Joint City and County Contracts; County Bonds

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Sec. 10. (a) If a county has appropriated money to be used by the county executive under this chapter, the county executive may enter into a contract with any city located in the county for the joint acquisition of real estate for a world war memorial.

(b) Contracts between counties and cities for the joint acquisition of real estate for developing a world war memorial shall be made through the city's board of public works with the approval of the mayor.

(c) If a county executive decides to contract with a city for the joint acquisition of real estate and development of a world war memorial, the county executive shall adopt a resolution signifying their desire and send a certified copy of a resolution to the mayor of the city. The mayor shall refer the resolution to the board of public works for action. Within sixty (60) days after the receipt of the resolution, the board of public works shall determine by resolution whether or not the city will join with the county in the execution of any contract for any purpose authorized by this chapter.

(d) If a county and city agree to join in the acquisition of real estate to be dedicated for a world war memorial as authorized by this chapter, the county executive shall execute a contract between the county and the city describing the real estate and interests in the real estate to be acquired jointly and the costs for the county and the city. The contract shall be executed in duplicate and shall be included in the minutes of the proceedings of the county executive and of the board of public works of the city.

(e) If a county and city agree to establish a joint world war memorial, then the county executive, acting for the county, and the board of public works, with the approval of the mayor, shall execute a contract between the county and city that must provide the following:

(1) For the acquisition of real estate and the construction of a joint world war memorial suitable for the county and city.

(2) The respective parts of the total cost of the world war memorial that shall be paid by the county and by the city and the time and manner of the payments.

(3) That the acquisition of real estate and the execution of all necessary contracts for the construction of the joint world war memorial shall be made by a board of trustees consisting of five (5) members to be appointed and have the powers and perform the duties as provided in this chapter.

(4) That the total costs of the acquisition of the real estate for the joint world war memorial and the construction of the world war memorial may not exceed the amount of money appropriated by the county executive and the common council of the city.

(5) That the necessary cost and expenses for the management, maintenance, repairs, and improvement of the memorial shall be paid by the county and city in the same proportion that they contribute to the establishment of the memorial.

(6) That the contract may contain any other terms, conditions, and provisions that may be agreed upon between the county and city, not inconsistent with this chapter.

(f) The county shall pay its part due under any contract executed by the county with any city within the county under this chapter from:

(1) the general funds of the county; or

(2) the proceeds of bond issue as provided in this chapter.

(g) The county, acting through its county executive, may issue and sell bonds for the purpose of raising funds to pay its part of the cost under any contract executed by the county with any city located within the county under this chapter.

(h) The county executive shall issue and sell the necessary bonds and levy and collect the necessary taxes to pay the bonds as they mature, together with interest, all as authorized in this chapter.

[Pre-2003 Recodification Citation: 10-7-1-10.]

As added by P.L.2-2003, SEC.9.

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