Hall, Coliseum, or Building Use; No Preferences or Admission Fee

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Sec. 15. (a) If the memorial established is a hall, coliseum, or building of a similar nature, the hall, coliseum, or building must be used for public purposes of all kinds, but especially for the purpose of perpetuating and keeping those principles alive for which World War I was fought.

(b) Space must be provided for memorial tablets, works of art, relics, souvenirs, war records, and things that are:

(1) connected with or growing out of the war; and

(2) appropriate in the building in the opinion of the board of trustees.

Institutes, exhibits, shows, and entertainment of all kinds may be held in the building in the discretion of the board of trustees.

(c) The trustees may let the building for hire and fix a charge for letting the building for hire.

(d) A preference may not be shown to a church, political party, or class of society. However, this provision may not be construed to require or permit the use of the building by an organization or person to promulgate doctrines inimical to the government of the United States or Indiana.

(e) The memorial may not be:

(1) located, in whole or in part:

(A) upon land; or

(B) within land;

(2) connected to land; or

(3) used in connection with a land enclosure or other structure:

for which an admission fee is charged or that is used or controlled by a person or an organization other than the trustees in charge of the memorial.

[Pre-2003 Recodification Citation: 10-7-5-15.]

As added by P.L.2-2003, SEC.9.

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