Certificate of Appointment

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Sec. 4. (a) The governor shall execute a certificate of appointment that makes reference to this chapter and sets forth the term of appointment for each member of the commission. The governor shall deposit the certificates of appointment in the office of the secretary of state, who shall record the certificates in a book kept for that purpose.

(b) The secretary of state shall notify each person appointed as a commissioner of the person's appointment. The person's acceptance of the appointment shall be signified by subscribing to an oath, to be endorsed on the certificate of appointment:

(1) to support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Indiana; and

(2) to faithfully and honestly discharge the person's duty under the law as a commissioner.

(c) The secretary of state shall deliver the certificate, when recorded, to the person named in the certificate. The certificate constitutes the commission of the person named as a member of the commission for the term specified.

(d) If a person appointed fails to qualify under this section within ten (10) days after notice of the person's appointment, the governor shall appoint another qualified person as a commissioner.

[Pre-2003 Recodification Citation: 10-7-2-4.]

As added by P.L.2-2003, SEC.9.

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