(815 ILCS 390/1) (from Ch. 21, par. 201)
Sec. 1. Purpose. It is the purpose of this Act to assure adequate protection for those who contract through pre-need contracts for the purchase of certain cemetery merchandise and cemetery services and undeveloped interment, entombment or inurnment space, when the seller may delay delivery or performance more than 120 days following initial payment on the account.
(Source: P.A. 92-419, eff. 1-1-02.)
(815 ILCS 390/2) (from Ch. 21, par. 202)
Sec. 2. This Act applies to all persons, except religious, municipal, State and federal cemeteries, that offer for sale or sell cemetery merchandise, cemetery services, or undeveloped interment, entombment or inurnment spaces on a pre-need basis.
Nothing in this Act shall be deemed to apply to pre-arranged funeral programs covered under the Illinois Funeral or Burial Funds Act.
(Source: P.A. 88-477.)
(815 ILCS 390/3) (from Ch. 21, par. 203)
Sec. 3. Short title. This Act may be cited as the Illinois Pre-Need Cemetery Sales Act.
(Source: P.A. 90-47, eff. 1-1-98.)
(815 ILCS 390/4) (from Ch. 21, par. 204)
Sec. 4. Definitions. As used in this Act, the following terms shall have the meaning specified:
(A) "Pre-need sales contract" or "Pre-need sales" means any agreement or contract or series or combination of agreements or contracts which have for a purpose the sale of cemetery merchandise, cemetery services or undeveloped interment, entombment or inurnment spaces where the terms of such sale require payment or payments to be made at a currently determinable time and where the merchandise, services or completed spaces are to be provided more than 120 days following the initial payment on the account. An agreement or contract for a memorial, marker, or monument shall not be deemed a "pre-need sales contract" or a "pre-need sale" if the memorial, marker, or monument is delivered within 180 days following initial payment on the account and work thereon commences a reasonably short time after initial payment on the account.
(B) "Delivery" occurs when:
(C) "Cemetery merchandise" means items of personal property normally sold by a cemetery authority not covered under the Illinois Funeral or Burial Funds Act, including but not limited to:
(D) "Undeveloped interment, entombment or inurnment spaces" or "undeveloped spaces" means any space to be used for the reception of human remains that is not completely and totally constructed at the time of initial payment therefor in a:
(E) "Cemetery services" means those services customarily performed by cemetery or crematory personnel in connection with the interment, entombment, inurnment or cremation of a dead human body.
(F) "Cemetery section" means a grouping of spaces intended to be developed simultaneously for the purpose of interring human remains.
(G) "Columbarium" means an arrangement of niches that may be an entire building, a complete room, a series of special indoor alcoves, a bank along a corridor or part of an outdoor garden setting that is constructed of permanent material such as bronze, marble, brick, stone or concrete for the inurnment of human remains.
(H) "Lawn crypt" means a permanent underground crypt usually constructed of reinforced concrete or similar material installed in multiple units for the entombment of human remains.
(I) "Mausoleum" or "garden crypt" means a grouping of spaces constructed of reinforced concrete or similar material constructed or assembled above the ground for entombing human remains.
(J) "Memorials, markers and monuments" means the object usually comprised of a permanent material such as granite or bronze used to identify and memorialize the deceased.
(K) "Foundations" means those items used to affix or support a memorial or monument to the ground in connection with the installation of a memorial, marker or monument.
(L) "Person" means an individual, corporation, partnership, joint venture, business trust, voluntary organization or any other form of entity.
(M) "Seller" means any person selling or offering for sale cemetery merchandise, cemetery services or undeveloped interment, entombment, or inurnment spaces in accordance with a pre-need sales contract.
(N) "Religious cemetery" means a cemetery owned, operated, controlled or managed by any recognized church, religious society, association or denomination or by any cemetery authority or any corporation administering, or through which is administered, the temporalities of any recognized church, religious society, association or denomination.
(O) "Municipal cemetery" means a cemetery owned, operated, controlled or managed by any city, village, incorporated town, township, county or other municipal corporation, political subdivision, or instrumentality thereof authorized by law to own, operate or manage a cemetery. "Municipal cemetery" also includes a cemetery placed in receivership pursuant to this Act while such cemetery is in receivership.
(O-1) "Outer burial container" means a container made of concrete, steel, wood, fiberglass, or similar material, used solely at the interment site, and designed and used exclusively to surround or enclose a separate casket and to support the earth above such casket, commonly known as a burial vault, grave box, or grave liner, but not including a lawn crypt.
(P) "Sales price" means the gross amount paid by a purchaser on a pre-need sales contract for cemetery merchandise, cemetery services or undeveloped interment, entombment or inurnment spaces, excluding sales taxes, credit life insurance premiums, finance charges and Cemetery Care Act contributions.
(Q) (Blank).
(R) "Provider" means a person who is responsible for performing cemetery services or furnishing cemetery merchandise, interment spaces, entombment spaces, or inurnment spaces under a pre-need sales contract.
(S) "Purchaser" or "buyer" means the person who originally paid the money under or in connection with a pre-need sales contract.
(T) "Parent company" means a corporation owning more than 12 cemeteries or funeral homes in more than one state.
(U) "Foreign warehouse facility" means a warehouse facility now or hereafter located in any state or territory of the United States, including the District of Columbia, other than the State of Illinois.
A foreign warehouse facility shall be deemed to have appointed the Comptroller to be its true and lawful attorney upon whom may be served all legal process in any action or proceeding against it relating to or growing out of this Act, and the acceptance of the delivery of stored merchandise under this Act shall be signification of its agreement that any such process against it which is so served, shall be of the same legal force and validity as though served upon it personally.
Service of such process shall be made by delivering to and leaving with the Comptroller, or any agent having charge of the Comptroller's Department of Cemetery and Burial Trusts, a copy of such process and such service shall be sufficient service upon such foreign warehouse facility if notice of such service and a copy of the process are, within 10 days thereafter, sent by registered mail by the plaintiff to the foreign warehouse facility at its principal office and the plaintiff's affidavit of compliance herewith is appended to the summons. The Comptroller shall keep a record of all process served upon him under this Section and shall record therein the time of such service.
