(70 ILCS 605/Art. XII heading)
(70 ILCS 605/12-1) (from Ch. 42, par. 12-1)
Sec. 12-1. Lands within district-Right to use district drains.
A landowner within any drainage district has the right to use the ditches and drains of the district as outlets for any drains, either open or covered, which he may desire to construct for the more complete drainage of his own land; provided, however, that hereafter when any such drain is connected with any ditch or drain of the district, a proper bulkhead, spillway, drop box, pipe outlet, junction box or other suitable structure shall be constructed and thereafter maintained by the landowner so as to prevent damage to the ditch or drain of the district. The landowner shall obtain the approval of the commissioners as to the type, design and method of construction of the structure before making any connection and the construction thereof shall be subject to the supervision and control of the commissioners. Any landowner who fails to construct such an outlet structure is liable for all damages resulting from such failure. If, after written request by the commissioners to do so, the landowner fails or refuses to construct such an outlet structure, then the district may build the same and recover the cost thereof from the landowner.
(Source: Laws 1955, p. 512.)
(70 ILCS 605/12-2) (from Ch. 42, par. 12-2)
Sec. 12-2. Lands within district-Rights of drainage.
Land included within a district shall continue to have the same rights of drainage, both common law and statutory, as land not within an organized drainage district, except insofar as the drainage system of the district may vary from or be inconsistent with natural drainage. The construction of a covered drain by a drainage district in the course of natural drainage or along the course of an open ditch shall not in itself be considered to be an abandonment of the natural drain or the open ditch.
(Source: Laws 1955, p. 512.)
(70 ILCS 605/12-3) (from Ch. 42, par. 12-3)
Sec. 12-3. Right of landowner to use right-of-way of district.
The owner of any land over, through or across which a district has acquired a right-of-way for the construction and maintenance of an open or covered drain by grant, dedication, condemnation or otherwise, may use the land occupied by such right-of-way in any manner not inconsistent with the paramount easement of the district. Any use of the right-of-way which will interfere with the operation of the drain or will increase the cost to the district of performing any of its work thereon is deemed to be inconsistent with the district's easement. No permanent structures, including bridges and fords, shall be placed on the right-of-way by a landowner without first obtaining the express consent of the commissioners of the district. Temporary structures, including fences, may be placed on or across the right-of-way without the necessity of obtaining the consent of the commissioners, but shall be removed by the landowner whenever he is notified to do so by the commissioners. A landowner may pasture livestock in an open ditch, but if, in so doing, the ditch is damaged, the owner shall repair such damage, and if he fails to make such repairs, he is liable to the district for the cost of such repairs and all expenses incident thereto.
(Source: Laws 1955, p. 512.)
(70 ILCS 605/12-4) (from Ch. 42, par. 12-4)
Sec. 12-4. Highway and railroad bridges.
Whenever a district drain crosses an existing air-strip or airplane landing field owned by any county, township, city, village, Park District, Port District, airport authority, or any other political subdivision or municipality of this state, or which is owned, controlled, operated or leased by another state or a political subdivision of another state under the provisions of Sections 25.01 to 25.04, both inclusive, of the "Illinois Aeronautics Act", or an existing public highway or an existing railroad other than in the course of natural drainage, the district is liable to the highway authority or the railroad, or the political subdivision or municipality which owns the air-strip or airplane landing field, for the cost of constructing any bridge or culvert made necessary by such crossing and shall thereafter be liable to the highway authority or railroad, or the political subdivision or municipality which owns the air-strip or airplane landing field, for the cost of repairing and maintaining such a bridge or culvert.
Whenever a natural drain or a ditch constructed in the course of natural drainage crosses a public highway or a railroad, or an air-strip or airplane landing field, the highway authority or the railroad, or the political subdivision or municipality which owns the air-strip or airplane landing field, shall construct and thereafter keep in repair and maintain a bridge or culvert of sufficient length, depth, height above the bed of the drain or ditch, and capacity to subserve the needs of the public with respect to the drainage of the lands within the natural watershed of such drain or ditch, not only as such needs exist at the time of construction, but for all future time.
When a ditch of a district has been, or is to be, constructed in the course of natural drainage across or under a railroad and the bridge or culvert of such railroad is not of sufficient length, depth, height or capacity to allow the water to flow through the same without substantial or material obstruction, the commissioners shall give notice to such railroad to enlarge or replace the bridge or culvert so that the water can pass through the bridge or culvert without substantial material obstruction. If the railroad fails, neglects or refuses to so enlarge or replace the bridge or culvert within 6 months after being so notified, then the railroad, in addition to being liable for all damages caused to land, crops and other property, is liable to the district for damages in the sum of $25.00 for each day beyond the 6 months period that it failed, neglected or refused to so enlarge or replace the bridge or culvert. Such damages may be recovered by the district by an action at law in any court of competent jurisdiction.
