(605 ILCS 5/Art. 4 heading)
(605 ILCS 5/Art. 4 Div. 1 heading)
(605 ILCS 5/4-101) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-101)
Sec. 4-101. The Department shall have the powers and duties stated in Sections 4-101.1 to 4-101.16, inclusive.
(Source: P.A. 78-315.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-101.1) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-101.1)
Sec. 4-101.1. To have general supervision of highways to which this Code applies under the provisions of Section 1-103 heretofore or hereafter constructed or thereafter maintained in whole or in part with State funds.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-101.2) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-101.2)
Sec. 4-101.2. To prescribe rules and regulations not inconsistent with law, relating to the examination and qualifications of candidates for the office of county superintendent of highways. Such rules and regulations shall, before taking effect, be printed for distribution by the Department.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-101.3) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-101.3)
Sec. 4-101.3. To aid county superintendents of highways in establishing grades, preparing suitable systems of drainage and advise them as to the construction and maintenance of highways.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-101.4) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-101.4)
Sec. 4-101.4. To cause plans, specifications and estimates to be prepared for the construction and repair of bridges and culverts when requested so to do by a county superintendent of highways.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-101.5) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-101.5)
Sec. 4-101.5. To investigate and determine the various methods of highway construction adapted to different sections of the State and as to the best methods of maintenance of highways.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-101.6) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-101.6)
Sec. 4-101.6. To compile statistics relating to highways throughout the State and collect such information in regard thereto as it shall deem expedient.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-101.7) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-101.7)
Sec. 4-101.7. To approve and determine the final plans, specifications and estimates for all highways to which this Code applies under the provisions of Section 1-103 on which State funds may be expended.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-101.8) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-101.8)
Sec. 4-101.8. To let contracts in accordance with law for the construction of highways.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-101.9) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-101.9)
Sec. 4-101.9. To prescribe a system of auditing and accounting for all highway moneys for the use of all county and road district officials, which shall be adopted and used by such officials, and which system shall be as nearly uniform as practically possible.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-101.10) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-101.10)
Sec. 4-101.10. To consult with other highway authorities relative to any question involving highways.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-101.11) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-101.11)
Sec. 4-101.11. To make investigations to determine reasonably anticipated future need for federal aid highways and State highways.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-101.12) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-101.12)
Sec. 4-101.12. To aid at all times in promoting highway improvement throughout the State and perform such other duties and have such other powers in respect to highways as may be imposed or conferred upon it by law.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-101.13) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-101.13)
Sec. 4-101.13. To publish maps in convenient forms showing State and other highways for use by the public and, in its discretion, to fix a charge therefor not in excess of the cost of publication.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-101.14) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-101.14)
Sec. 4-101.14. To obtain, subject to the provisions of the "Personnel Code", approved July 18, 1955, as heretofore or hereafter amended, all employees necessary in the administration of its powers and duties under this Code.
However, persons assigned as highway maintenance employees who are not subject to jurisdiction B of the "Personnel Code" and who operate snow removal equipment shall not be discharged except for cause between October 31 of any year and May 1 of the following year.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 3226.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-101.15) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-101.15)
Sec. 4-101.15. The Department of Central Management Services shall procure for or in behalf of each State highway employee, without cost to him, public liability insurance protecting him against any liability arising out of his employment to the extent of the insurance policy limits not exceeding $100,000 or include each such employee under a self-insurance plan implemented under Section 405-105 of the Department of Central Management Services Law (20 ILCS 405/405-105).
(Source: P.A. 91-239, eff. 1-1-00.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-101.16) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-101.16)
Sec. 4-101.16. To prepare or cause to be prepared and maintain or cause to be maintained a schedule of priority of needs in the selection of railroad-highway grade crossings to be separated without regard to whether the highway is maintained by the State or any county, township or municipality. Such schedule shall be based on current and projected vehicular traffic and train movements over the railroad-highway grade crossing, the frequency and duration of interruptions to vehicular traffic, and the impact of separating the railroad-highway grade crossing on adjacent residential, economic and governmental interests.
(Source: P.A. 78-315.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-102) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-102)
Sec. 4-102. The Department may prepare, in accordance with the regulations of the designated authority of the United States Government, the project statements, sketch maps, surveys, plans, specifications, estimates, bid forms, contracts and bonds to be used in connection with the construction of any of the federal aid highways in this State. The Department may construct any federal aid work provided for in Article 3 and purchase and supply any labor, tools, machinery, supplies and materials needed for any such work. Such construction work and labor shall be performed in accordance with the general laws of this State, and under the direct supervision of the Department, subject to the inspection and approval of the designated authority of the United States Government, and in accordance with its rules and regulations.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-103) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-103)
Sec. 4-103. Any contracts that may be entered into for the construction of highways shall be let after due public advertisement to the lowest responsible bidder, or bidders, upon terms and conditions to be fixed by the Department, and the Department shall also require the successful bidder, or bidders, to furnish good and sufficient bonds to insure proper and prompt completion of such work in accordance with the provisions of such contracts.
Partial payments may be made for the work as it progresses provided that the Department retains an amount as required by the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge construction.
At the request of the contractor and with the approval of the Department the retainage of the contract may be deposited under a trust agreement with an Illinois financial institution, whose deposits are insured by an agency or instrumentality of the federal government, of the contractor's choice and subject to the approval of the Department.
The contractor shall receive any interest thereon.
Pursuant to application by the contractor, a trust agreement by the financial institution and the Department shall contain as a minimum, the following provisions:
a. The amount to be deposited subject to the trust;
b. The terms and conditions of payment in case of default of the contractor;
c. The termination of the trust agreement upon completion of the contract.
The contractor shall be responsible for obtaining the written consent of the financial institution trustee, and any costs or service fees shall be borne by the contractor.
The trust agreement may, at the discretion of the Department and upon request of the contractor, become operative at the time of the first partial payment in accordance with existing statutes and Department procedures.
The provisions of this Section shall apply to all contracts in effect on and after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1981.
(Source: P.A. 84-1263.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-104)
Sec. 4-104. Subcontractors' trust agreements. This Section applies to subcontractors' retainage amounts expected to be equal to or greater than $20,000. Upon the contractor's receipt of the first partial or progress payment from the Department, at the request of the subcontractor and with the approval of the contractor, the retainage of the subcontract shall be deposited under a trust agreement with an Illinois financial institution, whose deposits are insured by an agency or instrumentality of the federal government, of the subcontractor's choice and subject to the approval of the contractor. The subcontractor shall receive any interest on the amount deposited.
