Changes to Designs, Plans, and Specifications

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Sec. 8. (a) Subject to subsections (b) and (c), any changes made in the designs, plans, and specifications in the progress of the work:

(1) must be agreed upon in advance between the board of public works and the contractor and architect; and

(2) must have the cost of the changes fixed by contract in writing.

If changes made do not comply with subdivisions (1) and (2), the person making the changes is not entitled to any compensation for the changes.

(b) A change may not be made that will increase the total cost of the World War memorial as prescribed in this chapter.

(c) Any changes do not affect the obligation of or release any surety on any contract or bond executed or given in connection with the building of the World War memorial structures, but the liability of the surety is extended so as to cover the change.

[Pre-2003 Recodification Citation: 10-7-6-7.]

As added by P.L.2-2003, SEC.9.

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