(Source: P.A. 96-879, eff. 2-2-10.)
(815 ILCS 390/5) (from Ch. 21, par. 205)
Sec. 5. It is unlawful for any seller directly or indirectly doing business within this State to engage in pre-need sales without a license issued by the Comptroller.
(Source: P.A. 92-419, eff. 1-1-02.)
(815 ILCS 390/6) (from Ch. 21, par. 206)
Sec. 6. License application.
(a) An application for a license shall be made in writing to the Comptroller on forms prescribed by him or her, signed by the applicant under oath verified by a notary public, and accompanied by a non-returnable $125 application fee, $100 of which shall be deposited into the Comptroller's Administrative Fund. The Comptroller may prescribe abbreviated application forms for persons holding a license under the Cemetery Care Act. Applications (except abbreviated applications) must include at least the following information:
(b) Applications for license shall be accompanied by a fidelity bond executed by the applicant and a security company authorized to do business in this State in such amount, not exceeding $10,000, as the Comptroller may require. The Comptroller may require additional bond from time to time in amounts equal to one-tenth of such trust funds but not to exceed $100,000, which bond shall run to the Comptroller for the use and benefit of the beneficiaries of such trust funds. Such licensee may by written permit of the Comptroller be authorized to operate without additional bond, except such fidelity bond as may be required by the Comptroller for the protection of the licensee against loss by default by any of its employees engaged in the handling of trust funds.
(c) Any application not acted upon within 90 days may be deemed denied.
(Source: P.A. 97-593, eff. 8-26-11.)
(815 ILCS 390/7) (from Ch. 21, par. 207)
Sec. 7. The Comptroller may refuse to issue or may suspend or revoke a license on any of the following grounds:
(a) The applicant or licensee has made any misrepresentations or false statements or concealed any material fact;
(b) The applicant or licensee is insolvent;
(c) The applicant or licensee has been engaged in business practices that work a fraud;
(d) The applicant or licensee has refused to give pertinent data to the Comptroller;
(e) The applicant or licensee has failed to satisfy any enforceable judgment or decree rendered by any court of competent jurisdiction against the applicant;
(f) The applicant or licensee has conducted or is about to conduct business in a fraudulent manner;
(g) The trust agreement is not in compliance with State or federal law;
(h) The pre-construction performance bond, if applicable, is not satisfactory to the Comptroller;
(i) The fidelity bond is not satisfactory to the Comptroller;
(j) As to any individual listed in the license application as required pursuant to Section 6, that individual has conducted or is about to conduct any business on behalf of the applicant in a fraudulent manner, has been convicted of any felony or misdemeanor an essential element of which is fraud, has had a judgment rendered against him or her based on fraud in any civil litigation, has failed to satisfy any enforceable judgment or decree rendered against him by any court of competent jurisdiction, or has been convicted of any felony or any theft-related offense;
(k) The applicant or licensee has failed to make the annual report required by this Act or to comply with a final order, decision, or finding of the Comptroller made pursuant to this Act;
(l) The applicant or licensee, including any member, officer, or director thereof if the applicant or licensee is a firm, partnership, association, or corporation and any shareholder holding more than 10% of the corporate stock, has violated any provision of this Act or any regulation or order made by the Comptroller under this Act; or
(m) The Comptroller finds any fact or condition existing which, if it had existed at the time of the original application for such license would have warranted the Comptroller in refusing the issuance of the license.
(Source: P.A. 92-419, eff. 1-1-02.)
(815 ILCS 390/8) (from Ch. 21, par. 208)
Sec. 8. (a) Every license issued by the Comptroller shall state the number of the license, the business name and address of the licensee's principal place of business, each branch location also operating under the license, and the licensee's parent company, if any. The license shall be conspicuously posted in each place of business operating under the license. The Comptroller may issue additional licenses as may be necessary for license branch locations upon compliance with the provisions of this Act governing an original issuance of a license for each new license.
(b) Individual salespersons representing a licensee shall not be required to obtain licenses in their individual capacities but must acknowledge, by affidavit, that they have been provided a copy of and have read this Act. The licensee must retain copies of the affidavits of its salespersons for its records and must make the affidavits available to the Comptroller for examination upon request.
(c) The licensee shall be responsible for the activities of any person representing the licensee in selling or offering a pre-need contract for sale.
(d) Any person not selling on behalf of a licensee shall be required to obtain his or her own license.
(e) Any person engaged in pre-need sales, as defined herein, prior to the effective date of this Act may continue operations until the application for license under this Act is denied; provided that such person shall make application for a license within 60 days of the date that application forms are made available by the Comptroller.
(f) No license shall be transferable or assignable without the express written consent of the Comptroller. A transfer of more than 50% of the ownership of any business licensed hereunder shall be deemed to be an attempted assignment of the license originally issued to the licensee for which consent of the Comptroller shall be required.
(g) Every license issued hereunder shall be renewed every 5 years for a fee of $100. The renewal fee shall be deposited into the Comptroller's Administrative Fund. The Comptroller, upon the request of an interested person or on his own motion, may issue new licenses to a licensee whose license or licenses have been revoked, if no factor or condition then exists which would have warranted the Comptroller in refusing originally the issuance of such license.
(Source: P.A. 97-593, eff. 8-26-11.)
(815 ILCS 390/8a)
Sec. 8a. Investigation of unlawful practices. If it appears to the Comptroller that a person has engaged in, is engaging in, or is about to engage in any practice in violation of this Act, the Comptroller may:
(Source: P.A. 92-419, eff. 1-1-02.)
(815 ILCS 390/8b)
Sec. 8b. Service. Service by the Comptroller of any notice requiring a person to file a statement or report shall be made:
(Source: P.A. 89-615, eff. 8-9-96.)
