Establishment of Department

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Sec. 2. (a) The Indiana department of veterans' affairs is established. The:

(1) department;

(2) commission;

(3) director of veterans' affairs;

(4) county and city officers; and

(5) assistants and employees of persons described in subdivisions (1) through (4);

acting under the supervision of and under the rules of the department may act at the request of any veteran of the armed forces or a veteran's spouse, surviving spouse, or dependent as necessary or reasonably incident to obtaining or attempting to obtain for the person making the request any advantage, benefit, or compensation accruing, due, or believed to be accruing or due to the person under any law of the United States, Indiana, or any other state or government by reason of the service of the veteran in the armed forces of the United States.

(b) The:

(1) commission shall supervise and control the department; and

(2) director of veterans' affairs shall administer the department under the commission's supervision and control;

as provided in this article.

(c) The domicile of the department is in Indianapolis. Suitable offices and quarters shall be provided in Indianapolis.

[Pre-2003 Recodification Citation: 10-5-1-3.]

As added by P.L.2-2003, SEC.8. Amended by P.L.113-2010, SEC.73.

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