Joint City and County Contracts; City Bonds

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Sec. 11. (a) If the board of public works of a city has been authorized by an ordinance of the city's legislative body, passed and approved under section 22 of this chapter, appropriating money to be used by the board of public works under this chapter, the board may, with the approval of the mayor of the city, enter into a contract with the county in which the city is located, acting through the board of commissioners of the county, providing for the acquisition jointly by the city and the county by purchase, donation, or condemnation of interests in real property to be added to real property designated for use by the state for World War memorial and other public purposes.

(b) The board of public works, with the approval of the mayor, may join with the county, acting through its board of commissioners, by an appropriate contract, deed, or grant, to convey to the state the real property acquired jointly by the city and the county for World War memorial and other public purposes, under the terms and conditions stated in the contract, deed, or grant.

(c) The board of public works of a city may contract with the county in which the city is located, acting through its board of commissioners, providing for the acquisition by purchase, donation, or condemnation of interests in real property and the construction of a World War memorial suitable for the city and county and suitable for other public purposes. If the city, through its board of public works and mayor, wants to contract under this chapter with the county in which the city is located for any of the purposes authorized by this chapter, the board of public works must adopt a resolution stating that proposal. A certified copy of the resolution must be delivered to the board of commissioners of the county. The board of commissioners of the county, not later than sixty (60) days after the receipt of the resolution, shall determine by order or resolution whether the county will join with the city in the execution of a contract for a purpose authorized by this chapter.

(d) If the city and county determine to join in the acquisition of interests in real property to be added to any real property designated at any time for use by the state for World War memorial and other public purposes as authorized by law, then the board of public works, acting for the city with the approval of the mayor, shall execute a contract on behalf of the city with the county, acting through its board of commissioners. The contract must describe the real property interests to be acquired jointly by the city and the county and the part of the acquisition cost to be paid by the city and the part of the acquisition cost to be paid by the county. The contract may contain other provisions that the city and the county agree upon and that are not inconsistent with this chapter. The contract must be executed in duplicate and be recorded in the minutes of the proceedings of the board of public works of the city and of the board of county commissioners of the county.

(e) If the county and city determine to establish a joint World War memorial, then the board of public works, acting for the city with the approval of the mayor, shall execute a contract on behalf of the city with the county. The contract must provide as follows:

(1) For the acquisition of real property interests and the construction on the real property of a joint World War memorial suitable for the county and city.

(2) For the definite and respective parts of the total cost of the World War memorial that will be paid by the county and by the city and the time and manner of the payments.

(3) That the acquisition of the real property and the execution of all necessary contracts for the construction of the joint World War memorial shall be made by a board of trustees, consisting of five (5) members, to be appointed and have the powers and perform the duties as provided in this chapter.

(4) That the total cost of the acquisition of the real property for the joint World War memorial and the construction of the memorial may not exceed the sum of the following:

(A) The amount appropriated for the memorial by the city and by the board of commissioners of the county.

(B) Any amounts donated, contributed, or received by the city and by the county for the purpose of the World War memorial.

(5) That the necessary cost and expenses for the management, maintenance, repairs, and improvement of the World War memorial shall be paid by the county and city in the same proportion that they contribute to the establishment of the memorial.

(6) Any other provisions that may be agreed upon between the county and the city consistent with this chapter.

(f) The city shall pay for its part due under any contract executed with the county under this chapter either from the city's general funds or from the proceeds of bonds sold under this chapter.

(g) The legislative body of the city may authorize by ordinance the sale of bonds of the city for the purpose of raising funds to pay the city's part of the cost under a contract that it executes with the county under this chapter.

(h) The sale of bonds shall comply with a contract executed by a city with the county in which the city is located for any purpose authorized by this chapter, and the levy of taxes to pay the bonds, with interest accruing on the bonds, is governed by this chapter. The legislative body of the city and other proper officers shall sell the necessary bonds and levy and collect the necessary taxes to pay the bonds as they mature and the interest accruing on the bonds as provided in this chapter.

[Pre-2003 Recodification Citation: 10-7-6-10.]

As added by P.L.2-2003, SEC.9.

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