(815 ILCS 390/9) (from Ch. 21, par. 209)
Sec. 9. The Comptroller may upon his own motion investigate the actions of any person providing, selling, or offering pre-need sales contracts or of any applicant or any person or persons holding or claiming to hold a license under this Act. The Comptroller shall make such an investigation on receipt of the verified written complaint of any person setting forth facts which, if proved, would constitute grounds for refusal, suspension, or revocation of a license. Before refusing to issue, and before suspension or revocation of a license, the Comptroller shall hold a hearing to determine whether the applicant or licensee, hereafter called the respondent, is entitled to hold such a license. At least 10 days prior to the date set for such hearing, the Comptroller shall notify the respondent in writing that on the date designated a hearing will be held to determine his eligibility for a license and that he may appear in person or by counsel. Such written notice may be served on the respondent personally, or by registered or certified mail sent to the respondent's business address as shown in his latest notification to the Comptroller and shall include sufficient information to inform the respondent of the general nature of the charge. At the hearing, both the respondent and the complainant shall be accorded ample opportunity to present in person or by counsel such statements, testimony, evidence and argument as may be pertinent to the charges or to any defense thereto. The Comptroller may reasonably continue such hearing from time to time.
The Comptroller may subpoena any person or persons in this State and take testimony orally, by deposition or by exhibit, in the same manner and with the same fees and mileage as prescribed in judicial proceedings in civil cases.
Any authorized agent of the Comptroller may administer oaths to witnesses at any hearing which the Comptroller is authorized to conduct.
The Comptroller, at his expense, shall provide a certified shorthand reporter to take down the testimony and preserve a record of all proceedings at the hearing of any case involving the refusal to issue a license, the suspension or revocation of a license, the imposition of a monetary penalty, or the referral of a case for criminal prosecution. The record of any such proceeding shall consist of the notice of hearing, complaint, all other documents in the nature of pleadings and written motions filed in the proceedings, the transcript of testimony and the report and orders of the Comptroller. Copies of the transcript of such record may be purchased from the certified shorthand reporter who prepared the record or from the Comptroller.
(Source: P.A. 92-419, eff. 1-1-02.)
(815 ILCS 390/10) (from Ch. 21, par. 210)
Sec. 10. Any circuit court may, upon application of the Comptroller or of the applicant or licensee against whom proceedings under Section 9 are pending, enter an order requiring witnesses to attend and testify, and requiring the production of documents, papers, files, books and records in connection with any hearing in any proceedings under that Section. Failure to obey such court order may result in contempt proceedings.
(Source: P.A. 84-239.)
(815 ILCS 390/11) (from Ch. 21, par. 211)
Sec. 11. Any person affected by a final administrative decision of the Comptroller may have such decision reviewed judicially by the circuit court of the county where such person resides, or in the case of a corporation, where the registered office is located. If the plaintiff in the review proceeding is not a resident of this State, venue shall be in Sangamon County. The provisions of the "Administrative Review Law", approved August 19, 1981, all amendments and modifications thereto, and any rules adopted under it govern all proceedings for the judicial review of final administrative decisions of the Comptroller. The term "administrative decision" is defined as in the "Administrative Review Law".
The Comptroller is not required to certify the record of the proceeding unless the plaintiff in the review proceedings has purchased a copy of the transcript from the certified shorthand reporter who prepared the record or from the Comptroller. Exhibits shall be certified without cost.
(Source: P.A. 84-239.)
(815 ILCS 390/12) (from Ch. 21, par. 212)
Sec. 12. License revocation or suspension.
(a) The Comptroller may, upon determination that grounds exist for the revocation or suspension of a license issued under this Act, revoke or suspend, if appropriate, the license issued to a licensee or to a particular branch office location with respect to which the grounds for revocation or suspension may occur or exist.
(b) Upon the revocation or suspension of any license, the licensee shall immediately surrender the license or licenses to the Comptroller. If the licensee fails to do so, the Comptroller has the right to seize the license or licenses.
(Source: P.A. 92-419, eff. 1-1-02.)
(815 ILCS 390/13) (from Ch. 21, par. 213)
Sec. 13. A licensee may surrender any license by delivering to the Comptroller written notice that he thereby surrenders such license but such surrender shall not affect such licensee's civil or criminal liability for acts committed prior to such surrender, or affect his bond. The Comptroller shall not permit a license to be surrendered by licensee unless and until the trust funds of such licensee have been transferred to a successor licensee who shall be licensed by the Comptroller in conformity with the provisions of this Act. Any purported transfer of trust funds without compliance with this Section is void and the Comptroller shall have the right to petition for the appointment of a receiver to administer the business of the licensee.
(Source: P.A. 84-239.)
(815 ILCS 390/14) (from Ch. 21, par. 214)
Sec. 14. Contract required.
(a) It is unlawful for any person doing business within this State to accept sales proceeds, either directly or indirectly, by any means unless the seller enters into a pre-need sales contract with the purchaser which meets the following requirements:
(b) Every pre-need sales contract must be in writing. The Comptroller may by rule develop a model pre-need sales contract form that meets the requirements of this Act.
(c) To the extent the Rule is applicable, every pre-need sales contract is subject to the Federal Trade Commission Rule concerning the Cooling-Off Period for Door-to-Door Sales (16 CFR Part 429).
(d) No pre-need sales contract may be entered into in this State unless there is a provider for the cemetery merchandise, cemetery services, and undeveloped interment, inurnment, and entombment spaces being sold. If the seller is not the provider, then the seller must have a binding agreement with a provider, and the identity of the provider and the nature of the agreement between the seller and the provider must be disclosed in the pre-need sales contract at the time of sale and before the receipt of any sale proceeds. The failure to disclose the identity of the provider, the nature of the agreement between the seller and the provider, or any changes thereto to the purchaser and beneficiary, or the failure to make the disclosures required by this Section constitutes an intentional violation of this Act.
(e) No pre-need contract may be entered into in this State unless it is accompanied by a funding mechanism permitted under this Act and unless the seller is licensed by the Comptroller as provided in this Act. Nothing in this Act is intended to relieve providers or sellers of pre-need contracts from being licensed under any other Act required for their profession or business or from being subject to the rules promulgated to regulate their profession or business, including rules on solicitation and advertisement.
(f) No pre-need contract may be entered into in this State unless the seller explains to the purchaser the terms of the pre-need contract prior to the purchaser signing and the purchaser initials a statement in the contract confirming that the seller has explained the terms of the contract prior to the purchaser signing.
(g) The State Comptroller shall develop a booklet for consumers in plain English describing the scope, application, and consumer protections of this Act. After the booklet is developed, no pre-need contract may be sold in this State unless the seller distributes to the purchaser prior to the sale a booklet developed or approved for use by the State Comptroller.