If, in the construction, reconstruction, repair or maintenance of a district ditch in the course of natural drainage, it becomes necessary that a railroad bridge be temporarily removed to permit the performance of such work upon railroad right-of-way, the commissioners shall give the railroad reasonable notice of such fact and the railroad shall, at its own expense and without cost to the district, either perform such work on its own right-of-way or remove such bridge and, upon completion of the work, replace the same. The district shall perform its work with as little interruption to the traffic on the railroad as circumstances permit. If the railroad fails, neglects or refuses to perform such work or remove the bridge by the time specified in such notice, then the railroad, in addition to being liable to the district for the actual damages sustained, is liable for punitive damages in the sum of $25 for each day beyond the time specified in the notice that it so failed, neglected or refused to perform such work or to remove the bridge.
If a district, by deepening, widening or straightening a natural drain or by changing the established grade, width or alignment of a ditch, removes or threatens to remove the support from under any abutment, pier, wingwall or other supporting member of a highway or railroad bridge, or an airstrip or airplane landing field, the district is liable to the highway authority or railroad, or the political subdivision or municipality which owns the air-strip or airplane landing field, for the cost of protecting or underpinning such abutment, pier, wingwall or other supporting member. The amount of such liability may be fixed and determined by agreement between the drainage commissioners and the highway authority or railroad, or the political subdivision or municipality which owns the airstrip or airplane landing field, or by the allowance of damages in the assessment proceeding or, if there is no assessment proceeding, then by separate action at law. Nothing contained in this paragraph shall be construed as relieving the highway authority or railroad, or the political subdivision or municipality which owns the air-strip or airplane landing field, from its obligation to construct and maintain adequate bridges or culverts over natural drains or over ditches constructed in the course of natural drainage as hereinabove provided in the second paragraph of this section.
(Source: Laws 1967, p. 3809.)
(70 ILCS 605/12-5) (from Ch. 42, par. 12-5)
Sec. 12-5. Farm bridges. In districts organized prior to June 28, 1919, under the Farm Drainage Act, the districts shall continue to be liable for the construction, reconstruction and maintenance of at least one bridge or proper passageway over each open ditch constructed or ordered constructed prior to the effective date of this Act where the same crosses any enclosed tract or parcel of land in such a manner that a portion thereof is landlocked and has no access from any public highway other than by a bridge or passageway over the ditch. The cost of constructing, reconstructing and maintaining such bridge or crossing shall be paid by the district, except that the commissioners may contract with the owner of any land crossed by the ditch for such owner to construct, reconstruct and maintain any such bridge or crossing, or they may enter into any other agreement with such owner by which the district may be relieved of or released from such liability. If the commissioners and the owner are unable to reach such an agreement, the district may cause the amount of compensation to be paid for a release from such liability to be determined in the manner provided in Section 4-17 of this Act.
In districts organized under the Farm Drainage Act prior to June 28, 1919, as to ditches ordered constructed after the effective date of this Act, and in all other districts, whether organized under this Act or any prior act, the district is not required to construct, reconstruct, enlarge or maintain any farm bridge or other private bridge across a district ditch, but the cost thereof, when occasioned by the work of the district, shall be taken into consideration in determining the amount to be allowed to the landowner for damages to land not taken. Nothing contained in this paragraph shall be construed to prevent such damages from being fixed by agreement of the parties or to prevent the district from assuming liability for the construction, reconstruction, enlargement and maintenance of a farm bridge or other private bridge in order to reduce the amount of damages to which the owner may be entitled.
If a district, by deepening, widening or straightening a natural drain, or by changing the established grade, width or alignment of a ditch, removes or threatens to remove the support from under any abutment, pier, wingwall or other supporting member of a private bridge, the district is liable to the owner for the cost of protecting or underpinning such abutment, pier, wingwall or other supporting member. The amount of such liability may be fixed and determined by agreement between the commissioners and the owner, or by the allowance of damages to land not taken in the assessment proceeding or, if there is no assessment proceeding, or, then by a separate action at law. Nothing contained in this paragraph shall be construed as requiring the district to build or enlarge any farm bridge or other private bridge and neither shall it be construed as altering or in any way affecting any agreement between the district and the owner relieving or releasing the district from liability for the construction, reconstruction, enlargement or maintenance of a bridge.
