Lawful Permanent Residents; Exceptions

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Sec. 2. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), a person who is a lawful permanent resident is eligible for Medicaid assistance under this article for a period of one (1) year.

(b) This subsection applies to the eligibility of an individual or the individual's dependent for Medicaid assistance and Medicaid waiver services. An individual who:

(1) is a legal Indiana resident;

(2) is an active member of the armed forces of the United States (as defined in IC 5-9-4-3) or the national guard;

(3) is assigned to a duty station outside Indiana or deployed; and

(4) except for meeting the state residency requirements, is otherwise eligible for Medicaid assistance or Medicaid waiver services under this article;

or the individual's dependent is eligible for Medicaid assistance or Medicaid waiver services under this article for one (1) year following the individual's discharge from service in the armed forces of the United States or the national guard or postdeployment in the armed forces of the United States or the national guard.

(c) The office shall allow an individual described in subsection (b) or a dependent of the individual to be placed on a Medicaid waiver waiting list if the individual or the individual's dependent does not reside in Indiana due to the individual's military assignment outside Indiana. When residency has been reestablished, the office shall resume:

(1) Medicaid assistance; and

(2) Medicaid waiver services, subject to the availability of a waiver slot under federal regulations;

for the individual or the individual's dependent if the individual or the individual's dependent is otherwise eligible under this section.

As added by P.L.46-1995, SEC.38. Amended by P.L.161-2007, SEC.36; P.L.116-2016, SEC.3.

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