(Source: P.A. 96-879, eff. 2-2-10.)
(815 ILCS 390/15) (from Ch. 21, par. 215)
Sec. 15. (a) Whenever a seller receives anything of value under a pre-need sales contract, the person receiving such value shall deposit 50% of all proceeds received into one or more trust funds maintained pursuant to this Section, except that, in the case of proceeds received for the purchase of outer burial containers, 85% of the proceeds shall be deposited into one or more trust funds. Such deposits shall be made until the amount deposited in trust equals 50% of the sales price of the cemetery merchandise, cemetery services and undeveloped spaces included in such contract, except that, in the case of deposits for outer burial containers, deposits shall be made until the amount deposited in trust equals 85% of the sales price. In the event an installment contract is factored, discounted or sold to a third party, the seller shall deposit an amount equal to 50% of the sales price of the installment contract, except that, for the portion of the contract attributable to the sale of outer burial containers, the seller shall deposit an amount equal to 85% of the sales price. Proceeds required to be deposited in trust which are attributable to cemetery merchandise and cemetery services shall be held in a "Cemetery Merchandise Trust Fund". Proceeds required to be deposited in trust which are attributable to the sale of undeveloped interment, entombment or inurnment spaces shall be held in a "Pre-construction Trust Fund". If merchandise is delivered for storage in a bonded warehouse, as authorized herein, and payment of transportation or other charges totaling more than $20 will be required in order to secure delivery to the site of ultimate use, upon such delivery to the warehouse the seller shall deposit to the trust fund the full amount of the actual or estimated transportation charge. Transportation charges which have been prepaid by the seller shall not be deposited to trust funds maintained pursuant to this Section. As used in this Section, "all proceeds" means the entire amount paid by a purchaser in connection with a pre-need sales contract, including finance charges and Cemetery Care Act contributions, but excluding sales taxes and credit life insurance premiums.
(b) The seller shall act as trustee of all amounts received for cemetery merchandise, services, or undeveloped spaces until those amounts have been deposited into the trust fund. All trust deposits required by this Act shall be made within 30 days following the end of the month of receipt. The seller must retain a corporate fiduciary as an independent trustee for any amount of trust funds. Upon 30 days' prior written notice from the seller to the Comptroller, the seller may change the trustee of the trust fund. Failure to provide the Comptroller with timely prior notice is an intentional violation of this Act.
(c) A trust established under this Act must be maintained with a corporate fiduciary as defined in Section 1-5.05 of the Corporate Fiduciary Act or with a foreign corporate fiduciary recognized by Article IV of the Corporate Fiduciary Act.
(d) Funds deposited in the trust account shall be identified in the records of the seller by the name of the purchaser. Nothing shall prevent the trustee from commingling the deposits in any such trust fund for purposes of the management thereof and the investment of funds therein as provided in the "Common Trust Fund Act", approved June 24, 1949, as amended. In addition, multiple trust funds maintained pursuant to this Act may be commingled or commingled with other funeral or burial related trust funds, provided that all record keeping requirements imposed by or pursuant to law are met.
(e) In lieu of a pre-construction trust fund, a seller of undeveloped interment, entombment or inurnment spaces may obtain and file with the Comptroller a performance bond in an amount at least equal to 50% of the sales price of the undeveloped spaces or the estimated cost of completing construction, whichever is greater. The bond shall be conditioned on the satisfactory construction and completion of the undeveloped spaces as required in Section 19 of this Act.
Each bond obtained under this Section shall have as surety thereon a corporate surety company incorporated under the laws of the United States, or a State, the District of Columbia or a territory or possession of the United States. Each such corporate surety company must be authorized to provide performance bonds as required by this Section, have paid-up capital of at least $250,000 in cash or its equivalent and be able to carry out its contracts. Each pre-need seller must provide to the Comptroller, for each corporate surety company such seller utilizes, a statement of assets and liabilities of the corporate surety company sworn to by the president and secretary of the corporation by January 1 of each year.
The Comptroller shall prohibit pre-need sellers from doing new business with a corporate surety company if the company is insolvent or is in violation of this Section. In addition the Comptroller may direct a pre-need seller to reinstate a pre-construction trust fund upon the Comptroller's determination that the corporate surety company no longer is sufficient security.
All performance bonds issued pursuant to this Section must be irrevocable during the statutory term for completing construction specified in Section 19 of this Act, unless terminated sooner by the completion of construction.
(f) Whenever any pre-need contract shall be entered into and include 1) items of cemetery merchandise and cemetery services, and 2) rights to interment, inurnment or entombment in completed spaces without allocation of the gross sale price among the items sold, the application of payments received under the contract shall be allocated, first to the right to interment, inurnment or entombment, second to items of cemetery merchandise and cemetery services, unless some other allocation is clearly provided in the contract.
(g) Any person engaging in pre-need sales who enters into a combination sale which involves the sale of items covered by a trust or performance bond requirement and any item not covered by any entrustment or bond requirement, shall be prohibited from increasing the gross sales price of those items not requiring entrustment with the purpose of allocating a lesser gross sales price to items which require a trust deposit or a performance bond.
(Source: P.A. 96-879, eff. 2-2-10; 97-593, eff. 8-26-11.)
(815 ILCS 390/16) (from Ch. 21, par. 216)
Sec. 16. Trust funds; disbursements.
(a) A trustee shall make no disbursements from the trust fund except as provided in this Act.
(b) A trustee has a duty to invest and manage the trust assets pursuant to the Illinois Prudent Investor Law under Article 9 of the Illinois Trust Code. Whenever the seller changes trustees pursuant to this Act, the trustee must provide written notice of the change in trustees to the Comptroller no less than 28 days prior to the effective date of such a change in trustee. The trustee has an ongoing duty to provide the Comptroller with a current and true copy of the trust agreement under which the trust funds are held pursuant to this Act.
(c) The trustee may rely upon certifications and affidavits made to it under the provisions of this Act, and shall not be liable to any person for such reliance.
(d) A trustee shall be allowed to withdraw from the trust funds maintained pursuant to this Act a reasonable fee pursuant to the Illinois Trust Code.
