Contractor Responsibilities; Report

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Sec. 14. (a) As used in this section, "committee" refers to the interim study committee on public health, behavioral health, and human services established by IC 2-5-1.3-4.

(b) A contractor for the division, office, or secretary that has responsibility for processing eligibility intake for the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance program (SNAP), the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, and the Medicaid program shall do the following:

(1) Review the eligibility intake process for:

(A) document management issues, including:

(i) unattached documents;

(ii) number of documents received by facsimile;

(iii) number of documents received by mail;

(iv) number of documents incorrectly classified;

(v) number of documents that are not indexed or not correctly attached to cases;

(vi) number of complaints from clients regarding lost documents; and

(vii) number of complaints from clients resolved regarding lost documents;

(B) direct client assistance at county offices, including the:

(i) number of clients helped directly in completing eligibility application forms;

(ii) wait times at local offices;

(iii) amount of time an applicant is given as notice before a scheduled applicant appointment;

(iv) amount of time an applicant waits for a scheduled appointment; and

(v) timeliness of the tasks sent by the contractor to the state for further action, as specified through contracted performance standards; and

(C) call wait times and abandonment rates.

(2) Provide an update on employee training programs.

(3) Provide a copy of the monthly key performance indicator report.

(4) Provide information on error reports and contractor compliance with the contract.

(5) Provide oral and written reports to the committee concerning matters described in subdivision (1):

(A) in a manner and format to be agreed upon with the committee; and

(B) whenever the committee requests.

However, written reports shall be provided in an electronic format under IC 5-14-6.

(6) Report on information concerning assistance provided by voluntary community assistance networks (V-CANs).

(7) Report on the independent performance audit conducted on the contract.

(c) Solely referring an individual to a computer or telephone does not constitute the direct client assistance referred to in subsection (b)(1)(B).

As added by P.L.153-2009, SEC.2. Amended by P.L.205-2013, SEC.183; P.L.53-2014, SEC.103.

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