Upon application by the subcontractor, a trust agreement by the financial institution and the contractor must contain, at a minimum, the following provisions:
The subcontractor is responsible for obtaining the written consent of the financial institution trustee. Any costs or service fees must be borne by the subcontractor. The trust agreement may, at the discretion of the contractor and upon request of the subcontractor, become operative at the time of the first partial payment in accordance with existing statutes and Department procedures. Subcontractors' trust agreements are voluntary and supersede any prohibition regarding retainage that may be adopted by any transportation agency.
This Section applies to all subcontracts in effect on and after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 92nd General Assembly.
(Source: P.A. 92-270, eff. 8-7-01.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-105)
Sec. 4-105. (Repealed).
(Source: P.A. 96-358, eff. 8-13-09. Repealed by P.A. 98-877, eff. 8-11-14.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-106)
Sec. 4-106. Preservation of bridge infrastructure.
(a) The Department may adopt rules governing all corrosion prevention projects carried out on eligible bridges. Rules may include a process for ensuring that corrosion prevention and mitigation methods are carried out according to corrosion prevention industry standards adopted by the Department for eligible bridges that include:
(b) As used in this Section:
"Corrosion" means a naturally occurring phenomenon commonly defined as the deterioration of a metal that results from a chemical or electrochemical reaction with its environment.
"Corrosion prevention and mitigation methods" means:
"Corrosion prevention project" means carrying out corrosion prevention and mitigation methods during construction, alteration, maintenance, repair work on permanently exposed portions of an eligible bridge, or at any other time necessary on an eligible bridge. "Corrosion prevention project" does not include traffic control or clean-up related to surface preparation or the application of any curing compound or other substance onto or into any cement, cementitious substrate, or bituminous material.
"Eligible bridge" means a bridge or overpass the construction, alteration, maintenance, or repair work on which is funded directly by, or provided other assistance through, a municipality, a public-private partnership, the State, the federal government, or some combination thereof. "Eligible bridge" does not include a bridge or overpass that is being demolished, removed, or replaced.
(c) The requirements of this Section do not apply to an individual licensed under the Professional Engineering Practice Act of 1989 or the Structural Engineering Act of 1989.
(Source: P.A. 101-226, eff. 6-1-20.)
(605 ILCS 5/Art. 4 Div. 2 heading)
(605 ILCS 5/4-201) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-201)
Sec. 4-201. The Department, in addition to, and not in limitation of, its general powers has the powers stated in Sections 4-201.1 through 4-201.20.
(Source: P.A. 83-957.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-201.1) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-201.1)
Sec. 4-201.1. To determine and adopt rules, regulations and specifications for State highways not inconsistent with this Code.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-201.2) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-201.2)
Sec. 4-201.2. For serving through or State traffic, to designate as part of the State highway system and to locate, construct and maintain highways to connect highways in the State highway system.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-201.3) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-201.3)
Sec. 4-201.3. To relocate any highway, or a part thereof, in the State highway system on a new location or on a different highway. For the purpose of relocating such State highway the Department is authorized to lay out, open, alter, widen, extend or locate a new highway.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-201.4) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-201.4)
Sec. 4-201.4. To enter into contracts covering all matters and things incident to the location, relocation, construction, repair and maintenance of State highways; including, subject to approval by the Illinois Commerce Commission, agreements with a railroad or railway company or other public utility concerning a relocation of its line, tracks, wires, poles, pipes or other facilities, where the same are not then located in a public street or highway, and such relocation is necessary as an incident to the construction of a new State highway or to the relocation, reconstruction, extension, widening, straightening, alteration, repair, maintenance or improvement of an existing State highway (including extensions of a new or existing State highway through or into a municipality upon a new or existing street). Nothing contained in this Section shall be construed as requiring the Department to furnish site or right-of-way for railroad or railway lines or tracks or other public utility facilities required to be removed from a public street or highway.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-201.5) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-201.5)
Sec. 4-201.5. To lay out, construct and maintain, as a part of the State highway system, highways and entrances which will connect any State highway, now existing or hereafter constructed, with any State park, State forest, State wildlife or fish refuge, the grounds of any State institution or any recreational, scenic or historic place owned or operated by the State; any national cemetery; and to any tax supported airport constructed in part by State and federal funds; and, with the consent of the Department of Natural Resources, to construct, maintain and repair that part of any road or bridge, not otherwise under the jurisdiction of the Department, which lies within any State park, State conservation area, State forest, State wildlife and fish refuge, or any other recreational scenic area owned and operated by the Department of Natural Resources. With the consent of the Department of Natural Resources, to construct, maintain and repair that part of any road or bridge, not otherwise under the jurisdiction of the Department, which lies within any State Historic Site owned and operated by the Department of Natural Resources.
(Source: P.A. 100-695, eff. 8-3-18.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-201.6) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-201.6)
Sec. 4-201.6. To divide the State highway system into sections or districts for the purpose of repair and maintenance and to repair and maintain such sections or districts either by patrol repair system or by gang repair system.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-201.7) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-201.7)
Sec. 4-201.7. To purchase, rent, acquire and maintain all equipment and material incident to or necessary in the location, relocation, construction, repair and maintenance of State highways.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-201.8) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-201.8)
Sec. 4-201.8. To purchase and acquire quarries, gravel pits, sand pits, cement rock or other natural deposits of road material to be used in the construction and maintenance of State highways, and to quarry, dig, manufacture, prepare and use such material or deposits in such construction and maintenance or to sell, furnish and supply the same to contractors engaged in constructing, improving or maintaining highways within the State and to erect such buildings and to purchase such machinery, utensils, tools, and equipment as may be necessary or essential for the proper prosecution of such work.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-201.9) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-201.9)
Sec. 4-201.9. To construct, purchase, lease or otherwise acquire and to operate without charge to the public, ferries over rivers and other waters upon any State highway, whether permanently or temporarily located, until such time as it is deemed feasible and desirable to construct bridges at such places.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-201.10) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-201.10)
Sec. 4-201.10. To provide for the lighting of State highways or portions thereof, when in the Department's opinion it is necessary for the convenience or safety of the public.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-201.11) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-201.11)
Sec. 4-201.11. To number or renumber all State highways; and each State highway shall always be designated by a number.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-201.12) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-201.12)
Sec. 4-201.12. Except as provided in the Illinois Adopt-A-Highway Act, to place, erect and maintain on highways all traffic control devices and signs authorized by this Code or by Chapter 11, Article III of the Illinois Vehicle Code.
To place, erect and maintain on highways signs or surface markings or both to indicate officially designated bicycle routes. Whenever the Department is going to permanently remove route markings from a State highway within a municipality, it shall notify that municipality at least 90 days before such removal.
