Preservation of Battle Flags

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Sec. 13. (a) The commission shall designate one (1) of its members to do the following:

(1) Assume general charge of and preserve all Indiana battle flags.

(2) Have custody of all battle and organization flags in the possession of the state that were used by any of the military organizations of the state:

(A) in any of the wars or campaigns in which the United States has been engaged; and

(B) in which Indiana veterans have participated.

(3) In the preservation of the battle flags, as far as possible, see that the name and the branch of service in which the organization served are attached to or preserved with the flag.

(4) Collect data in reference to each organization or military unit whose flag is in the possession of the commission and place the data with the flag or banner of each of the organizations or military units.

(b) The commission shall do the following:

(1) Collect Indiana battle flags not in the possession of the state from the United States, patriotic societies, or individuals.

(2) Reinforce, collect the data for, and otherwise prepare all battle flags for preservation.

(3) Collect, systematize, and prepare a brief history of each flag and index and catalogue each flag.

(4) Collect, purchase, and procure all necessary materials for the preservation of the flags.

(5) For the purpose of collecting and preparing the necessary data, reinforcing the flags, and performing other duties required by this chapter:

(A) with the approval of the budget agency, employ and fix the compensation of employees as may be necessary; and

(B) purchase material of any character that is required in carrying out this chapter.

[Pre-2003 Recodification Citation: 10-7-2-6.]

As added by P.L.2-2003, SEC.9.

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