provider that provided the medical services of the individual's eligibility; and

(2) not later than thirty (30) days after the medical provider receives the notice under subdivision (1), the medical provider shall file a claim for reimbursement with the office.

(g) A medical provider that is reimbursed under subsection (f) shall, not later than thirty (30) days after receiving the reimbursement, pay to the township trustee the lesser of:

(1) the amount of medical assistance received from the trustee to an individual; or

(2) the amount reimbursed by Medicaid to the medical provider.

[Pre-1992 Revision Citation: 12-2-1-6(a) part.]

As added by P.L.2-1992, SEC.14. Amended by P.L.51-1996, SEC.54; P.L.262-2003, SEC.4; P.L.73-2005, SEC.70.

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