(Source: Laws 1955, p. 512.)
(70 ILCS 605/12-6) (from Ch. 42, par. 12-6)
Sec. 12-6. When land may be in more than one district.
If the work of a district or a proposed district includes the construction of a levee to protect the lands within the district from overflow, or the erection and operation of a pumping plant, or both, then all lands so protected may be included within the district, either at the time of organization or by subsequent annexation. The fact that a portion of those lands are already within the boundaries of another district shall not prevent their inclusion in the district so constructing or proposing to construct the levee and pumping plant if the drainage system of such other district does not include a levee and pumping plant. If a ditch or covered drain leading from lands lying within one drainage district is connected, other than by the drainage system of that district, with a ditch or covered drain of another district and such lands are benefited by the ditch or covered drain of the other district, then the lands so connected and benefited may be included in or annexed to the other district and the fact of such connection shall be deemed to be a waiver of any objection to such inclusion or annexation upon the ground that such land is already within the boundaries of and subject to assessment by an organized drainage district.
(Source: Laws 1955, p. 512.)
(70 ILCS 605/12-7) (from Ch. 42, par. 12-7)
Sec. 12-7. Penalty for obstructing or injuring drain, drainage structure, levee or pumping plant. Whoever wilfully obstructs, injures or destroys any covered drain constructed through the lands of others as provided in Section 2-6 of this Act, or any other drain, levee, drainage structure or pumping plant, whether private, mutual or district, is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. The dumping of trash, refuse or debris into an open drain shall be treated and considered as obstructing a drain.
The pollution of the water of any drain of any drainage district shall be considered an injury to such drain, within the meaning of this Section. Pollution shall be deemed to be wilful, within the meaning of this Section, if the person, firm or corporation responsible for such pollution shall allow the same to continue for more than 60 days after written notice from the commissioners to abate the same.
Whoever wilfully cuts or breaches any private, mutual or district levee is guilty of a Class 3 felony.
Any fines collected under this Section for the obstruction, injury or destruction of a district drain, drainage structure or pumping plant or for the cutting or breaching of any district levee shall be paid over to the district.
In addition to the criminal penalty imposed by this Section, whoever wilfully or negligently obstructs, injures, cuts, breaches or destroys a private, mutual or district drain or drainage structure, levee or pumping plant is liable for the cost of repairing or reconstructing the same and for any damage to lands, crops or other property that may have resulted therefrom.
(Source: P.A. 77-2405.)
(70 ILCS 605/12-8) (from Ch. 42, par. 12-8)
Sec. 12-8. Penalty for preventing entry by commissioners upon lands or right-of-way.
Whoever wilfully prohibits, prevents or obstructs the commissioners of a district or their agents from going upon lands either within or outside of the district for the purpose of examining the same or making surveys in connection with the work of the district, or wilfully prohibits, prevents or obstructs the commissioners of a district, their agents, employees or contractors from going upon the right-of-way of the district with their servants, tools, machinery, instruments and other equipment for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, repairing or maintaining the work of the district, is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. Each day's hindrance constitutes a separate offense.
Any fine collected under this Section shall be paid over to the district. In addition to the criminal penalty imposed by this Section, whoever hinders the work is liable for all damages which may have been sustained by reason thereof to be recovered in a civil action.
(Source: P.A. 77-2405.)
(70 ILCS 605/12-9) (from Ch. 42, par. 12-9)
Sec. 12-9. Penalty for preventing construction or repair of private drain.
Whoever wilfully prohibits, prevents or delays the construction or repair of any drain through the land of others, as provided in Section 2-6, is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. Each day's hindrance constitutes a separate offense.
(Source: P.A. 77-2405.)
(70 ILCS 605/12-10) (from Ch. 42, par. 12-10)
Sec. 12-10. Penalty for failure or refusal of commissioner to perform duties-Removal from office.
Any commissioner appointed under the provisions of this Act who wilfully fails or refuses to perform any duty imposed upon him by this Act is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. Any fines collected under this Section shall be paid over to the district.
Conviction under this Section is cause for removal from office.
(Source: P.A. 77-2405.)
(70 ILCS 605/12-11) (from Ch. 42, par. 12-11)
Sec. 12-11. Withdrawal of signature from petition.
