Boards of Trustees for Joint City and County Memorials

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Sec. 12. (a) Except as provided in subsection (f), if a city enters into a contract with the county in which it is located to establish a joint city and county World War memorial, there is established a board of trustees that consists of five (5) members, named "Trustees of the World War Memorial for the County ____________ and the city of ______________", giving the name of the county and the name of the city. The mayor of the city shall appoint two (2) trustees, and the board of commissioners of the county shall appoint three (3) trustees. The trustees shall be appointed by the mayor for a term of three (3) years. The trustees shall be appointed by the board of commissioners for a term of three (3) years.

(b) The trustees shall be selected without regard to their political affiliations, but not more than three (3) trustees may be members of the same political party. The mayor may not appoint more than one (1) trustee from any political party, and the board of commissioners may not appoint more than two (2) trustees from any political party. The trustees must be persons of high standing and character. The trustees shall serve without compensation but may be reimbursed for any reasonable expenses necessarily incurred by them in the performance of their duties.

(c) The judge of the circuit court may, for just cause, based upon written charges:

(1) specifying the alleged misconduct; and

(2) filed by the mayor of the city or the board of commissioners;

remove any member of the board of trustees, after notice to the member and a public hearing. In case of a vacancy caused by removal or otherwise, the mayor or board of commissioners making the original appointment shall appoint some qualified individual to fill the unexpired term.

(d) Each trustee shall execute a bond to the county and city in the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000), conditioned for the faithful performance of the trustee's duties as trustee, with surety approved by the judge of the circuit court. Each of the trustees shall take and subscribe an oath that the trustee will:

(1) support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Indiana; and

(2) faithfully discharge all of the duties as trustee.

The oath must be endorsed on the bond, and the bond and oath must be filed with the circuit court clerk.

(e) If a joint county and city World War memorial is established under this chapter, the following apply:

(1) The board of trustees established by this chapter for that purpose has all the powers and may perform all the duties in relation to the acquisition of the real property and the construction of the joint county and city World War memorial as is conferred upon a board of commissioners erecting a county World War memorial.

(2) All money appropriated by the city and the county for the World War memorial shall be disbursed upon estimates submitted by the board of trustees and certified to the proper officers of the city and the proper officers of the county for the respective proportions as provided in the contract between the city and county. Upon these certifications, the proper city and county officers shall draw warrants to pay the amounts certified.

(f) A board of trustees may not be established under this section if the city enters into a contract with the county in which it is located to join the county in acquiring interests in real property to be dedicated by the city and the county and added to real property that may be designated by the state for World War memorial and other public purposes.

[Pre-2003 Recodification Citation: 10-7-6-11.]

As added by P.L.2-2003, SEC.9.

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