(e) The trust shall be a single-purpose trust fund. In the event of the seller's bankruptcy, insolvency or assignment for the benefit of creditors, or an adverse judgment, the trust funds shall not be available to any creditor as assets of the seller or to pay any expenses of any bankruptcy or similar proceeding, but shall be distributed to the purchasers or managed for their benefit by the trustee holding the funds. Except in an action by the Comptroller to revoke a license issued pursuant to this Act and for creation of a receivership as provided in this Act, the trust shall not be subject to judgment, execution, garnishment, attachment, or other seizure by process in bankruptcy or otherwise, nor to sale, pledge, mortgage, or other alienation, and shall not be assignable except as approved by the Comptroller. The changes made by this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly are intended to clarify existing law regarding the inability of licensees to pledge the trust.
(f) Because it is not known at the time of deposit or at the time that income is earned on the trust account to whom the principal and the accumulated earnings will be distributed, for purposes of determining the Illinois Income Tax due on these trust funds, the principal and any accrued earnings or losses relating to each individual account shall be held in suspense until the final determination is made as to whom the account shall be paid.
(g) A trustee shall at least annually furnish to each purchaser a statement identifying: (1) the receipts, disbursements, and inventory of the trust, including an explanation of any fees or expenses charged by the trustee under paragraph (d) of this Section or otherwise, (2) an explanation of the purchaser's right to a refund, if any, under this Act, and (3) the primary regulator of the trust as a corporate fiduciary under state or federal law.
(h) If the trustee has reason to believe that the contact information for a purchaser is no longer valid, then the trustee shall promptly notify the seller. If the trustee has reason to believe that the purchaser is deceased, then the trustee shall promptly notify the seller. A trustee shall remit as provided in Section 18.5 of this Act any pre-need trust funds, including both the principal and any accrued earnings or losses, relating to an individual account that is presumed abandoned under Section 18.5.
(Source: P.A. 101-48, eff. 1-1-20; 101-552, eff. 1-1-20; 102-558, eff. 8-20-21.)
(815 ILCS 390/16.5)
Sec. 16.5. Licensee bankruptcy. In the event of a licensee's bankruptcy, insolvency, or assignment for the benefit of creditors, or in the event of the bankruptcy, insolvency, or assignment for the benefit of creditors of any person, partnership, association, corporation, or other entity that possesses a controlling interest in a licensee, the licensee shall provide notice in writing of that event to each purchaser of a pre-need sales contract or a pre-need contract within 30 days after the event of bankruptcy, insolvency, or assignment for the benefit of creditors. At a minimum, the notice must contain the following:
(Source: P.A. 91-7, eff. 6-1-99.)
(815 ILCS 390/17) (from Ch. 21, par. 217)
Sec. 17. The principal and undistributed income of the trust created pursuant to Section 15 of this Act shall be paid to the seller if:
(Source: P.A. 100-863, eff. 8-14-18.)
(815 ILCS 390/18) (from Ch. 21, par. 218)
Sec. 18. (a) If for any reason a seller who has engaged in pre-need sales has refused, cannot or does not comply with the terms of the pre-need sales contract within a reasonable time after he is required to do so, the purchaser or his heirs or assigns or duly authorized representative shall have the right to a refund of an amount equal to the sales price paid for undelivered merchandise, services or spaces plus undistributed interest amounts held in trust attributable to such contract, within 30 days of the filing of a sworn affidavit with the trustee setting forth the existence of the contract and the fact of breach. A copy of this affidavit shall be filed with the Comptroller and the seller. In the event a seller is prevented from performing by strike, shortage of materials, civil disorder, natural disaster or any like occurrence beyond the control of the seller, the seller's time for performance shall be extended by the length of such delay. Nothing in this Section shall relieve the seller from any liability for non-performance of his obligations under the pre-need sales contract.
(b) If the purchaser defaults in making payments, the seller shall have the right to cancel the contract and withdraw from the trust fund the entire balance to the credit of the defaulting purchaser's account as liquidating damages. In such event, the trustee shall deliver said balance to the seller upon its certification, and upon receiving said certification the trustee may rely thereon and shall not be liable to anyone for such reliance.
(c) After final payment on a pre-need contract, any beneficiary may upon written demand of a seller, demand that the pre-need contract with such seller be terminated. The seller shall, within 30 days, initiate a refund to such purchaser or beneficiary of the entire amount held in trust attributable to undelivered cemetery merchandise and unperformed cemetery services, including undistributed interest earned thereon. Where more than one beneficiary is included in a pre-need contract, a seller need not honor a demand for cancellation under this paragraph unless all beneficiaries assent and their signatures are included in written demand for refund.
(Source: P.A. 85-805.)
(815 ILCS 390/18.5)
Sec. 18.5. Presumptively abandoned trust funds.
(a) After final payment on a pre-need contract, the entire amount held in trust attributable to undelivered cemetery merchandise and unperformed cemetery services, including undistributed interest earned thereon, is presumptively abandoned 2 years after the earlier of:
(b) The period after which trust funds are presumed abandoned is measured from the later of: (1) the date the trust funds are presumed abandoned under this Section; or (2) the latest indication of interest by the apparent owner in the trust funds. If more than one beneficiary is included in a pre-need contract, an indication of interest by any one or more of the beneficiaries requires that the presumption of abandonment under paragraphs (A) and (B) of subsection (a) be evaluated based on the beneficiary's information. An indication of interest in the trust funds includes any one or more of the actions listed in subsection (b) of Section 15-210 of the Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act.
(c) The seller shall notify the trustee of the pre-need trust funds in writing when any trust funds are presumed abandoned under this Section.
(d) If the seller is licensed to hold care funds under the Cemetery Care Act, then within 30 days of receiving notice that pre-need trust funds are presumed abandoned under this Section, the trustee of the pre-need trust funds shall remit the presumptively abandoned pre-need trust funds to the trustee for the care fund held pursuant to the Cemetery Care Act for deposit into such care fund. If the seller has retained an independent trustee pursuant to the Cemetery Care Act, then any funds remitted pursuant to this Section shall be remitted to the independent trustee. If the purchaser or beneficiary of pre-need trust funds presumed abandoned under this Section and deposited into a care fund makes a claim, then the seller shall direct the trustee of the care funds held pursuant to the Cemetery Care Act to refund the purchaser or beneficiary the amount that was deposited into the care fund.
