Broker Requirements; Confidentiality; Remediation Plan

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Sec. 5. (a) A broker shall establish, implement, and maintain the following:

(1) One (1) toll free telephone number clearly identified for the handling of complaints concerning the nonemergency medical transportation services.

(2) A link on the home page of the broker's Internet web site titled "File a Complaint Here" that is accessible by the public and that allows for the submission of a complaint concerning the nonemergency medical transportation services.

(3) Instructions on the broker's Internet web site on how to file a complaint concerning nonemergency medical transportation services.

(4) A process to notify a person who files a complaint about:

(A) the steps the broker will take to investigate the complaint; and

(B) the results of the investigation.

(b) Except for disclosure to the office of the secretary, the broker shall keep confidential the identity of any individual who submits a complaint with the broker concerning nonemergency medical transportation services.

(c) If a complaint concerning nonemergency medical transportation services made to the broker is substantiated, the broker shall develop a remediation plan concerning the complaint and submit the remediation plan to the office of the secretary for the office of the secretary to post the remediation plan on the office of the secretary's Internet web site.

As added by P.L.116-2019, SEC.4.

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