After a landowners petition has been filed with the court under any of the provisions of this Act, a petitioner may withdraw his signature from the petition only with the consent of a majority of the other petitioners, or upon a satisfactory showing to the court that his signature was obtained by fraud or misrepresentation.
(Source: Laws 1955, p. 512.)
(70 ILCS 605/12-12) (from Ch. 42, par. 12-12)
Sec. 12-12. Additional signers to petition.
At any time before the conclusion of the hearing on a landowners petition filed with the court under any of the provisions of this Act, other landowners shall be permitted to join as petitioners and upon so joining they shall be considered as signers in determining the sufficiency of the petition.
(Source: Laws 1955, p. 512.)
(70 ILCS 605/12-13) (from Ch. 42, par. 12-13)
Sec. 12-13. Deeds, petitions and contracts in fraud of act.
All deeds, made for the purpose of preventing or aiding the organization of a district or for the purpose of preventing or aiding any other proceeding taken under this Act, and not made in good faith, are in fraud of the provisions of this Act.
If the court in which a petition for the organization of a district is pending finds that any other petition for the organization of another district which includes a portion only of the lands involved in the pending petition is on file, yet if the court finds (a) that the petition first filed was filed for the primary purpose of preventing the organization of the other proposed district or for the purpose of preventing the lands or some of the lands described therein from being included in the other proposed district, (b) that all of the lands included in the petition first filed are included in the petition for the other proposed district, and (c) that the lands described in the petition first filed will be protected and drained as adequately and as cheaply by the works proposed in the petition under consideration as they would be by any works which might be constructed by the proposed district described in the petition first filed; then such petition first filed shall be deemed in fraud of the provisions of this Act, and the fact that such petition was first filed shall not be a valid objection to the granting of the prayer of the petition under consideration or to the inclusion of such land in the proposed district.
If the court in which a petition for the organization of a district is pending finds that a district including a portion only of the lands involved in the petition under consideration has been organized by mutual agreement, yet if the court finds (a) that such mutual district has neither constructed nor contracted to construct any substantial drainage or levee work, (b) that such mutual district was organized for the primary purpose of preventing the organization of the other proposed district or preventing the lands or some of the lands in the mutual district from being included in the other proposed district, (c) that all the lands included in the mutual district are included in the petition for the other proposed district, and (d) that the lands in the mutual district will be protected and drained as adequately and as cheaply by the works proposed in the petition under consideration as they would be by any works which may be constructed by the mutual district, then the agreement organizing the mutual district shall be deemed in fraud of the provisions of this Act, and the fact that such mutual district has been organized shall not be a valid objection to the granting of the prayer of the petition under consideration or the inclusion of such lands in the proposed district.
(Source: Laws 1955, p. 512.)
(70 ILCS 605/12-14) (from Ch. 42, par. 12-14)
Sec. 12-14. Separate petitions not required.
Whenever the commissioners of a district petition the court for authority to do or perform any act or thing specified in this Act, such petition may also seek authorization from the court to do or perform other acts and things specified elsewhere in this Act and it shall not be necessary for the commissioners to file separate petitions with the court for each act or thing for which authorization is sought.
(Source: Laws 1955, p. 512.)
(70 ILCS 605/12-15) (from Ch. 42, par. 12-15)
Sec. 12-15. Continuances and amendments.
Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Act, any hearing may be continued generally or to a day certain and from time to time as other civil cases. Any petition, report, assessment roll or other pleading may be amended as in other civil cases.
(Source: Laws 1955, p. 512.)
(70 ILCS 605/12-16) (from Ch. 42, par. 12-16)
Sec. 12-16. Appeals. Unless otherwise provided in this Act, appeals may be taken from the final judgments or orders as in other civil cases. An appeal from a judgment on an assessment roll shall be taken in the time and manner as is now or may hereafter be provided for taking an appeal from a judgment on the collector's application for judgment and order of sale for delinquent general taxes. Appeals may be joint or separate. No appeal shall affect the validity of any order or judgment as to any tract of land or other property not directly involved in such appeal, except as provided in Sections 3-25 and 8-6 of this Act.
(Source: Laws 1967, p. 3809.)
(70 ILCS 605/12-17) (from Ch. 42, par. 12-17)
Sec. 12-17. Construction of act-Effect of omissions, imperfections or defects in proceedings.
This Act shall be liberally construed to promote drainage for agricultural, sanitary and mining purposes. The collection of assessments shall not be defeated by reason of any omission, imperfection or defect not substantial in nature occurring in the organization of any district or in any of the proceedings prior to the order confirming an assessment, but such order shall be conclusive that all prior proceedings were regular and according to law.
