Real Property and Improvements; Use and Sale; World War Memorial

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Sec. 17. (a) If a city acquires real property for any of the purposes provided for in this chapter or joins with the county in which the city is located in the acquisition of real property for any of the purposes provided for by this chapter:

(1) the city, through its board of public works with the approval of the mayor; or

(2) the city, through its board of public works with the approval of the mayor, acting jointly with the board of commissioners of the county in which the city is located;

may grant the use of any real property or buildings and improvements on the real property to any organization of soldiers, sailors, or marines of the United States and others with or without rent or charge, upon the conditions as may be determined.

(b) The city, or the city and county, acting as provided in this section, may sell the buildings and improvements on any real property acquired under this chapter.

(c) The net rent or proceeds of the sale of the buildings and improvements, after deducting an amount sufficient to pay for the maintenance and repair of the buildings and improvements, must be deposited as follows:

(1) In the city World War memorial fund if the World War memorial was acquired by the city.

(2) In the city World War memorial fund and in the county World War memorial fund if the World War memorial was acquired by the city and county jointly. The money shall be deposited in the respective funds in the same proportion that the city and county contributed to the acquisition of the World War memorial.

(d) The city, or the city and county acting as provided in this chapter, may convey any real property acquired under this chapter to the state and provide in the contract with the state as to the rent of the buildings and improvements on the real property until necessary to remove the buildings and improvements and for the sale of the buildings and improvements if the real estate is needed by a board of trustees established under this chapter for World War memorial and other public purposes. The contract must provide how the net rent or proceeds must be applied.

[Pre-2003 Recodification Citation: 10-7-6-16.]

As added by P.L.2-2003, SEC.9.

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