Appropriations; Limitation

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Sec. 3. (a) The legislative body of a city may, upon recommendation of the mayor and city controller, if applicable, by ordinance adopted and approved as provided in section 22 of this chapter, appropriate for the use of the board of public works of the city money of the city for World War memorial and other public purposes.

(b) Any money and the total of all money appropriated under this chapter may not exceed six-tenths of one percent (0.6%) of the adjusted value of the taxable property of the city as determined under IC 36-1-15.

(c) The board of public works, with the approval of the mayor, may use the funds so appropriated for any of the purposes described in section 2 of this chapter.

[Pre-2003 Recodification Citation: 10-7-6-2.]

As added by P.L.2-2003, SEC.9.

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