Assessment Upon Total Annual Revenue of Certain Nonstate Facilities; Medicaid Assessment Account; Unavailability of Federal Matching Funds

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Sec. 11. (a) The office may assess community residential facilities for the developmentally disabled (as defined in IC 12-7-2-61) and intermediate care facilities for individuals with intellectual disabilities (ICF/IID) (as defined in IC 16-29-4-2) that are not operated by the state in an amount not to exceed ten percent (10%) of the total annual revenue of the facility for the facility's preceding fiscal year.

(b) The assessments shall be paid to the office of Medicaid policy and planning in equal monthly amounts on or before the tenth day of each calendar month. The office may withhold Medicaid payments to a provider described in subsection (a) that fails to pay an assessment within thirty (30) days after the due date. The amount withheld may not exceed the amount of the assessments due.

(c) Revenue from the assessments shall be credited to a special account within the state general fund to be called the Medicaid assessment account. Money in the account may be used only for services for which federal financial participation under Medicaid is available to match state funds. An amount equivalent to the federal financial participation estimated to be received for services financed from assessments under subsection (a) shall be used to finance Medicaid services provided by facilities described in subsection (a).

(d) If federal financial participation to match the assessments in subsection (a) becomes unavailable under federal law, the authority to impose the assessments terminates on the date that the federal statutory, regulatory, or interpretive change takes effect.

As added by P.L.27-1992, SEC.26. Amended by P.L.2-1993, SEC.102; P.L.291-2001, SEC.216; P.L.6-2002, SEC.6; P.L.35-2016, SEC.43.

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