To acquire right-of-way, plan, locate, relocate, construct, reconstruct, maintain, alter, improve, vacate and regulate the use of officially designated bikeways, as defined in Section 2 of the Bikeway Act.
(Source: P.A. 87-1118.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-201.13) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-201.13)
Sec. 4-201.13. To construct, maintain, and operate bridges, on State highways a part of the Federal-aid highway network, across any stream between this State and any adjoining state where such bridge is necessary to connect the Federal-aid highway network in this and such adjoining state; and to enter into agreements with adjoining states, persons, and the United States government in conjunction therewith.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 1569.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-201.14) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-201.14)
Sec. 4-201.14. (a) To construct, maintain and operate rest areas on State highways.
In the operation of rest areas, the Department is authorized to prescribe reasonable rules and regulations not inconsistent with law, limiting the duration of rest stops and promulgating instructions and restrictions for the use and enjoyment of the rest area.
(b) To construct rest areas on highways not on the State highway system when such highways are constructed under Section 3-104.3 of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 80-691.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-201.15) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-201.15)
Sec. 4-201.15. (a) To provide for the preservation of the natural beauty of areas through which State highways are constructed, and to acquire the fee simple title, or such lesser interest as may be desired, including scenic easements, to any land, rights or other property necessary therefor and, in cooperation with the Department of Natural Resources, to provide for forestation or reforestation of any of these areas that are Department-controlled lands, where appropriate.
(b) To acquire the fee simple title or such lesser interest as may be desired, including scenic easements, to any land, rights or other property and to make such improvements thereon as may be necessary to provide for the preservation of the natural beauty of areas through which highways not on the State highway system are constructed, reconstructed or improved under Section 3-104.3 of this Code.
(Source: P.A. 89-445, eff. 2-7-96.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-201.16) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-201.16)
Sec. 4-201.16. Land acquired for highway purposes, including buildings or improvements upon such property, may be rented between the time of acquisition and the time when the land is needed for highway purposes.
The Department shall file an annual report with the General Assembly, by October 1 of each year, which details, by county, the number of rented parcels, the total amount of rent received from these parcels, and the number of parcels which include buildings or improvements.
The requirement for reporting to the General Assembly shall be satisfied by filing copies of the report as required by Section 3.1 of the General Assembly Organization Act, and filing such additional copies with the State Government Report Distribution Center for the General Assembly as is required under paragraph (t) of Section 7 of the State Library Act.
(Source: P.A. 100-1148, eff. 12-10-18.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-201.17) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-201.17)
Sec. 4-201.17. To lease as lessee from the Illinois Highway Trust Authority any project at any time constructed or made available for public use by the Authority, and any property, real, personal, or mixed, tangible or intangible, or any interest therein, at any time acquired by the Authority; and to pay rentals for such leases from appropriations to be made by the General Assembly from the Road Fund.
(Source: P.A. 76-375.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-201.18) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-201.18)
Sec. 4-201.18. To acquire land adjacent to the right-of-way on a federal aid system outside the central business district in an urban area of 50,000 population or more as provided by the Federal Aid Road Act and to construct and operate a publicly owned parking facility thereon or within the right-of-way, including the use of air space above and below the established grade line of the highway pavement. Such parking facility shall be (1) based on a continuing comprehensive transportation planning process as defined in the Federal Aid Road Act, and (2) located and designed in conjunction with existing or planned public transportation facilities.
Fees charged for the use of such facility shall not be in excess of that amount required for maintenance and operation, including compensation to any person for operating such facility, and shall be used for such purposes before any other funds may be used for maintenance and operation.
Any federal aid project constructed under this Section may be constructed by agreement and jointly at the expense of the federal government and the State of Illinois or jointly at the expense of the federal government, the State of Illinois, a municipality or municipalities or a county or counties, in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Aid Road Act.
For the purposes of this Section, the term "parking facilities" shall include access roads, buildings, structures, equipment, improvements, and interests in the lands.
(Source: P.A. 77-1410.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-201.19) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-201.19)
Sec. 4-201.19. To issue permits for the establishment of telephone service at rest areas on the State Highway System where proper access to and from the main traveled lanes has been established and where such service will enhance the safety and welfare of the highway users.
(Source: P.A. 78-377.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-201.20) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-201.20)
Sec. 4-201.20. To conduct demonstration projects on public streets and highways designed to test and develop new technology for road and curb construction, reconstruction and maintenance.
(Source: P.A. 83-957.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-202) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-202)
Sec. 4-202. Additional mileage may be added to the State highway system in the manner provided by this Code.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-203) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-203)
Sec. 4-203. The Department may, in its discretion and as funds become available for construction and maintenance, add additional highways to the State highway system by laying out new highways or taking over highways from the county highway system, the township and district road system or the municipal street system; but such highways so taken over into the State highway system shall be highways which form a logical part of the State highway system for traffic purposes. Before any such highway is taken over the Department shall notify the proper local officials in writing of its intention to do so and the date when it will assume the maintenance and care of such highway. Whenever any part or portion of any such highway which is situated within the corporate limits of any municipality is hereafter or has heretofore been taken over, the Department shall have exclusive jurisdiction and control over only that part of such highway which the Department has constructed, or which the local authority has constructed and which has been taken over by the Department, and for the maintenance of which the Department is responsible, including the hard-surfaced slab, shoulders and drainage ditches. Whenever any municipality shall construct with a durable hard surface the remaining portion of a street, a part of which has been improved with a durable hard surface by the Department, or taken over by it, then in that case the Department shall have jurisdiction and control over only that portion of the street over which it did construct the durable hard surface or that part which it took over from the municipality.
(Source: P.A. 89-683, eff. 6-1-97; 90-6, eff. 6-3-97.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-204) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-204)
Sec. 4-204. Whenever any highway becomes a part of the State highway system, the Department shall file in its office a description of such State highway. All changes in and additions to the State highway system shall also be noted by so filing a description of such changes and/or additions. A copy of such description shall be filed in the office of the county clerk of each county in which the highway is located.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-205) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-205)
Sec. 4-205. In all cases where State or through traffic upon a State highway runs through a municipality, the Department shall locate a route upon existing streets or upon a new street to be laid out through such municipality as a part of such State highway, so as to form a continuous route to serve the needs of through or State traffic upon such State highway. If a municipality is the terminus of such a highway, the Department shall extend the State highway to such point in the municipality upon existing streets or upon a new street to be laid out in such municipality, as will in the discretion of the Department best serve the needs of State or through traffic. For the purpose of locating or extending such State highway through or into such municipality the Department is authorized to lay out, establish, open, alter, widen, extend or relocate necessary streets therein.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-206) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-206)
Sec. 4-206. When advisable to serve traffic needs, any State highway route in or through a municipality may be relocated upon other streets in the municipality and the jurisdiction, maintenance and control of the streets upon the abandoned route shall be assumed by the city, town, village, park district or other municipal corporation. If any municipal corporation notifies the Department that it is about to construct a subway for railway or motor vehicle transportation along and under any street upon which any State highway route is located and that its use as a State highway route will interfere with such construction, the Department shall relocate such route or such portion thereof as is necessary to prevent such interference. Except as allowed by Sections 4-407, 4-408 and this Section no State highway route shall be relocated except to better serve traffic demands and the route abandoned must be left in reasonable condition for traffic.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 1189.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-207) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-207)
Sec. 4-207. On all State highways the Department shall construct and maintain all-weather surfaces at boxes used for the receipt of United States mail.