(Source: Laws 1955, p. 512.)
(70 ILCS 605/12-18) (from Ch. 42, par. 12-18)
Sec. 12-18. Insufficient notice-Default.
If for any reason the clerk of the court fails to give proper notice of the hearing on any report, petition or assessment roll, such failure shall not be grounds for dismissing the report, petition or roll, but the court shall continue the cause and direct that proper notice be given. Neither shall it be valid ground for objection on the part of any landowner that any other landowner has not received proper notice. If proper notice is given and any landowner fails to appear within the time specified or within any further time allowed him by the court, then a default may be taken against him in the same manner and with the same effect as in other civil proceedings.
(Source: Laws 1955, p. 512.)
(70 ILCS 605/12-19) (from Ch. 42, par. 12-19)
Sec. 12-19. Cooperation with other public agencies. Commissioners of a district shall cooperate in the exchange of information pertaining to drainage with the commissioners of other districts and with local, State and Federal governments, officers and agencies operating in fields affecting or related to drainage, including, but not restricted to, the Department of Natural Resources, the State Water Resources and Flood Control Board, the State Soil Conservation Advisory Board, the State Geological Survey of the University of Illinois, and the State Water Survey of the University of Illinois.
(Source: P.A. 95-728, eff. 7-1-08 - See Sec. 999.)
(70 ILCS 605/12-20) (from Ch. 42, par. 12-20)
Sec. 12-20. Annual assessments in existing districts-Changeover to this act.
In any district heretofore organized or existing under the Levee Act in which, prior to the effective date of this Act, there has been levied an assessment of the "Annual Amounts of Benefits" upon the lands in such district for keeping the levees, ditches and other works in repair or to maintain in operation any pumping plant, such assessment of "Annual Amount of Benefits" shall continue as the annual maintenance assessment in such district under the provisions of this Act until the same shall be increased, reduced, abated or otherwise changed or a new annual maintenance assessment levied in lieu thereof by proceedings under this Act.
Any annual maintenance assessments due and unpaid at the time this Act becomes effective shall be collectible in the same manner as if this Act had not been enacted and, in addition, any remedies for the collection of annual maintenance assessments provided by this Act shall be available for the collection of any such annual maintenance assessments due and unpaid on the effective date of this Act.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 3578.)
(70 ILCS 605/12-21) (from Ch. 42, par. 12-21)
Sec. 12-21. Partial invalidity. The invalidity of any provision or Section of this Act shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this Act.
(Source: Laws 1955, p. 512.)
(70 ILCS 605/12-22) (from Ch. 42, par. 12-22)
Sec. 12-22. Repealing section. This Act is intended as a complete revision, consolidation and codification of all the statutes of this State relating to the organization and operation of drainage districts and the construction of drains, ditches and levees for agricultural, sanitary and mining purposes and the following acts and all acts amendatory thereof are repealed:
"An Act to provide for the construction, reparation and protection of drains, ditches and levees, across the lands of others, for agricultural, sanitary and mining purposes, and to provide for the organization of drainage districts", approved May 29, 1879;
"An Act to provide for drainage for agricultural and sanitary purposes, and to repeal certain acts therein named," approved June 27, 1885;
"An Act to authorize certain drainage and levee districts to acquire, maintain and operate dredge boats for the construction and preservation of drains, ditches and levees", approved May 16, 1905;
"An Act to authorize drainage districts and special drainage districts to acquire, maintain and operate dredge boats and other necessary equipment for the construction and preservation of drains and ditches," approved June 26, 1923;
"An Act to authorize certain drainage and levee districts to acquire, maintain and operate dredge boats, land dredges and other necessary equipment for the construction and preservation of drains, ditches and levees," approved July 1, 1941;
"An Act to provide for the construction and maintenance of a levee or levees in special drainage districts and to legalize and validate former proceedings, bonds, orders indebtedness and expenditures had, issued or incurred in regard to, on account of, or with the view to the erection and maintenance of such levee or levees," approved June 26, 1923;
"An Act to authorize the organization of drainage and levee districts for the purpose of accepting works constructed or proposed to be constructed by the United States of America, to authorize existing districts to accept such works, to authorize all districts to comply with the conditions imposed in connection with the construction of such works, and to empower two or more districts to cooperate in accepting and maintaining such works," approved June 12, 1937;
"An Act to enable the owners of farm lands which form any part of a drainage district, in which there is located in whole or in part a city, town or village, to reorganize as a separate drainage district with certain rights and duties in relation thereto", filed June 26, 1917;
