Contracts; Publication of Notice; Bonds and Sureties

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Sec. 10. (a) After the board of public works has adopted the necessary designs, plans, and specifications for construction of the World War memorial structures as provided in this chapter, the board of public works shall award contracts for all or any part of the World War memorial structures to competent and reliable contractors as provided in this section.

(b) The board of public works shall publish in accordance with subsection (c) a notice:

(1) informing the public and contractors of the general nature of the structures to be constructed and of the fact that designs, plans, drawings, and specifications are on file in the office of the board of public works; and

(2) calling for sealed proposals for the work on a day not earlier than thirty (30) days from the first of such publications.

(c) The notice shall be published for at least three (3) weeks:

(1) with each publication of notice in a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the English language in the city; or

(2) with the first publication of notice in a newspaper described in subdivision (1) and the two (2) subsequent publications of notice:

(A) in accordance with IC 5-3-5; and

(B) on the official web site of the city.

(d) The board of public works shall, by order, impose conditions upon bidders, contractors, subcontractors, and materialmen with regard to bond and surety, guaranteeing the good faith and responsibility of the bidders, contractors, subcontractors, and materialmen and insuring the faithful completion of the work, according to contract, or for any other purpose.

(e) The board of public works shall reserve ten percent (10%) from payments or estimates on work in progress until the contract is completed and the work done is inspected and accepted by the board. All contracts with contractors, subcontractors, architects, or materialmen must reserve:

(1) to the board of public works, for good cause shown, the right to cancel the contract and to award the work to others; and

(2) at least ten percent (10%) from payments or estimates on work in progress until the contract is completed and the work done is inspected and accepted by the board.

(f) Payment by the board of public works, partial or final, may not be construed as a waiver of defective work or materials or as a release for damages on account of the defective work or materials. A surety may not be released from any obligation on the surety's bond if a contractor should be paid the whole or any part of the percentage required to be reserved from current estimates. A surety may not be released by any final payment made to a contractor.

[Pre-2003 Recodification Citation: 10-7-6-9.]

As added by P.L.2-2003, SEC.9. Amended by P.L.152-2021, SEC.12.

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