The Department shall adopt and publish specifications detailing the kind and type of all-weather surface to be constructed and maintained and shall adopt and publish reasonable rules, regulations, and specifications governing the place of erection and maintenance of boxes for the receipt of United States mail on State highways.
No person shall erect or maintain a box for the receipt of the United States mail on any highway under the jurisdiction of the Department in violation of the rules, regulations, and specifications, adopted by the Department governing the erection and maintenance of such boxes. Violation of this provision is a petty offense.
(Source: P.A. 77-2238.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-208) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-208)
Sec. 4-208. The Department may select streets in municipalities to form routes leading from business centers therein to State highways running through such municipalities and may erect and maintain suitable guide signs upon them. However, such streets shall not thereby become part of the State highway system but shall remain part of the municipal street system; but any such street may be made part of the State highway system as provided by Section 4-203.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-209) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-209)
Sec. 4-209. No person shall wilfully cut, excavate or otherwise damage that portion of any highway under the jurisdiction and control of the Department, including the hard-surfaced slab, shoulders and drainage ditches, either within or without the corporate limits of a municipality without a permit so to do from the Department. The Department shall issue its permit when such cutting, excavating or damaging is reasonably necessary, but it is the duty of the person securing a permit to make such repairs to the highway as will restore it to substantially the same condition as it was originally. Permits with regard to entrances to and exits from State highway rights-of-way and roadways shall also be subject to the provisions of Sections 4-210, 4-211 and 4-212. To insure the proper repair, the Department may, before issuing its permit, require the person applying for a permit, to enter into a bond payable to the People of the State of Illinois in a sum commensurate, in the opinion of the Department, with the injury to be done to the highway, conditioned for its proper restoration within such time as the Department may prescribe. The violation of this section is a petty offense.
(Source: P.A. 77-2238.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-210) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-210)
Sec. 4-210. Except where the right of access has been limited by or pursuant to law every owner or occupant of property abutting upon any State highway shall have reasonable means of ingress from and egress to the State highway consistent with the use being made of such property and not inconsistent with public safety or with the proper construction and maintenance of the State highway for purposes of travel, drainage and other appropriate public use. The Department is authorized to adopt and to amend reasonable and necessary rules, regulations and specifications covering standard entrance or exit driveways to serve residential, farm, commercial, industrial, and roadside service establishments and other uses of property abutting upon State highways including specifications for drainage and other structures appurtenant to such driveways. No permit shall be issued by the Department for the construction of any such driveway which does not conform to the applicable standard prescribed by the Department unless the application therefor is accompanied by drawings of and specifications for the proposed construction and a showing of reasonable need for departure from the applicable standard type of driveway prescribed by the Department nor unless it is made to appear that the proposed construction and the use thereof will not be inconsistent with public safety and use nor with the proper construction and maintenance of the highway and its drainage and other facilities.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-211) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-211)
Sec. 4-211. Any permit issued by the Department to construct an entrance or exit, or both, under the provisions of Section 4-209 shall designate the location and design of such construction. All such permits shall be subject to the right of the Department to relocate, at the Department's expense, any entrance or exit when reasonably required for public safety or because of highway reconstruction or changed traffic conditions. The Department shall make frequent inspections and take such action as is necessary to require compliance with such rules, regulations and specifications and the provisions of Sections 4-209, 4-210 and 4-211 of this Code.
Any entrance or exit which was in place on July 10, 1953 which does not conform to the rules, regulations and specifications adopted by the Department may be made to conform to such rules, regulations and specifications by the Department at the expense of the Department.
If any entrance or exit is constructed after July 10, 1953, for which no permit has been secured the adjoining landowner or occupant, or his authorized representative, whose property such entrance or exit serves shall within 30 days following notification by the Department apply for a permit. The permit issued as a result of such application shall specify that the existing entrance shall be made to conform to the provisions of the permit within 90 days from the date of issuance of the permit or, if no permit is granted, be removed at the expense of the landowner or occupant.
Any entrance or exit constructed after July 10, 1953 for which a permit has been secured but which does not conform to the provisions of the permit issued for its construction shall within 90 days of notification by the Department to the adjoining property owner or occupant, or his authorized representative, whose property such exit or entrance serves be made to conform to the provisions of the permit.
Any person adversely affected by any rule, regulation, specification or decision of the Department issued pursuant to Sections 4-209, 4-210 or 4-211 or by any failure of the Department to act upon an application for a permit thereunder shall be entitled to judicial review under the provisions of the Administrative Review Law.
(Source: P.A. 85-559.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-212) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-212)
Sec. 4-212. Failure to comply with the provisions of Sections 4-210 and 4-211 and the permits issued thereunder is a petty offense for which an additional fine of $10 for each day such failure continues may be imposed. Where the violation is prosecuted by the State's Attorney 25% of the fine or penalty recovered shall be paid to the State's Attorney as a fee of his office. Such penalty shall be in addition to any penalty which may be assessed under Section 4-209.
(Source: P.A. 77-2238.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-213) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-213)
Sec. 4-213. Any person or an agency of this State which operates a motor vehicle designed or used for the carriage of more than seven passengers may apply to the Department for a permit to construct an all weather surface adjacent to and connected with the traveled way of a State highway and located on the right-of-way of a State highway for the purpose of making temporary stops in order to receive or discharge passengers. Any permit issued under this Section shall designate the location and design of and type of material to be used in any such construction and the construction shall be in conformity with the requirements of the permit. No such construction shall be initiated without first securing a permit to do so from the Department.
Whoever violates any provision of this Section shall be guilty of a petty offense.
