Taxes Levied for Bonds; World War Memorial Bond Fund; Sinking Fund

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Sec. 6. (a) To raise money to pay the bonds and the interest on the bonds issued under this chapter, the legislative body of the city and all other officials, whether city or state, shall levy each year, in addition to all other taxes the city may levy, a tax on all property, real or personal, within the city, in the manner and at a rate on each one hundred dollars ($100) of taxable property in the city as to meet the principal of the bonds as they severally mature and interest accruing on the bonds. The legislative body of the city and the fiscal officer of the city shall certify the taxes levied each year to the auditor of the county in which the city is located or other proper officer not later than the first Monday of September in each year or at the time of the certification of the city's annual tax levy.

(b) Taxes levied and certified under this section shall be collected and enforced in the same manner as other taxes are collected and enforced. As the taxes are collected, the taxes shall be:

(1) kept in a separate fund to be known as the "World War Memorial bond fund"; and

(2) applied to the payment of the bonds issued under this chapter and interest accruing on the bonds as they severally mature, and for no other purpose.

All money collected for the payment of the bonds and the interest accruing on the bonds shall be deposited at interest with one (1) or more of the depositories as other public funds of the city. All interest collected becomes a part of the fund.

(c) In a city in which there has been established a sinking fund and a board of sinking fund commissioners:

(1) the World War Memorial bond fund shall be under the care, custody, control, and jurisdiction of the board of sinking fund commissioners; and

(2) all taxes authorized and required to be levied and collected under this section to pay the bonds as they mature and interest accruing on the bonds shall be used and applied by the board of sinking fund commissioners to pay the bonds as they mature with interest on the bonds.

[Pre-2003 Recodification Citation: 10-7-6-5.]

As added by P.L.2-2003, SEC.9.

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