(e) If the seller is not licensed to hold care funds under the Cemetery Care Act, the trustee of pre-need trust funds shall remit presumptively abandoned trust funds to the Comptroller semi-annually within 30 days after the end of June and December for deposit into the Cemetery Consumer Protection Fund. If the purchaser or beneficiary of pre-need trust funds that were presumed abandoned under this Section and deposited into the Cemetery Consumer Protection Fund makes a claim, then either the seller shall request restitution or reimbursement from the Cemetery Consumer Protection Fund as provided in Section 22 and provide the cemetery merchandise or cemetery services pursuant to the pre-need contract, or the purchaser or beneficiary shall request restitution or reimbursement from the Cemetery Consumer Protection Fund as provided in Section 22.
(f) Notwithstanding any provision of this Act, the only penalties that may be imposed in connection with the administration of this Section are those provided in the Revised Uniform Unclaimed Property Act.
(Source: P.A. 101-552, eff. 1-1-20.)
(815 ILCS 390/19) (from Ch. 21, par. 219)
Sec. 19. Construction or development of spaces.
(a) The construction or development of undeveloped interment, entombment or inurnment spaces shall be commenced on that phase, section or sections of undeveloped ground or section of lawn crypts, mausoleums, garden crypts, columbariums or cemetery spaces in which sales are made within 3 years of the date of the first such sale. The seller shall give written notice to the Comptroller no later than 30 days after the first sale. Such notice shall include a description of the project. Once commenced, construction or development shall be pursued diligently to completion. The construction must be completed within 6 years of the first sale. If construction or development is not commenced or completed within the times specified herein, any purchaser may surrender and cancel the contract and upon cancellation shall be entitled to a refund of the actual amounts paid toward the purchase price plus interest attributable to such amount earned while in trust; provided however that any delay caused by strike, shortage of materials, civil disorder, natural disaster or any like occurrence beyond the control of the seller shall extend the time of such commencement and completion by the length of such delay.
(b) At any time within 12 months of a purchaser's entering into a pre-need contract for undeveloped interment, entombment or inurnment spaces, a purchaser may surrender and cancel his or her contract and upon cancellation shall be entitled to a refund of the actual amounts paid toward the purchase price plus interest attributable to such amount earned while in trust. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the cancellation and refund rights specified in this paragraph shall terminate as of the date the seller commences construction or development of the phase, section or sections of undeveloped spaces in which sales are made. After the rights of cancellation and refund specified herein have terminated, if a purchaser defaults in making payments under the pre-need contract, the seller shall have the right to cancel the contract and withdraw from the trust fund the entire balance to the credit of the defaulting purchaser's account as liquidated damages. In such event, the trustee shall deliver said balance to the seller upon its certification, and upon receiving said certification the trustee may rely thereon and shall not be liable to anyone for such reliance.
(c) During the construction or development of interment, entombment or inurnment spaces, upon the sworn certification by the seller and the contractor to the trustee the trustee shall disburse from the trust fund the amount equivalent to the cost of performed labor or delivered materials as certified. Said certification shall be substantially in the following form:
We, the undersigned, being respectively the Seller and Contractor, do hereby certify that the Contractor has performed labor or delivered materials or both to (address of property) .........., in connection with a contract to .........., and that as of this date the value of the labor performed and materials delivered is $.......
We do further certify that in connection with such contract there remains labor to be performed, and materials to be delivered, of the value of $........
This Certificate is signed (insert date).
............ ............
Seller Contractor
A person who executes and delivers a completion certificate with actual knowledge of a falsity contained therein shall be considered in violation of this Act and subject to the penalties contained herein.
(d) Except as otherwise authorized by this Section, every seller of undeveloped spaces shall provide facilities for temporary interment, entombment or inurnment for purchasers or beneficiaries of contracts who die prior to completion of the space. Such temporary facilities shall be constructed of permanent materials, and, insofar as practical, be landscaped and groomed to the extent customary in the cemetery industry in that community. The heirs, assigns, or personal representative of a purchaser or beneficiary shall not be required to accept temporary underground interment spaces where the undeveloped space contracted for was an above ground entombment or inurnment space. In the event that temporary facilities as described in this paragraph are not made available, upon the death of a purchaser or beneficiary, the heirs, assigns, or personal representative is entitled to a refund of the entire sales price paid plus undistributed interest attributable to such amount while in trust.
(e) If the seller delivers a completed space acceptable to the heirs, assigns or personal representative of a purchaser or beneficiary, other than the temporary facilities specified herein, in lieu of the undeveloped space purchased, the seller shall provide the trustee with a delivery certificate and all sums deposited under the pre-need sales contract, including the undistributed income, shall be paid to the seller.
(f) Upon completion of the phase, section or sections of the project as certified to the trustee by the seller and the contractor and delivery of the deed or certificate of ownership to the completed interment, entombment, or inurnment space to all of the purchasers entitled to receive those ownership documents, the trust fund requirements set forth herein shall terminate and all funds held in the preconstruction trust fund attributable to the completed phase, section or sections, including interest accrued thereon, shall be returned to the seller.
(g) This Section shall not apply to the sale of undeveloped spaces if there has been any such sale in the same phase, section or sections of the project prior to the effective date of this Act.
(Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99; 92-419, eff. 1-1-02.)
(815 ILCS 390/20) (from Ch. 21, par. 220)
Sec. 20. Records.
(a) Each licensee must keep accurate accounts, books and records in this State at the principal place of business identified in the licensee's license application or as otherwise approved by the Comptroller in writing of all transactions, copies of agreements, dates and amounts of payments made or received, the names and addresses of the contracting parties, the names and addresses of persons for whose benefit funds are received, if known, and the names of the trust depositories. Additionally, for a period not to exceed 6 months after the performance of all terms in a pre-need sales contract, the licensee shall maintain copies of each pre-need contract at the licensee branch location where the contract was entered or at some other location agreed to by the Comptroller in writing.
