(225 ILCS 705/Art. 31 heading)
(225 ILCS 705/31.01) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 3101)
Sec. 31.01. All active underground working places in a mine shall be ventilated by a current of air containing not less than 19.5% of oxygen, not more than 0.5% of carbon dioxide, and no harmful quantities of other noxious or poisonous gases. The volume and velocity of the current of air shall be sufficient to dilute so as to render harmless, and to carry away, flammable or harmful gases.
(Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
(225 ILCS 705/31.02) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 3102)
Sec. 31.02. The quantity of air reaching the last open crosscut in any pair or set of entries shall not be less than 9,000 cubic feet a minute, except that the quantity of air reaching the last open crosscut in any pair or set of entries in pillar sections may be less than 9,000 cubic feet a minute if not less than 9,000 cubic feet of air a minute is being delivered to the intake end of the pillar line. No work shall be performed in any area that does not meet this standard except to correct this violation. In robbing areas where the air currents cannot be controlled and measurements of the air cannot be obtained, the air shall have perceptible movement.
(Source: P.A. 80-296.)
(225 ILCS 705/31.03) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 3103)
Sec. 31.03. In every mine the minimum quantity of air shall not be less than 150 cubic feet per minute for each person employed, measured at the foot of the downcast and of the upcast. However, in any mine wherein explosive gas is being generated in such quantities that it can be detected by a multi-gas detector, the minimum quantity of air shall not be less than 200 cubic feet per minute for each person employed therein. The State Mine Inspector shall have power by order in writing to require these quantities to be increased.
(Source: P.A. 99-538, eff. 1-1-17.)
(225 ILCS 705/31.04) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 3104)
Sec. 31.04. If the air at an underground working face in a mine, when tested at a point not less than 12 inches from the roof, face, or rib, contains more than 1.0% of methane as determined by permissible methane detector, a multi-gas detector, air analysis, or other recognized means of accurately detecting such gas, changes or adjustments shall be made at once in the ventilation in such a mine so that such air shall not contain more than 1.0% of methane.
(Source: P.A. 99-538, eff. 1-1-17.)
(225 ILCS 705/31.05) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 3105)
Sec. 31.05. If a split of air returning from active underground working places in a mine contains more than 1.0% of methane as determined by a permissible methane detector, a multi-gas detector, air analysis, or other recognized means of accurately detecting such gas, changes or adjustments shall be made at once in the ventilation in such mine so that such returning air shall not contain more than 1.0% of methane.
(Source: P.A. 99-538, eff. 1-1-17.)
(225 ILCS 705/31.06) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 3106)
Sec. 31.06. If a split of air returning from active underground working places in a mine contains as much as 1.5% of methane as determined by a permissible methane detector, a multi-gas detector, air analysis, or other recognized means of accurately detecting such gas, the employees shall be withdrawn from the portion of the mine endangered thereby and all power shall be cut off from such portion of the mine until the quantity of methane in such split shall be less than 1.5%. However, in virgin territory in mines ventilated by exhaust fans, where methane is liberated in large amounts, if the quantity of air in a split ventilating the workings in such territory equals or exceeds twice the minimum volume of air prescribed in Section 31.02 and if only permissible electric equipment is used in such workings and the air in the split returning from such workings does not pass over trolley or other bare power wires, and if a certified person designated by the mine operator is continually testing the gas content of the air in such split during mining operations in such workings, it shall be necessary to withdraw the employees and cut off all power from the portion of the mine endangered by such methane only when the quantity thereof in the air returning from such workings exceeds 2%, as determined by a permissible methane detector, a multi-gas detector, air analysis, or other recognized means of accurately detecting such gas.
(Source: P.A. 99-538, eff. 1-1-17.)
(225 ILCS 705/31.07) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 3107)
Sec. 31.07. The main current of air shall be so split or subdivided as to give a separate current of reasonably pure air to every 100 men at work, and the State Mine Inspector shall have authority to order, in writing, separate currents for smaller groups of men, if, in his judgment, special conditions render it necessary.
(Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
(225 ILCS 705/31.08) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 3108)
Sec. 31.08. Doors, curtains or brattices shall be placed at such places as may be designated by the mine manager, subject to the approval of the State Mine Inspector, to conduct into the working places an amount of air sufficient to render the working places reasonably free from deleterious air of every kind.
(Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
(225 ILCS 705/31.09) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 3109)
Sec. 31.09. All possible care and diligence shall be exercised in the examination of working places, especially for the investigation and detection of explosive gases therein and, where found, such gas shall be removed by a special current of air produced by bratticing or from a pipe, before men are permitted to work in such places except those necessary to remove the gas.
(Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
(225 ILCS 705/31.10) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 3110)
Sec. 31.10. If the State Mine Inspector finds methane with a multi-gas detector, permissible methane detector, air analysis, or other recognized means, in the amount of 0.25% or more, in any open workings of such mine when tested at a point not less than 12 inches from the roof, face or rib the mine shall be classified as gassy. Nothing in this Act shall preclude the reclassification of a mine that has been classified gassy if a subsequent examination, made by the State Mine Inspector in the method provided herein, shows the methane content to be less than 0.25%.
(Source: P.A. 99-538, eff. 1-1-17.)
(225 ILCS 705/31.11) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 3111)
Sec. 31.11. All doors used in guiding and directing the ventilating currents shall be hung and adjusted so as to close automatically.
(Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
(225 ILCS 705/31.13) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 3113)
Sec. 31.13. At all doors through which 3 or more drivers are hauling coal on any one shift, an attendant shall be employed on said shift for the purpose of opening and closing the doors when trips of cars are passing to and from the workings. However, in case of specially dangerous conditions, the State Mine Inspector may require in writing that an attendant be placed at doors through which less than 3 drivers pass. Places for shelter shall be provided at such doorways to protect the attendants from being injured by the cars while attending to their duties. Provided that, in any or all mines, where doors are constructed in such a manner as to open and close automatically, attendants and places for shelter shall not be required.
(Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
(225 ILCS 705/31.14) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 3114)
Sec. 31.14. If the State Mine Inspector finds men working without the amount of air required by this Act he shall at once notify the mine manager to increase the amount of air in accordance with the requirements of this Act. Upon the failure or refusal of the manager to act promptly, and in all cases where men are endangered by such lack of air, the State Mine Inspector shall at once order the men affected out of the mine.
(Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
(225 ILCS 705/31.15) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 3115)
Sec. 31.15. In all mines classified as gassy mines by the State Mine Inspector, it shall be compulsory to use electric lamps, and smoking shall be prohibited.
(Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
(225 ILCS 705/31.16) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 3116)
Sec. 31.16. Ventilating fans at all operating mines shall be operated continuously.
(Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
(225 ILCS 705/31.17) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 3117)
Sec. 31.17. A recording pressure gauge shall be attached to the ventilating fan at all times.
(Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
(225 ILCS 705/31.18) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 3118)
Sec. 31.18. In all mines starting operation after July 1, 1947, the ventilating fan shall be installed on the surface in a fireproof building.
(Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
(225 ILCS 705/31.19) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 3119)
Sec. 31.19. All ventilating fans shall have suitable automatic devices attached to them for the purpose of sounding an alarm when the fan stops. The alarm shall be placed so that it will be seen or heard by a responsible person.
(Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
(225 ILCS 705/31.20) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 3120)
Sec. 31.20. Ventilating fans shall be operated on a separate power circuit, independent of the mine circuit.
(Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
(225 ILCS 705/31.21) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 3121)
Sec. 31.21. When the ventilating fan at any mine fails or stops, immediate action shall be taken to cut off the electric power and withdraw the workers from the face regions of the mine. In gassy mines if the ventilation is restored within a reasonable time, the face regions and other places where methane is likely to accumulate shall be re-examined by competent personnel, and if such region and places are found to be free from explosive gas the power may be restored and work resumed. If the ventilation is not restored within a reasonable time all underground employees shall be removed from the mine. In non-gassy mines if the ventilation is restored within a reasonable time the power may be turned on and work resumed without the necessity of re-examination.
(Source: P.A. 81-992.)
(225 ILCS 705/31.22) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 3122)
Sec. 31.22. The ventilating fan shall be inspected daily.
(Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
(225 ILCS 705/31.23) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 3123)
Sec. 31.23. Booster fans may not be used in mines except by special permission from the State Mining Board.
(Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
(225 ILCS 705/31.24) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 3124)
Sec. 31.24. Blower fans with tubing may be used, if the following precautions are followed:
1. In gassy mines the blower shall be powered with a permissible unit and installed on the intake air side of the entrance to be ventilated, not less than 15 feet outby the ventilating cross-cut.
2. The volume of air in which the fan is placed shall not be less than 2 1/2 times the manufacturer's maximum rated capacity of the fan.
3. The fan and tubing shall be maintained in good order. The discharge end of the tubing shall be kept within 20 feet of the face, and not more than 300 feet of tubing shall be extended from the fan.
4. Working places ventilated by means of blower fans in gassy mines shall be examined for methane by competent personnel designated by the mine manager before the fan is operated at the beginning of the shift and after an interruption of 5 or more minutes of fan operation during the shift.
5. The fan and tubing shall be inspected at least twice during each working shift.
(Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
(225 ILCS 705/31.25) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 3125)
Sec. 31.25. Doors shall be kept closed except when men or equipment are passing through the doorways. Motor crews and other persons who open doors shall see that the doors are closed before leaving them.
(Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
(225 ILCS 705/31.26) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 3126)
Sec. 31.26. Permanent overcasts shall be constructed of incombustible material such as masonry, concrete, concrete blocks, or metal and shall be of ample area to pass the required quantity of air, and where necessary to securely timber to prevent falls from the roof.
(Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
(225 ILCS 705/31.27) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 3127)
Sec. 31.27. Flame resisting brattice cloth shall be used in the construction of line brattice.
(Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
(225 ILCS 705/31.28) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 3128)
Sec. 31.28. The entrances to abandoned workings shall be posted to warn persons against entering the territory.
(Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
(225 ILCS 705/31.29) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 3129)
Sec. 31.29. In a gassy mine, all workings which are abandoned after the effective date of this Act, or the date such mine was classified a gassy mine, whichever is later, shall be sealed or ventilated. If such workings are sealed, the sealing shall be done in a substantial manner with incombustible material; however, some other type of material may be used provided prior approval has been obtained from the Mining Board. One or more of the seals of every sealed area shall be fitted with a pipe and cap or valve to permit the sampling of gases and the measuring of hydrostatic pressure behind such seals. For the purposes of this Section, workings within a panel shall not be deemed to be abandoned until such panel is abandoned.
(Source: Laws 1955, p. 2012.)
(225 ILCS 705/31.30) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 3130)
Sec. 31.30. In mines worked by the so-called "enclosed panel system" where rooms are driven off of both sides of the panel entries and ventilated by one side of the panel as the intake airway and the other side as the return, the following shall govern the method of working this type of panel: When the top end or inby end of the panel begins to squeeze, work or more as the result of extraction of coal and the area cannot be examined, men working in the said panel and rooms shall be removed until movement has abated and the presence of gas cannot be detected with a multi-gas detector. However, if in such panels fire, barrier or cutoff pillars are left in the center of the panel of adequate thickness and the entries have been sealed in line with the pillars with adequate roof support on the inby side of the seals isolating the worked out area from the live works, then mining operations may be resumed. This shall not apply to panels worked with rooms on the intake side only, or panels with bleeder entry system whereby the gas released in the squeezed area will not contaminate the ventilating air current used to ventilate active workings within the panel.
(Source: P.A. 99-538, eff. 1-1-17.)
(225 ILCS 705/31.31) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 3131)
Sec. 31.31. In a gassy mine, air that has passed through an abandoned panel which is inaccessible for inspection, or air that has passed through a similar abandoned area which is inaccessible for inspection, or air which has been used to ventilate a pillar line, or air which has been used to ventilate an area from which the pillars have been removed, shall not be used to ventilate any active face area in such mine; but if this Section cannot be complied with in such mine on the effective date of this Act, such mine may continue to be operated after such date as it was operated immediately prior to such date, for a reasonable time until future mine development and ventilation of such mine can be changed to comply with this Section. In no event shall such air be used to ventilate any area in such mine in which men work or travel if such air contains more than 1% of methane.
(Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)
(225 ILCS 705/31.32) (from Ch. 96 1/2, par. 3132)
Sec. 31.32. No person shall obstruct or cause any obstruction in any air current, or leave open any door or other means provided to control the air current, or perform any act that will interfere with the air current of the mine, without permission from the Mine Manager.
(Source: Laws 1953, p. 701.)