Authority to Erect Memorials; City Authority to Erect Memorials Jointly

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Sec. 2. (a) A city, acting through its board of public works, with the approval of its mayor, when money has been appropriated for that purpose by an ordinance adopted and approved as provided in section 22 of this chapter, may do the following:

(1) Acquire, by purchase, donation, or condemnation, suitable interests in real property located in the city.

(2) Do the following on the real property described in subdivision (1):

(A) Erect and maintain upon the real property suitable structures to commemorate the bravery, courage, valor, and sacrifice of the soldiers, sailors, and marines of the United States and of all others who rendered faithful, loyal, heroic, and self-sacrificing service at home and overseas in World War I.

(B) Provide a place or places of meeting and headquarters for the following:

(i) Organizations of soldiers, sailors, and marines or patriotic societies or associations.

(ii) The keeping of records, archives, documents, flags, mementoes, and relics.

(iii) Other public meetings and public purposes.

(iv) The teaching of a true understanding and appreciation of the duties, benefits, and privileges of American citizenship to inspire patriotism and respect for the law to the end that peace may prevail, good will be promoted, justice be administered and established, public order maintained, and liberty and freedom under the law be perpetuated.

(b) In addition to the power given under subsection (a), a city may do the following:

(1) Acquire, by purchase, donation, or condemnation, any interest in real property to be dedicated by the city and added to any real property that is dedicated by the state for World War memorial and other public purposes by proper contract, deed or grant. The real property acquired shall be conveyed by the city to the state for World War memorial and other public purposes, as provided in the contract, deed, or grant.

(2) Join with the county in which the city is located to acquire by purchase, donation, or condemnation interests in real property to be dedicated by the city and the county jointly and added to any real property that may have been or may be designated for use, dedicated, or set apart by the state for World War memorial and other public purposes by proper contract, deed or grant. The real property acquired shall be conveyed by the city and the county jointly to the state for World War memorial and other public purposes, as provided in the contract, deed, or grant.

(3) Join with the county in which the city is located to:

(A) acquire by purchase, donation, or condemnation of interests in real property;

(B) construct and maintain on the real property a joint city and county World War memorial; and

(C) use the real property for other public purposes as provided in this chapter.

[Pre-2003 Recodification Citation: 10-7-6-1.]

As added by P.L.2-2003, SEC.9.

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