(b) Each licensee must maintain such records for a period of 3 years after the licensee shall have fulfilled his or her obligation under the pre-need contract or 3 years after any stored merchandise shall have been provided to the purchaser or beneficiary, whichever is later.
(c) Each licensee shall submit reports to the Comptroller annually, under oath, on forms furnished by the Comptroller. The annual report shall contain, but shall not be limited to, the following:
(d) The annual report shall be filed by the licensee with the Comptroller within 75 days after the end of the licensee's fiscal year. An extension of up to 60 days may be granted by the Comptroller, upon a showing of need by the licensee. Any other reports shall be in the form furnished or specified by the Comptroller. If a licensee fails to submit an annual report to the Comptroller within the time specified in this Section, the Comptroller shall impose upon the licensee a penalty of $5 per day for the first 15 days past due, $10 per day for 16 through 30 days past due, $15 per day for 31 through 45 days past due, and $20 per day for the 46th day and every day thereafter the licensee remains delinquent in submitting the annual report. The Comptroller may abate all or part of the $5 daily penalty for good cause shown. Each report shall be accompanied by a check or money order in the amount of $10 payable to: Comptroller, State of Illinois.
(e) On and after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 91st General Assembly, a licensee may report all required information concerning the sale of outer burial containers on the licensee's annual report required to be filed under this Act and shall not be required to report that information under the Illinois Funeral or Burial Funds Act, as long as the information is reported under this Act.
(Source: P.A. 97-593, eff. 8-26-11.)
(815 ILCS 390/21) (from Ch. 21, par. 221)
Sec. 21. Audits.
(a) The Comptroller may audit the records of any licensee with respect to the trust funds created or pre-construction performance bonds obtained pursuant to this Act as they pertain to the deposits to and withdrawals from the trust fund and the maintenance of the required bond, at reasonable times no more than annually unless there is reasonable cause to suspect a deficiency. For that purpose, the Comptroller shall have free access to the office and places of business of all licensees and all trustees or depositories as it relates to the deposit, withdrawal and investment of funds. The fee for an initial audit shall be borne by the licensee if it has $10,000 or more in trust funds; otherwise, by the Comptroller. The fee charged by the Comptroller for such audit shall be paid by the licensee and shall be based upon the total amount of pre-need sales made by the licensee pursuant to this Act as of the end of the calendar or fiscal year for which an annual report is required and shall be in accordance with the following schedule:
less than $10,000..................... | no charge |
$10,000 or more but less than $50,000........ | $10 |
$50,000 or more but less than $100,000........ | $40 |
$100,000 or more but less than $250,000....... | $80 |
$250,000 or more...................... | $100 |
(b) The Comptroller may order additional audits or examinations as he or she may deem necessary or advisable to ensure the safety and stability of the trust funds and to ensure compliance with this Act. These additional audits or examinations shall only be made after good cause is established by the Comptroller in the written order. The grounds for ordering these additional audits or examinations may include, but shall not be limited to:
Prior to ordering an additional audit or examination, the Comptroller shall request the licensee to respond and comment upon the factors identified by the Comptroller as warranting the subsequent examination or audit. The licensee shall have 30 days to provide a response to the Comptroller. If the Comptroller decides to proceed with the additional examination or audit, the licensee shall bear the full cost of that examination or audit up to a maximum of $7,500. The Comptroller may elect to pay for the examination or audit and receive reimbursement from the licensee. Payment of the costs of the examination or audit by a licensee shall be a condition of receiving or maintaining a license under this Act. All moneys received by the Comptroller for examination or audit fees shall be maintained in a separate account to be known as the Comptroller's Administrative Fund. This Fund, subject to appropriation by the General Assembly, may be utilized by the Comptroller for enforcing this Act and other purposes that may be authorized by law.
(Source: P.A. 88-477; 89-615, eff. 8-9-96.)
(815 ILCS 390/22) (from Ch. 21, par. 222)
Sec. 22. Cemetery Consumer Protection Fund.
(a) Every seller engaging in pre-need sales shall pay to the Comptroller $5 for each said contract entered into, to be paid into a special income earning fund hereby created in the State Treasury, known as the Cemetery Consumer Protection Fund. The above said fees shall be remitted to the Comptroller semi-annually within 30 days after the end of June and December for all contracts that have been entered in such 6 month period.
(b) All monies paid into the fund together with all accumulated undistributed income thereon shall be held as a special fund in the State Treasury. The fund shall be used solely for the purpose of providing restitution to consumers who have suffered pecuniary loss arising out of pre-need sales, to help pay expenses of cemeteries or mausoleums in court-ordered receivership, or to satisfy Receiver's fees.
(c) Restitution or reimbursement for pre-need merchandise or services shall not exceed the reasonable average regional cost of the contracted merchandise at current prices.
(d) Whenever restitution is paid by the fund, the fund shall be subrogated to the amount of such restitution, and the Comptroller shall request the Attorney General to engage in all reasonable post judgment collection steps to collect said restitution from the judgment debtor and reimburse the fund.
(e) (Blank).
(f) The fund may not be allocated for any purpose other than that specified in this Act.
(g) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section, the payment of restitution from the fund shall be a matter of grace and not of right and no purchaser shall have any vested rights in the fund as a beneficiary or otherwise. Prior to seeking restitution from the fund, a purchaser or beneficiary seeking payment of restitution shall apply for restitution on a form provided by the Comptroller. The form shall include any information the Comptroller may reasonably require in order for the Comptroller to determine that restitution or reimbursement for cemetery merchandise or services is appropriate.
(h) Annually, the status of the fund shall be reviewed by the Comptroller, and if she or he determines that the fund together with all accumulated income earned thereon, equals or exceeds $10,000,000 and that the total number of outstanding claims filed against the fund is less than 10% of the fund's current balance, then payments to the fund pursuant to subsection (a) of this Section shall be suspended until such time as the fund's balance drops below $10,000,000 or the total number of outstanding claims filed against the fund is more than 10% of the fund's current balance, but on such suspension, the fund shall not be considered inactive.
(Source: P.A. 101-34, eff. 6-28-19.)
