Joint Real Estate Acquisitions for State Memorial

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Sec. 14. If a city decides to acquire or to join with the county in which it is located in the acquisition of interests in real property as provided in this chapter to be added to real property designated by the state for World War memorial and other public purposes, as provided in this chapter, the city, through its board of public works, with the approval of the mayor, may execute proper deeds, grants, or contracts with the state through the state's proper officers having the custody and control of the state World War memorial, by which the real property acquired by the city or by the city and the county jointly is conveyed to the state for World War memorial and other public purposes, as authorized by this chapter. The deed, grant, or contract must provide for the use by the city or by the city and county jointly of the memorial grounds and structures and that the grounds and structures shall be a city World War memorial to the extent of the money appropriated and used by the city in the acquisition of the grounds and structures.

[Pre-2003 Recodification Citation: 10-7-6-13.]

As added by P.L.2-2003, SEC.9.

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