(415 ILCS 10/1) (from Ch. 85, par. 5901)
Sec. 1. This Act shall be known and may be cited as the "Local Solid Waste Disposal Act".
(Source: P.A. 84-963.)
(415 ILCS 10/1.1) (from Ch. 85, par. 5901.1)
Sec. 1.1. It is the purpose of this Act and the policy of this State to protect the public health and welfare and the quality of the environment by providing local governments with the ability to properly dispose of solid waste within their jurisdictions by preparing and implementing, either individually or jointly, solid waste management plans for the disposal of solid waste and, to the extent technically and economically feasible, to efficiently use products or by-products generated during the disposal process.
(Source: P.A. 85-882.)
(415 ILCS 10/2) (from Ch. 85, par. 5902)
Sec. 2. As used in this Act, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
(1) "Solid waste" means "waste", as defined in the Illinois Environmental Protection Act, but for the purposes of this Act does not include "hazardous waste" as defined in that Act.
(2) "Unit of local government" means a municipality, county, or a Municipal Joint Action Agency created under Section 3.2 of the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act or, if the context requires, the member municipalities of such an agency or their territory.
(3) "Pollution control facility" has the meaning ascribed to the term in the Illinois Environmental Protection Act, except that the term shall not include sewers and sewage treatment facilities owned or operated by sanitary districts.
(4) "Jurisdiction" means: (1) in the case of a municipality, the territory within the corporate limits of the municipality; (2) in the case of a county, the territory within the corporate limits of the county which does not lie within the corporate limits of any municipality which has adopted and is implementing a plan under this Act either independently or through a Municipal Joint Action Agency; and (3) in the case of a Municipal Joint Action Agency, the territory within the corporate limits of each member municipality.
(5) "Qualified solid waste energy facility" means either (i) a solid waste pollution control facility or a portion thereof owned or operated by or for the benefit of a unit of local government and developed under this Act, which meets the requirements set forth in Section 3.1 of this Act, or (ii) a facility which uses methane gas generated from landfills.
(6) "Municipal waste" means garbage, general household, institutional and commercial waste, industrial lunchroom or office waste, landscape waste, and construction and demolition debris.
(Source: P.A. 87-650; 88-681, eff. 12-22-94.)
(415 ILCS 10/3) (from Ch. 85, par. 5903)
Sec. 3. Units of local government may, on their own behalf or pursuant to an intergovernmental agreement under Section 4, prepare solid waste management plans for disposal of solid waste generated within their jurisdictions. No such plans, however, shall be implemented prior to July 1, 1986. Such plans, if prepared, shall include provisions for, but need not be limited to, the following:
(Source: P.A. 87-650.)
(415 ILCS 10/3.1) (from Ch. 85, par. 5903.1)
Sec. 3.1. If a solid waste management plan prepared and implemented under Section 3 of this Act, Section 2 of the Illinois Solid Waste Management Act, Section 22.15 of the Environmental Protection Act, or Section 4 of the Solid Waste Planning and Recycling Act, or the Energy Facility Plan, specifies that incineration shall be a means used by a facility to meet waste disposal needs within a jurisdiction, that facility shall be deemed a qualified solid waste energy facility if it meets the following requirements:
(1) The operator annually certifies to the Illinois Commerce Commission that solid waste is the primary fuel and comprises no less than 95% of the annual fuel loading.
(2) The operator guarantees that the solid waste throughput volume shall be equal to at least 66% of the design capacity of the facility.
(3) (A) A solid waste management plan has been developed by the unit or units of local government included in the area that is intended to be served by the facility and has been filed with and approved by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency pursuant to subsection (g) of Section 22.15 of the Illinois Environmental Protection Act or pursuant to Section 5 of the Solid Waste Planning and Recycling Act. Any such plan shall establish a recycling goal of a minimum of 25% by weight of the solid waste stream generated within the planning area; or
(4) A good faith effort has been made by the unit or units of local government served by the facility or the owner or operator of the facility to achieve the 25% recycling goal at the time the facility commences commercial operation and thereafter.
(Source: P.A. 91-357, eff. 7-29-99.)
(415 ILCS 10/4) (from Ch. 85, par. 5904)
Sec. 4. A unit of local government may enter into intergovernmental agreements to prepare and implement solid waste management plans, and may adopt those procedures for the preparation and implementation of plans the contracting parties deem appropriate. A unit of local government may delegate any power to another unit of local government for the specific purpose of preparing and implementing a solid waste management plan. However, no plan prepared pursuant to an intergovernmental agreement under the authority of this Section shall provide for the siting of a new pollution control facility within the incorporated area of any municipality or the unincorporated area of any county which is not a signatory to the agreement without the consent of the municipality or county.
It is the intent of the General Assembly that any action taken pursuant to this Act by one or more units of local government, acting individually or jointly, shall be deemed to be State action for purposes of the application of federal antitrust law, and no such action shall be prohibited by virtue of any anticompetitive effect it may produce.
(Source: P.A. 88-681, eff. 12-22-94.)
(415 ILCS 10/5) (from Ch. 85, par. 5905)
Sec. 5. An annual report shall be prepared on the implementation, review and updating of the solid waste management plan. The report shall include the following:
(a) An accounting of the quantity of waste received by those pollution control facilities included in the plan;
(b) If revenue bonds have been issued to finance a new pollution control facility, an accounting of the adequacy of the quantity of waste flow, and the effectiveness of those measures taken to guarantee a waste flow to the facility to ensure that all bond obligations will be satisfied;
(c) If the new pollution control facility called for by the plan has not gone into operation, a report on the progress made towards bringing the facility into operation, including those additional measures not previously identified in the plan which are intended to be implemented, which would guarantee a constant flow of a given amount of solid waste to a given facility or facilities;
(d) A review of the 5 year solid waste forecast and the adequacy of the policies provided for in the certified plan to meet that projected solid waste disposal need; and
(e) Every fifth year after the certification of the plan, a review of the 20 year solid waste forecast and the adequacy of the policies provided for in the certified plan to meet that projected solid waste disposal need.
(Source: P.A. 88-681, eff. 12-22-94.)
(415 ILCS 10/6) (from Ch. 85, par. 5906)
Sec. 6. In accordance with the provisions set forth in Section 11-19-7 of the Illinois Municipal Code and Section 5-1047 of the Counties Code, units of local government may provide by ordinance, license, contract or other means that the methods of disposal of solid waste shall be the exclusive methods of disposal to be allowed within their respective jurisdictions, notwithstanding the fact that competition may be displaced or that such ordinance, license, contract or other measure may have an anti-competitive effect.
(Source: P.A. 86-1475.)