Commission Powers

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Sec. 18. The commission may do the following:

(1) Make and execute contracts and other instruments that may be required in connection with the erection and maintenance of a suitable structure or structures upon or within Memorial Place.

(2) Adopt rules for the following:

(A) The proper management, government, and use of Memorial Place and the structures situated on Memorial Place.

(B) The government of employees.

(3) Acquire by condemnation the right to limit the kind, character, and height of buildings upon and the use of real estate or buildings located within three hundred (300) feet of the outside boundaries.

(4) Adopt reasonable rules as are proper to limit the kind, character, and height of buildings located or erected within three hundred (300) feet of the outside boundaries of Memorial Place and the use of the buildings or real estate. A building constructed or maintained or business conducted in violation of any rule may be abated as a nuisance in an action begun and prosecuted by the commission.

(5) Receive donations, gifts, devises, and bequests and use them in connection with the purposes of this chapter.

(6) Establish a nonprofit corporation to do the following:

(A) Promote public support for the purposes of the commission and this chapter.

(B) Preserve and promote the historical and educational activities of the commission.

(C) Operate for the benefit of the purposes of the commission and this chapter.

The corporation is subject to audit by the state board of accounts as if it were a state agency.

(7) Transfer money donated to the commission for the purposes described in subdivision (6) to a corporation established under subdivision (6).

(8) Transfer:

(A) artifacts;

(B) images; or

(C) documents of cultural heritage, historical, or museum relevance;

under the commission's control to a corporation established under subdivision (6) without complying with IC 5-22-21 and IC 5-22-22.

[Pre-2003 Recodification Citation: 10-7-2-9.]

As added by P.L.2-2003, SEC.9. Amended by P.L.17-2005, SEC.1.

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