(Source: P.A. 77-2238.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-214) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-214)
Sec. 4-214. Whenever any highway is laid out, widened or altered in accordance with this Article, the Department shall cause a plat thereof to be made and recorded in the office of the recorder of the county (or in the office of the registrar of titles for the county if appropriate) in accordance with the provisions of Section 9 of "An Act to revise the law in relation to plats", approved March 21, 1874, as amended.
(Source: P.A. 83-358.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-215) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-215)
Sec. 4-215. The Department may file with the governing body of any municipality or county a map of any territory within 1/2 mile on either or both sides of a State highway routing in which territory the Department believes subdivision development would have an effect upon an existing State highway or a future State highway the route of which has been adopted by the Department.
The clerk of the governing body of the municipality or county shall issue a receipt for the territorial map, and within 3 days after receiving such map, shall transmit to the Department one copy of each tentative map of any subdivision located wholly or partly within the territory outlined by the territorial map.
The Department, upon receiving a copy of the territorial map, may, within 15 days after receipt, make recommendations to the appropriate agency of the municipality or county in connection therewith regarding the effect of the proposed subdivision upon the State highway or State highway route.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 786.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-216) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-216)
Sec. 4-216. If, as a result of the removal of snow from the travelway of any State highway, snow is deposited along the shoulder or edge of such highway where any public or private entrance or exit driveway connects with such State highway, the Department shall also remove the snow from the highway right-of-way so as to leave such driveways open for vehicular travel.
(Source: Laws 1961, p. 2720.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-217) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-217)
Sec. 4-217. The Department may contract with persons growing row crops on land adjacent to State highways to buy standing strips of such crops to remain in place to act as snow breaks along such highways in those places where experience shows that drifting snow has been an obstruction to traffic. The contract price to be paid by the Department in any such case shall be the market price of such crop at the time of contracting or the September price of such crop on the Chicago Board of Trade, whichever is higher.
(Source: P.A. 81-1156.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-218) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-218)
Sec. 4-218. The Department shall establish a pilot program to evaluate the use of calcium magnesium acetate made from corn for the purpose of clearing roadways of snow and ice. Such pilot program shall be implemented by the Department as suitable quantities of calcium magnesium acetate become available and shall include any one of the following counties: Champaign, Douglas, Grundy, Iroquois, Kankakee, LaSalle, Vermilion, or Will. If the pilot program is successful, the Department shall endeavor to expand its use of calcium magnesium acetate made from corn for road clearing throughout the State.
(Source: P.A. 85-1209.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-219)
Sec. 4-219. Context sensitivity.
(a) It is the intent of the General Assembly to ensure that Department of Transportation projects adequately meet the State's transportation needs, exist in harmony with their surroundings, and add lasting value to the communities they serve.
(b) To support this objective, the Department of Transportation shall embrace principles of context sensitive design and context sensitive solutions in its policies and procedures for the planning, design, construction, and operation of its projects for new construction, reconstruction, or major expansion of existing transportation facilities.
(c) A hallmark of context sensitive design and context sensitive solutions principles for the Department of Transportation shall be early and ongoing collaboration with affected citizens, elected officials, interest groups, and other stakeholders to ensure that the values and needs of the affected communities are identified and carefully considered in the development of transportation projects.
(d) Context sensitive design and context sensitive solutions principles shall promote the exploration of innovative solutions, commensurate with the scope of each project, that can effectively balance safety, mobility, community, and environmental objectives in a manner that will enhance the relationship of the transportation facility with its setting.
(e) The Department shall report to the Governor and the General Assembly no later than April 1, 2004 on its efforts to implement context sensitive design criteria.
(Source: P.A. 93-545, eff. 1-1-04.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-220)
Sec. 4-220. Bicycle and pedestrian ways.
(a) Bicycle and pedestrian ways shall be given full consideration in the planning and development of transportation facilities, including the incorporation of such ways into State plans and programs.
(b) In or within one mile of a municipality with a population of over 1,000 people, and subject to the Department's option in subsection (e), the Department shall establish and solely fund bicycle and pedestrian ways in conjunction with the construction, reconstruction, or other change of any State transportation facility except:
(c) Bicycle and pedestrian ways may be included in pavement resurfacing projects when local support is evident or the bicycling and walking accommodations can be added within the overall scope of the original roadwork.
(d) The Department shall establish design and construction standards for bicycle and pedestrian ways. Beginning July 1, 2007, this Section shall apply to planning and training purposes only. Beginning July 1, 2008, this Section shall apply to construction projects.
(e) If programmed funds identified in Section 2705-615 of the Department of Transportation Law are not expended for 5 years, the Department has the option to use those funds to pay the cost of bicycle and pedestrian ways in roadway projects affected by this Section.
(Source: P.A. 102-660, eff. 1-1-22.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-221)
Sec. 4-221. Mix designs. To the extent allowed by federal law, the Department specifications shall allow the use of recycled asphalt roofing shingles received from facilities authorized to process asphalt roofing shingles for recycling into asphalt pavement in accordance with (i) permits issued pursuant to Section 39 of the Environmental Protection Act or (ii) beneficial use determinations issued pursuant to Section 22.54 of the Environmental Protection Act. In creating the mix designs used for construction and maintenance of State highways, it shall be the goal of the Department, through its specifications, to maximize the percentage of recycled asphalt roofing shingles and binder replacement and to maximize the use of recycled aggregates and other lowest-cost constituents in the mix so long as there is no detrimental impact on life-cycle costs.
(Source: P.A. 97-314, eff. 1-1-12.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-222)
Sec. 4-222. Recycled asphalt roofing shingles; cost savings; prohibitions on use in asphalt paving.
(a) It shall be the goal of the Department, with regard to its asphalt paving projects and to the extent possible, to reduce the carbon footprint and reduce average costs by maximizing the percentage use of recycled materials or lowest cost alternative materials and extending the paving season so long as there is no detrimental impact on life-cycle costs. In furtherance of these goals, the Department shall provide to the Chairpersons of the Transportation Committee in each legislative chamber, within 60 days after the completion of each fiscal year, a written report of the activities initiated or abandoned in each district or region within the Department to meet those goals during the previous year. The report shall also include an analysis of the cost savings directly or indirectly attributed to those activities within each district or region. Upon review of the annual report, the Transportation Committees in each chamber may conduct hearings and provide recommendations to the Department regarding the performance of each district or region.
(b) No producer of asphalt pavement, operating pursuant to an air permit issued by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, shall use recycled asphalt roofing shingles in its pavement product unless the shingles have been processed for recycling into asphalt pavement in accordance with (i) permits issued pursuant to Section 39 of the Environmental Protection Act or (ii) beneficial use determinations issued pursuant to Section 22.54 of the Environmental Protection Act. The prohibition in this subsection (b) shall apply in addition to any other rules, specifications, or other requirements adopted by the Department regarding the use of asphalt roofing shingles in pavement product.