(815 ILCS 390/23) (from Ch. 21, par. 223)
Sec. 23. (a) Any person who fails to deposit the required amount into a trust provided for in this Act, improperly withdraws or uses trust funds for his or her own benefit, or otherwise violates any provision of this Act is guilty of a Class 4 felony.
(b) If any person violates this Act or fails or refuses to comply with any order of the Comptroller or any part thereof which to such person has become final and is still in effect, the Comptroller may, after notice and hearing at which it is determined that a violation of this Act or such order has been committed, further order that such person shall forfeit and pay to the State of Illinois a sum not to exceed $5,000 for each violation. Such liability shall be enforced in an action brought in any court of competent jurisdiction by the Comptroller in the name of the people of the State of Illinois.
(c) Whenever a license is revoked by the Comptroller, or the Comptroller determines that any person is engaged in pre-need sales without a license, he shall apply to the circuit court of the county where such person is located for a receiver to administer the business of such person.
(d) Whenever a licensee fails or refuses to make a required report or whenever it appears to the Comptroller from any report or examination that such licensee has committed a violation of law or that the trust funds have not been administered properly or that it is unsafe or inexpedient for such licensee or the trustee of the trust funds of such licensee to continue to administer such funds or that any officer of such licensee or of the trustee of the trust funds of such licensee has abused his trust or has been guilty of misconduct or breach of trust in his official position injurious to such licensee or that such licensee has suffered as to its trust funds a serious loss by larceny, embezzlement, burglary, repudiation or otherwise, the Comptroller shall, by order, direct the discontinuance of such illegal, unsafe or unauthorized practices and shall direct strict conformity with the requirements of the law and safety and security in its transactions and may apply to the circuit court of the county where such licensee is located to prevent any disbursements or expenditures by such licensee until the trust funds are in such condition that it would not be jeopardized thereby and the Comptroller shall communicate the facts to the Attorney General of the State of Illinois who shall thereupon institute such proceedings against the licensee or its trustee or the officers of either or both as the nature of the case may require.
(e) In addition to the other penalties and remedies provided in this Act, the Comptroller may bring a civil action in the county of residence of the licensee or any person engaging in pre-need sales, to enjoin any violation or threatened violation of this Act.
(f) The powers vested in the Comptroller by this Section are additional to any and all other powers and remedies vested in the Comptroller by law, and nothing herein contained shall be construed as requiring that the Comptroller shall employ the powers conferred herein instead of or as a condition precedent to the exercise of any other power or remedy vested in the Comptroller.
(Source: P.A. 92-419, eff. 1-1-02.)
(815 ILCS 390/24) (from Ch. 21, par. 224)
Sec. 24. The Comptroller may adopt, amend or repeal such rules, not inconsistent with the law, as may be necessary to enable him to administer and enforce the provisions of this Act. All such action shall be taken according to the provisions of "The Illinois Administrative Procedure Act", approved September 22, 1975, as amended.
(Source: P.A. 84-239.)
(815 ILCS 390/25) (from Ch. 21, par. 225)
Sec. 25. Any provision of any contract which purports to waive any provision of this Act shall be null and void.
(Source: P.A. 84-239.)
(815 ILCS 390/26) (from Ch. 21, par. 226)
Sec. 26. (a) No person shall encumber or mortgage cemetery property, unless the mortgage or other encumbrance documents contain the following clause:
"The mortgagee expressly agrees that there shall be released from the lien of this mortgage, automatically and without recordation of any instrument, any lot, crypt, or niche encumbered hereby with respect to which the mortgagor sells rights of interment, entombment or inurnment in the ordinary course of business".
(b) In the case of a sale of any cemetery or any part thereof or any related cemetery merchandise by a cemetery owner to a purchaser, except the sale of burial rights, interment services, or cemetery merchandise to a person for his or her personal or family burial or interment, the purchaser shall perform all obligations imposed under this Act, all obligations imposed under pre-need sales contracts made by the selling cemetery or any prior cemetery owner relating to pre-need sales and any other related obligations.
(Source: P.A. 84-239.)
(815 ILCS 390/27) (from Ch. 21, par. 227)
Sec. 27. (a) The provisions of this Act shall not apply to any pre-need sale that was executed prior to the effective date of this Act. Any seller, with the written approval of the purchaser, shall have the option to become subject to this Act on any pre-need sales made prior to the effective date of this Act by giving written notice to its purchasers and to the Comptroller.
(b) The provisions of this Act shall not apply to the isolated or occasional sale by a consumer to another consumer of cemetery merchandise, cemetery services or undeveloped spaces by an individual who does not hold himself out as being engaged in, or who does not engage in, making pre-need sales.
(Source: P.A. 85-805.)
(815 ILCS 390/27.1)
Sec. 27.1. Sales; liability of purchaser for shortage. In the event of a sale or transfer of all or substantially all of the assets of the licensee, the sale or transfer of the controlling interest of the corporate stock of the licensee if the licensee is a corporation, the sale or transfer of the controlling interest of the partnership if the licensee is a partnership, or sale pursuant to foreclosure proceedings, the purchaser is liable for any shortages existing before or after the sale in the trust funds required to be maintained in a trust under this Act and shall honor all pre-need contracts and trusts entered into by the licensee. Any shortages existing in the trust funds constitute a prior lien in favor of the trust for the total value of the shortages, and notice of that lien must be provided in all sales instruments.
In the event of a sale or transfer of all or substantially all of the assets of the licensee, the sale or transfer of the controlling interest of the corporate stock of the licensee if the licensee is a corporation, or the sale or transfer of the controlling interest of the partnership if the licensee is a partnership, the licensee shall, at least 21 days prior to the sale or transfer, notify the Comptroller, in writing, of the pending date of sale or transfer so as to permit the Comptroller to audit the books and records of the licensee. The audit must be commenced within 10 business days after the receipt of the notification and completed within the 21-day notification period unless the Comptroller notifies the licensee during that period that there is a basis for determining a deficiency which will require additional time to finalize. The sale or transfer may not be completed by the licensee unless and until:
For purposes of this Section, a person, firm, corporation, partnership, or institution that acquires the licensee through a real estate foreclosure is subject to the provisions of this Section.
(Source: P.A. 92-419, eff. 1-1-02.)