Electronic Submission

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Sec. 1. If a person is required to submit information, an application, or a document to:

(1) the department;

(2) an employee of the department;

(3) an office or division of the department; or

(4) a board, commission, or council staffed by the department;

the department, office, or division of the department, or the board, commission, or council staffed by the department, may require the person to submit the information, application, or document electronically. However, the department, office, or division of the department, or the board, commission, or council staffed by the department, may not require a person to submit information, an application, or a document electronically if the person demonstrates that being required to submit the information, application, or document electronically will constitute an undue hardship for the person.

As added by P.L.57-2020, SEC.5.

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