Authority Duties; Annual Report

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Sec. 12. (a) The authority shall do the following:

(1) Provide the board and each member, officer, employee, consultant, counsel, and agent of the authority or the board a defense in a suit arising out of the performance of duties for or on behalf of the authority or the board, if the board determines that the duties were provided in good faith.

(2) Hold a person described in subdivision (1) or the board harmless from any liability, cost, or damage in connection with an action arising out of the performance of duties for or on behalf of the authority or the board, including the payment of any legal fees, except where the liability, cost, or damage is predicated on, or arises out of, bad faith of the person or the board, or is based on the person's or board's malfeasance in the performance of duties.

(b) The authority shall prepare an annual report for the qualified ABLE program and transmit the annual report to the governor and, in an electronic format under IC 5-14-6, to the general assembly. The authority shall make available upon request a copy of the annual report to qualified beneficiaries, account owners, and the public.

As added by P.L.12-2016, SEC.8.

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