Setting of Grave Marker

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Sec. 4. Before a person enters into a contract to set a grave marker provided by the federal government for the grave of a person described in section 1(1) of this chapter with a person who receives the grave marker from the federal government or the person's representative, the person who will set the grave marker must disclose the following information to the person who receives the grave marker or the person's representative:

(1) The price of the least expensive installation procedure that the person who will set the grave marker will charge and a description of the goods and services included in the procedure.

(2) The prices of any other installation procedures or options that may be performed or provided by the person who will set the grave marker and a description of the goods and services included in the procedures or options.

[Pre-2003 Recodification Citation: 10-5-3-1(c).]

As added by P.L.2-2003, SEC.8. Amended by P.L.97-2004, SEC.45.

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