"An Act to extend the time and provide for the payment of assessments of benefits in drainage districts", approved May 22, 1885;
"An Act in relation to the abatement of assessments for benefits in drainage districts", filed July 13, 1933;
"An Act to maintain and improve county ditches heretofore constructed to drain swamp and overflowed lands", approved June 23, 1883;
"An Act declaring legal drains heretofore or hereafter constructed by mutual license, consent or agreement, by adjacent or adjoining owners of land, and to limit the time within which such license or agreement heretofore granted may be withdrawn", approved June 4, 1889;
"An Act to enable the commissioners of drainage districts to contract with railroad companies to construct or keep in repair any levee or levees now constructed or to be hereafter constructed in such districts, and to grant to such railroad companies a right-of-way over, on, along or across such levees", approved June 5, 1889;
"An Act to provide for the dissolution of drainage districts," approved June 4, 1889;
"An Act authorizing all drainage districts to issue bonds, and providing for the registration and payment thereof", approved June 15, 1895;
"An Act to authorize the levying of special assessments upon lands, railroads, public highways and municipal corporations situate within any drainage district so as to provide the funds necessary to pay the cost of construction for benefits that shall have been conferred by the construction of any work of improvement, without special assessments having been legally levied prior thereto, and providing for the issuance of bonds payable out of such special assessments, authorized by this act to be levied," approved June 11, 1917;
"An Act to provide for constructing pumping plants and maintaining the same in operation, in drainage and levee districts and special drainage districts heretofore or hereafter organized, and to legalize and validate former proceedings, assessments, bond issues, indebtedness, and expenditures in regard to, or on account of, the erection, maintenance and operation of pumping plants, and to repeal an act therein named", approved June 27, 1913;
"An Act to enable adjoining drainage districts to connect their ditches, drains, levees or other works, and to provide for the apportionment of the cost of the construction, operation and maintenance of the work of a drainage district where lands in an adjoining district are benefited thereby, and to repeal an act therein named", approved June 28, 1913;
"An Act to enable adjoining drainage districts to construct and erect a joint pumping station or joint pumping stations, ditches, levees or other works, to contract for the proportion of the cost of construction and maintenance of the same to be paid by each, and providing for the approval of the same," approved June 27, 1913;
"An Act in relation to the construction, reparation and protection of drains, ditches and levees across the land of others for agricultural, sanitary and mining purposes, and to provide for the organization of drainage districts, approved and in force May 29, 1879", approved June 7, 1897;
"An Act to provide for the refunding by drainage districts of money raised by assessments or taxes illegally levied and collected and of money raised by assessments or taxes legally levied where the proposed improvements for which the assessments or taxes were levied, have been abandoned", approved June 1, 1921;
"An Act in relation to the abatement of assessments for benefits in levee and drainage districts", approved June 15, 1895;
"An Act to authorize the commissioners of drainage districts to convey property to and lease property from the Federal Government", approved November 20, 1933;
"An Act to enable drainage districts to effect settlements for damages resulting from changes in water surface elevations of any river, lake, or other water surfaces, or of ground water, caused by flood control, navigation, irrigation, or water power projects and works constructed by Federal Agencies", approved July 17, 1945;
"An Act to give circuit courts of this State and the Superior Courts of Cook County, in term time, and judges thereof in vacation, concurrent jurisdiction with the county courts, in all matters pertaining to the organization of farm drainage districts, and farm drainage and levee districts, and the operation thereof, and to repeal all acts in conflict herewith", approved June 5, 1909;
"An Act to provide for the care of water in lakes and artificial ponds or bodies of water within the boundaries of drainage and levee districts, or drainage districts", approved June 17, 1929.
(Source: Laws 1955, p. 512.)
(70 ILCS 605/12-23) (from Ch. 42, par. 12-23)
Sec. 12-23. Saving clause.
The repeal of a statute by this Act shall not affect any action pending or rights existing at the time this Act takes effect; neither shall this Act impair the validity of any proceedings taken or assessment levied under such prior statute or impair the validity of any bonds or other obligations or indebtedness outstanding at the time this Act takes effect. The remedies provided under this Act for the collection of assessments shall extend and be applicable to assessments levied under prior acts.
(Source: Laws 1955, p. 512.)
(70 ILCS 605/12-24) (from Ch. 42, par. 12-24)
Sec. 12-24. Effective date. This Act shall take effect on January 1, 1956.
(Source: Laws 1955, p. 512.)