Conveyance of Real Estate; Public Park

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Sec. 17. (a) If squares five (5) and sixteen (16) or any part of those squares in Indianapolis, according to the original plat of the city, are acquired, dedicated, and set apart and added to the real estate dedicated in this chapter by the state for war memorial and other public purposes by Indianapolis, by Marion County, or by the city and county jointly by proper deed, contract, or grant, by which the city or county, or the city and county jointly, convey the real estate or any part of the real estate to the state for war memorial and other public purposes, the commission may accept from the city, the county, or the city and county jointly the deed, grant, or contract by which the real estate or any part of the real estate is conveyed to the state for war memorial and other public purposes, subject to the terms, conditions, and provisions contained in the deed, grant, or contract.

(b) The commission may agree that, to the extent that the city, the county, or the city and county jointly appropriate and use money in the acquisition of the real estate or any part of the real estate, the real estate and interests in the real estate and the memorial structures erected on the real estate (to the extent of the money so appropriated and used by the city, by the county, or by the county and city jointly) shall be a city war memorial, a county war memorial, or a joint war memorial.

(c) If the real estate or any part of the real estate is acquired and conveyed to the state, the commission may erect structures on outlots five (5) and thirty-six (36) dedicated in this chapter or upon any part of the real estate so dedicated or acquired as provided in this chapter as the commission considers best.

(d) The commission shall develop any part or all of the real estate described in this chapter that has been dedicated or acquired as provided in this chapter as a memorial place, together with square twenty-five (25), known as University Square in Indianapolis, according to the original plat of the city, to secure a harmonious and unified architectural and aesthetic effect of the entire series of grounds used and dedicated for memorial purposes. The grounds must include square twenty-five (25), known as University Square, which shall be and constitute a part of the memorial park, and shall be used as a public park.

(e) The commission may sell buildings and improvements situated on outlots five (5) and sixteen (16) when they come under the commission's jurisdiction, custody, and control or remove the buildings and improvements as the commission considers best. The commission may contract with Indianapolis, with Marion County, or with the county and city jointly, concerning the use and rents of the buildings and improvements on squares five (5) and sixteen (16) until it is necessary to remove the buildings for the purpose of erecting the memorial structure or structures. The commission may contract with the city or county or the city and county jointly with reference to the sale of buildings and improvements upon the real estate that may be acquired and conveyed to the state by the city or county or by the city and county jointly for War Memorial and other public purposes. The contracts must provide how the proceeds from the rent or sale of buildings and improvements shall be applied.

[Pre-2003 Recodification Citation: 10-7-2-30.]

As added by P.L.2-2003, SEC.9.

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