(Source: P.A. 97-314, eff. 1-1-12.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-223)
Sec. 4-223. Electric vehicle charging stations. By January 1, 2016 or as soon thereafter as possible, the Department may provide for at least one electric vehicle charging station at each Interstate highway rest area where electrical service will reasonably permit and if these stations and charging user fees at these stations are allowed by federal regulations.
The Department may adopt and publish specifications detailing the kind and type of electric vehicle charging station to be provided and may adopt rules governing the place of erection, user fees, and maintenance of electric vehicle charging stations.
(Source: P.A. 98-442, eff. 1-1-14; 98-756, eff. 7-16-14.)
(605 ILCS 5/223)
(This Section was renumbered as Section 4-223 by P.A. 98-756.)
Sec. 223. (Renumbered).
(Source: P.A. 98-442, eff. 1-1-14. Renumbered by P.A. 98-756, eff. 7-16-14.)
(605 ILCS 5/Art. 4 Div. 3 heading)
(605 ILCS 5/4-303) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-303)
Sec. 4-303. Investigations made by the Department to determine the reasonably anticipated future need for federal aid highways and State highways may include, but shall not be limited to, the making of traffic surveys, the study of transportation facilities, research concerning the development of the several areas within this State and contiguous territory as affected by growth and changes in population and economic activity and the collection and review of data relating to all factors affecting the judicious planning of construction, improvement and maintenance of highways. Such investigations may also be conducted in cooperation with counties, municipalities, the United States, sister states, agencies of any such governments or other persons in pursuance of agreements to share the cost thereof. The Department is authorized to enter into such agreements.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.)
(605 ILCS 5/Art. 4 Div. 4 heading)
(605 ILCS 5/4-401) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-401)
Sec. 4-401. All State highways shall be constructed of sufficient widths to meet the requirements of the reasonably expected traffic thereon. The widths of travel ways shall be not less than 18 feet.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-402) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-402)
Sec. 4-402. When any State highway route through a municipality has been designated, the Department shall supervise any construction performed on such streets by the municipality with funds received from the State. Such construction shall be either with or without continuous grade separation and of such type and width as is required, in the judgment of the Department, to care for traffic and parking needs.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-403) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-403)
Sec. 4-403. Whenever local traffic conditions within any municipality through which or to the corporate limits of which any State highway is located, in the discretion of the Department, are such as to interfere with or impede through or State traffic, the Department is authorized and directed to locate and construct a durable hard-surfaced highway in the nature of a belt-line to connect State highway routes entering such municipality, so as to avoid congested traffic districts in the municipality. Such belt-line routes may be wholly without the corporate limits of the municipality or partly within and partly without such limits.
The type of construction and width of such belt-line routes shall be sufficient to care for present or reasonably expected future needs of through or State traffic.
Such belt-line routes shall be a part of the State highway system.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-404) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-404)
Sec. 4-404. By agreement between the Department and the proper authority of any municipality, park district or other municipal corporation, the construction of any street upon which a State highway route is located may be of greater width or different type than that determined upon by the Department. In such cases the excess cost of such construction shall be paid by the municipal corporation.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-405) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-405)
Sec. 4-405. The Department shall maintain all highways in the State highway system either with its own forces or pursuant to an agreement or contract entered into pursuant to this Code.
In the course of its other maintenance work, the Department shall paint and maintain a line not less than 2 1/2 inches in width on the edges of uncurbed roadways of all State highways having an Illinois or U.S. route traffic marking and which carry an average daily traffic of more than 1000 vehicles. The Department may paint and maintain such lines on such other State highways as it deems desirable.
(Source: P.A. 78-283.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-406) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-406)
Sec. 4-406. The Department is authorized to enter into contracts with any municipal corporation, terminable in the discretion of the Department, for the municipal corporation to maintain any State highway, or any part thereof, located within such municipal corporation, such maintenance to be under the supervision of the Department and at the expense of the State.
The Department is authorized to enter into similar contracts with any county for the county to maintain any State highway, or any part thereof, which was originally constructed by the county, such maintenance to be under the supervision of the Department and at the expense of the State.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-406.1) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-406.1)
Sec. 4-406.1. The Department may surrender jurisdiction over the right-of-way and improvements of all or part of a State highway, street or road to a municipality by agreement as provided in Section 11-91.2-1 of the Illinois Municipal Code, as now or hereafter amended.
(Source: P.A. 85-1421.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-407) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-407)
Sec. 4-407. The Department may temporarily close to traffic any portion of a State highway for the purpose of constructing, repairing or making improvements thereon. When a portion of a State highway with a route marking is so closed, the Department shall arrange with local authorities or otherwise to maintain efficient detours around the portion of the State highway which is closed and, except for an unanticipated emergency as determined by the Department, shall post notice of the detour locations on the Department's website no later than 10 days before the detour becomes active. Such detour shall be plainly and conspicuously marked with signs by which traffic may be guided around that part of the highway so closed.
(Source: P.A. 100-473, eff. 6-1-18.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-408) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-408)
Sec. 4-408. The Department may, upon application by the proper authorities of any local governmental agency, issue a permit to such agency to temporarily close to traffic any portion of a State highway for any public purpose or for any temporary needs of such agency. Such permit shall be issued only upon the explicit agreement of the local governmental agency to assume all liabilities and pay all claims for any damages which shall be occasioned by such closing and such agreement shall be made a part of every such permit. When a State highway is closed by a local governmental agency under the terms of a permit, the agency shall maintain efficient detours satisfactory to the Department around the portion of the closed highway. Except for an unanticipated emergency as determined by the Department, the Department and the local governmental agency shall post notice of the detour locations on the Department's website and the local governmental agency's website no later than 10 days before the detour becomes active. A hyperlink on a local governmental agency's website to posted notices on the Department's website shall satisfy the requirements under this Section. A local governmental agency that does not have a website maintained by a full-time staff or a municipality with 1,000,000 or more inhabitants shall not be required to post detour locations under this Section. Such detour shall be plainly and conspicuously marked with signs by which traffic may be guided around that part of the State highway so closed.
(Source: P.A. 100-473, eff. 6-1-18.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-409) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-409)
Sec. 4-409. The Department may enter into a written contract with any other highway authority for the jurisdiction, maintenance, administration, engineering or improvement of any highway or portion thereof. The Department may also, upon application of any highway authority, authorize the highway authority to enter into a written contract with any other highway authority for the jurisdiction, maintenance, administration, engineering or improvement of any highway or portion thereof.
