Inspections of Motor Vehicles and Cargo

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Sec. 11. (a) The following may conduct inspections of motor vehicles and cargo to determine violations of and enforce this chapter:

(1) The state police department.

(2) Agents of the state police department.

(3) Motor carrier inspectors of the state police department.

(4) Other eligible law enforcement officers.

(b) With respect to any rail shipment, the following may request from a shipper or carrier a copy of the appropriate permit issued under section 2.9 of this chapter to the shipper:

(1) The state police department.

(2) Agents of the state police department.

(3) Motor carrier inspectors of the state police department.

(4) Rail safety inspectors.

(5) Other eligible law enforcement officers.

As added by P.L.26-2010, SEC.15.

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