Administrative Rules

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Sec. 9. The director of the division may adopt rules under IC 4-22-2 to carry out this chapter, including rules specifying the following:

(1) Standards for the hiring of staff for a preschool child care program.

(2) Cost and expense standards for the establishment and operation of a preschool child care program within a school and within a facility other than a school.

(3) A sliding fee scale for use by preschool child care programs that are operating under a grant under this chapter.

(4) Minimum staff to child ratios for a preschool child care program.

(5) Physical space requirements for a preschool child care program, including indoor and outdoor space.

(6) Nutrition requirements for a preschool child care program.

(7) Standards for the provision of emergency health services in a preschool child care program.

(8) Application guidelines and deadlines.

(9) A method for establishing priority of applicants.

[Pre-1992 Revision Citation: 4-28-6.2-9.]

As added by P.L.2-1992, SEC.11.

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