(Source: P.A. 79-417.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-410)
Sec. 4-410. Demonstration project. The Department shall implement a demonstration project, under which 20 of the contracts arising out of the Department's 5-year project program for fiscal years 2000 through 2004 shall have a performance-based warranty of at least 5 years, and 10 of those contracts shall be designed for a 30-year life cycle.
(Source: P.A. 91-37, eff. 7-1-99.)
(605 ILCS 5/Art. 4 Div. 5 heading)
(605 ILCS 5/4-501) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-501)
Sec. 4-501. The Department, in its name, or any county may acquire the fee simple title, or such lesser interest as may be desired, to any land, rights, or other property necessary for the construction, maintenance or operation of State highways, or necessary for locating, relocating, extending, widening or straightening any State highway, or necessary for locating, relocating, extending, widening or straightening an existing street or for laying out, establishing or opening a new street within the corporate limits of any municipality which has been designated by the Department as a street to form a part of or to connect with a State highway leading up to the corporate limits of such municipality, or necessary for any other purpose or use contemplated by this Code by purchase or by the exercise of the right of eminent domain under the eminent domain laws of this State and the Department shall not be required, in any case, to furnish bond.
When, in the judgment of the acquiring agency, it is more practical and economical to acquire the fee to the inaccessible remnants of the tracts of land from which rights-of-way are being acquired than to pay severance damages, such agency may do so by purchase or by an eminent domain proceeding.
When a part of a parcel of land is to be taken for State highway purposes and the accessible remnant is to be left in a shape or condition rendering it of little value to the owner or giving rise to claims for severance or other damages, upon written request of the owner, the acquiring agency may take the whole parcel and may sell or exchange the part not needed for highway purposes.
When acquiring land for a highway on a new location, and when a parcel of land one acre or less in area contains a single family residence, which is in conformance with existing zoning ordinances, and only a part of that parcel is required for State highway purposes causing the remainder of the parcel not to conform with the existing zoning ordinances, or when the location of the right of way line of the proposed highway reduces the distance from an existing single family residence to the right of way line to 10 feet or less, the acquiring agency shall, if the owner so demands, take the whole parcel by negotiation or condemnation. The part not needed for highway purposes may be rented, sold or exchanged by the acquiring agency.
When any farm land is acquired for State highway purposes by the exercise of the right of eminent domain, the rate of compensation to be paid by the acquiring agency shall be computed by taking into consideration the total acreage originally involved in the farm land parcel, including that portion of such parcel already part of a right of way for highway purposes but for which legal title lies in the owner of the parcel.
(Source: P.A. 81-536.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-501.5)
Sec. 4-501.5. Eminent domain. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, any power granted under this Code to acquire property by condemnation or eminent domain is subject to, and shall be exercised in accordance with, the Eminent Domain Act.
(Source: P.A. 94-1055, eff. 1-1-07.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-502) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-502)
Sec. 4-502. When the Department deems it necessary to build, widen, alter, relocate or straighten any ditch, drain or watercourse in order to drain or protect any highway or highway structure it is authorized to construct, maintain or operate, it may acquire the necessary property, or such interest or right therein as may be required, by gift or purchase or, if the compensation or damages cannot be agreed upon, by the exercise of the right of eminent domain under the eminent domain laws of this State. The Department shall not be required to furnish bond in any eminent domain proceeding.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-503) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-503)
Sec. 4-503. For the purpose of making subsurface soil surveys, preliminary surveys and determinations of the amount and extent of such land, rights or other property required, the Department, or any county, by its officers, agents or employees, after written notice to the known owners and occupants, if any, may enter upon the lands or waters of any person, but subject to responsibility for all damages which shall be occasioned thereby.
(Source: P.A. 84-713.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-504) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-504)
Sec. 4-504. Subject to the approval of the Governor and the consent of any department, board, commission, officer or other agency of the State government having control and custody of any land now or hereafter owned by the State, the Department is authorized to take and use such portion as may be deemed necessary for State highway purposes over such land, provided such taking and use by the Department does not interfere with the use of such land by the agency so having control and custody.
(Source: Laws 1959, p. 196.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-505) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-505)
Sec. 4-505. In addition to whatever powers the Department may by law now possess, whenever it is necessary as an incident to the construction of a new State highway or the relocation, reconstruction, extension, widening, straightening, alteration, repair, maintenance or improvement of an existing State highway (including extensions of a new or existing State highway through or into a municipality upon a new or existing street) that the line or tracks of a railroad or railway company or the wires, poles, pipes or other facilities of a public utility, which are not then located in or upon a public street or highway, be relocated, and the Department and such company or public utility have entered into an agreement, approved by the Illinois Commerce Commission, concerning such relocation, the Department is authorized to purchase, or to acquire through the exercise of the right of eminent domain under the eminent domain law of the State, such easements, rights, lands or other property as may be necessary for the relocation of said railroad or railway line or tracks or other public utility facilities.
The Department is authorized to convey such easements, rights, lands or other property it has so purchased or acquired for said relocation of the said railroad, railway company or other public utility by deed executed by the Director of the Department.
(Source: Laws 1965, p. 428.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-508) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-508)
Sec. 4-508. (a) Except as provided in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this Section, and subject to the written approval of the Governor, the Department may dispose of, by public sale, at auction or by sealed bids, any land, rights or other properties, real or personal, acquired for but no longer needed for highway purposes or remnants acquired under the provisions of Section 4-501, provided that no such sale may be made for less than the fair appraised value of such land, rights, or property.
(b) Except as provided in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this Section, and subject to the written approval of the Governor, the Department may exchange any land, rights or property no longer needed for highway purposes or remnants acquired under the provisions of Section 4-501 of this Code for equivalent interests in land, rights or property needed for highway purposes. Where such interests are not of equivalent value cash may be paid or received for the difference in value.
(c) If at the time any property previously determined by the Department to be needed for highway purposes is declared no longer needed for such purposes, and the person from whom such property was acquired still owns and has continuously owned land abutting such property since the acquisition by the Department, the Department before making any disposition of that property shall first offer in writing that property to the person from whom such property was acquired at the current appraised value of the property. If the offer is accepted in writing within 60 days of the date of the written offer, the Department, subject to the written approval of the Governor, is authorized to dispose of such property to the person from whom such property was acquired upon payment of the appraised value. If the offer is not accepted in writing within 60 days of the date of the written offer, all rights under this paragraph shall terminate.
(d) If the Department enters into or currently has a written contract with another highway authority for the transfer of jurisdiction of any highway or portion thereof, the Department is authorized to convey, without compensation, any land, dedications, easements, access rights, or any interest in the real estate that it holds to that specific highway or portion thereof to the highway authority that is accepting or has accepted jurisdiction. However, no part of the transferred property can be vacated or disposed of without the approval of the Department, which may require compensation for non-public use.
