Contracts; Notice; Competitive Bidding

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Sec. 30. (a) The commission may not enter into a contract for:

(1) the purchase or sale of property, material, or supplies; or

(2) the performance of work or labor, except for salaries of employees;

if the work and labor or materials and supplies cost more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000) without first giving notice of its intention to purchase or sell the materials or supplies or to contract for the work or labor by publication in a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the English language in Indianapolis for two (2) successive weeks before the time fixed for the letting of the contract or the sale of the property.

(b) A contract under this section must be in writing. The other contracting party shall furnish bond for the faithful performance of the contract in an amount fixed by the commission and with surety to the commission's approval, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the contract. However, if the commission decides to purchase a patented article or material or an article or material of a special type, character, or design of construction or make that may be purchased from only one (1) person, firm, limited liability company, or corporation, their agents or representatives, or for which there is a fixed, standard price, the commission is not required to take or receive competitive bids. However, the commission shall publish in the manner set forth under subsection (a) the number and character of the article or kind and quality of material proposed to be purchased, the unit price, and the total sum to be paid.

(c) A contract made in violation of this section is void.

[Pre-2003 Recodification Citation: 10-7-2-28.]

As added by P.L.2-2003, SEC.9.

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