(e) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this Section, if the Department obtains or obtained fee simple title to, or any lesser interest, in any land, right, or other property and must comply with subdivision (f)(3) of Section 6 of Title I of the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965 (16 U.S.C. 460 l-8(f)(3)), the Historic Bridge Program established under Title 23, United States Code, Section 144, subsection (o) (23 U.S.C. 144(o)), the National Historic Preservation Act (16 U.S.C. Sec. 470), the Interagency Wetland Policy Act of 1989, or the Illinois State Agency Historic Resources Preservation Act, the Department, subject to the written approval of the Governor and concurrence of the grantee, is authorized to convey the title or interest in the land, right, or other property to another governmental agency, or a not-for-profit organization that will use the property for purposes consistent with the appropriate law.
The Department may retain rights to protect the public interest.
(Source: P.A. 95-331, eff. 8-21-07.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-508.1) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-508.1)
Sec. 4-508.1. In the event the Department obtains or has obtained fee simple title to, or any lesser interest in, any land, rights or other property under the provisions of Section 4-508 of this Code in connection with a project involving the planned construction of a federal-aid highway and that project ceases to be a federal-aid project, the Department is authorized to convey title to, or any lesser interest in, all such land, rights or property, regardless of whether any construction has taken place, to the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority without compensation when such conveyance is approved in writing by the Governor.
(Source: P.A. 83-1258.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-509) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-509)
Sec. 4-509. In addition to other powers of the Department, whenever it is necessary as an incident to the construction of a new State highway or the relocation, reconstruction, extension, widening, straightening, alteration, repair, maintenance or improvement of an existing State highway (including extensions of a new or existing State highway through or into a municipality upon a new or existing street) that property already devoted to a public use be acquired, and the Department and the public agency having jurisdiction over such property have entered into an agreement concerning the acquisition of such property, the Department is authorized to purchase, or to acquire through the exercise of the right of eminent domain, such easements, rights, lands or other property as may be necessary to replace the public property being acquired. The Department is authorized to convey to such public agency such easements, rights, lands or other property it so purchases or acquires for such replacement by deed executed by the Director of the Department.
(Source: Laws 1965, p. 2921.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-510) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-510)
Sec. 4-510. The Department may establish presently the approximate locations and widths of rights of way for future additions to the State highway system to inform the public and prevent costly and conflicting development of the land involved.
The Department shall hold a public hearing whenever approximate locations and widths of rights of way for future highway additions are to be established. The hearing shall be held in or near the county or counties where the land to be used is located and notice of the hearing shall be published in a newspaper or newspapers of general circulation in the county or counties involved. Any interested person or his representative may be heard. The Department shall evaluate the testimony given at the hearing.
The Department shall make a survey and prepare a map showing the location and approximate widths of the rights of way needed for future additions to the highway system. The map shall show existing highways in the area involved and the property lines and owners of record of all land that will be needed for the future additions and all other pertinent information. Approval of the map with any changes resulting from the hearing shall be indicated in the record of the hearing and a notice of the approval and a copy of the map shall be filed in the office of the recorder for all counties in which the land needed for future additions is located.
Public notice of the approval and filing shall be given in newspapers of general circulation in all counties where the land is located and shall be served by registered mail within 60 days thereafter on all owners of record of the land needed for future additions.
The Department may approve changes in the map from time to time. The changes shall be filed and notice given in the manner provided for an original map.
After the map is filed and notice thereof given to the owners of record of the land needed for future additions, no one shall incur development costs or place improvements in, upon or under the land involved nor rebuild, alter or add to any existing structure without first giving 60 days notice by registered mail to the Department. This prohibition shall not apply to any normal or emergency repairs to existing structures. The Department shall have 45 days after receipt of that notice to inform the owner of the Department's intention to acquire the land involved; after which, it shall have the additional time of 120 days to acquire such land by purchase or to initiate action to acquire said land through the exercise of the right of eminent domain. When the right of way is acquired by the State no damages shall be allowed for any construction, alteration or addition in violation of this Section unless the Department has failed to acquire the land by purchase or has abandoned an eminent domain proceeding initiated pursuant to the provisions of this paragraph.
Any right of way needed for additions to the highway system may be acquired at any time by the State or by the county or municipality in which it is located. The time of determination of the value of the property to be taken under this Section for additions to the highway system shall be the date of the actual taking, if the property is acquired by purchase, or the date of the filing of a complaint for condemnation, if the property is acquired through the exercise of the right of eminent domain, rather than the date when the map of the proposed right-of-way was filed of record. The rate of compensation to be paid for farm land acquired hereunder by the exercise of the right of eminent domain shall be in accordance with Section 4-501 of this Code.
Not more than 10 years after a protected corridor is established under this Section regardless of whether the corridor is established before or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly, and not later than the expiration of each succeeding 10 year period, the Department shall hold public hearings to discuss the viability and feasibility of the protected corridor. In the case of a protected corridor established prior to 10 years before the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly, the hearing shall be conducted within 6 months of the effective date of this amendatory Act of the 97th General Assembly. The Department shall retain the discretion to maintain any protected corridor established under this Section, but shall give due consideration to the information obtained at the hearing and, if the Department in its discretion determines that construction of the roadway is no longer feasible, the Department shall abolish the protected corridor.
(Source: P.A. 97-279, eff. 8-8-11.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-511) (from Ch. 121, par. 4-511)
Sec. 4-511. In addition to whatever powers the Department may by law now possess whenever it is necessary for the Department as an incident to the construction of a new State highway or the relocation, reconstruction, extension, widening, straightening, alteration, repair, maintenance or improvement of an existing highway (including extension of a new or existing State highway through or into a municipality upon a new or existing street) to acquire property occupied by a structure which must be removed or demolished in order to construct such highway, then the Department may acquire within a one mile radius of such structure such other unimproved or improved but unoccupied easements, rights, lands or other property by purchase or through the exercise of the right of eminent domain, for the purpose of:
The Department may enter into an agreement or agreements with any department, board, commission, officer or agency of federal or state government, its political subdivisions and municipal corporations or with any private person, firm or corporation in order to carry out the purpose of this Section.
(Source: P.A. 77-1577.)
(605 ILCS 5/4-512)
Sec. 4-512. Street closing or relocating. The Department shall not, under any circumstance, give its approval to any plan or request that would permanently close or relocate that portion of 55th Street lying between East Avenue and Joliet Road, located within Cook County.
(Source: P.A. 88-242.)