(30 ILCS 750/Art. 10 heading)
(30 ILCS 750/10-1) (from Ch. 127, par. 2710-1)
Sec. 10-1. This Article shall be known and may be cited as the "Large Business Development Act".
(Source: P.A. 84-109.)
(30 ILCS 750/10-2) (from Ch. 127, par. 2710-2)
Sec. 10-2. Definitions. Unless the context clearly requires otherwise:
(a) "Financial institution" means a trust company, a bank, a savings bank, a credit union, an investment bank, a broker, an investment trust, a pension fund, a building and loan association, a savings and loan association, an insurance company or any venture capital company which is authorized to do business in the State.
(b) "Participating lender" means any trust company, bank, savings bank, credit union, investment bank, broker, investment trust, pension fund, building and loan association, savings and loan association, insurance company or venture capital company approved by the Department which assumes a portion of the financing for a business project.
(c) "Department" means the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity.
(d) "Business" means a for-profit, legal entity in Illinois including, but not limited to, any sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, joint venture, association or cooperative.
(e) "Loan" means an agreement or contract to provide a loan or other financial aid to a business.
(f) "Project" means any specific economic development activity of a commercial, industrial, manufacturing, agricultural, scientific, service or other business, the result of which yields an increase in jobs and may include the purchase or lease of machinery and equipment, the lease or purchase of real property or funds for infrastructure necessitated by site preparation, building construction or related purposes but does not include refinancing current debt.
(g) "Fund" means the Large Business Attraction Fund created in Section 10-4.
(Source: P.A. 94-793, eff. 5-19-06.)
(30 ILCS 750/10-3) (from Ch. 127, par. 2710-3)
Sec. 10-3. Powers and Duties. The Department has the power to:
(a) Provide loans from the Build Illinois Bond Fund, the Fund for Illinois' Future, or the Large Business Attraction Fund to a business undertaking a project and accept mortgages or other evidences of indebtedness or security of such business.
(b) Provide grants from the Build Illinois Bond Fund, the Fund for Illinois' Future, or the Large Business Attraction Fund to or for the direct benefit of a business undertaking a project. Any such grant shall (i) be made and used only for the purpose of assisting the financing of the business for the project in order to reduce the cost of financing to the business, (ii) be made only if a participating lender, or other funding source including the applicant, also provides a portion of the financing with respect to the project, and only if the Department determines, on the basis of all the information available to it, that the project would not be undertaken in Illinois unless the grant is provided, (iii) provide no more than 25% of the total dollar amount of any single project cost and be approved for amounts from the Fund not to exceed $500,000 for any single project, unless waived by the Director upon a finding that such waiver is appropriate to accomplish the purpose of this Article, (iv) be made only after the Department has determined that the grant will cause a project to be undertaken which has the potential to create substantial employment in relation to the amount of the grant, and (v) be made with a business that has certified the project is a new plant start-up or expansion and is not a relocation of an existing business from another site in Illinois unless that relocation results in substantial employment growth.
(c) Enter into agreements, accept funds or grants and cooperate with agencies of the federal government, local units of government and local regional economic development corporations or organizations for the purposes of carrying out this Article.
(d) Enter into contracts, letters of credit or any other agreements or contracts with financial institutions necessary or desirable to carry out the purposes of this Article. Any such agreement or contract may include, without limitation, terms and provisions relating to a specific project such as loan documentation, review and approval procedures, organization and servicing rights, default conditions and other program aspects.
(e) Fix, determine, charge and collect any premiums, fees, charges, costs and expenses, including application fees, commitment fees, program fees, financing charges or publication fees in connection with its activities under this Article.
(f) Establish application, notification, contract and other procedures, rules or regulations deemed necessary and appropriate.
(g) Subject to the provisions of any contract with another person and consent to the modification or restructuring of any loan agreement to which the Department is a party.
(h) Take any actions which are necessary or appropriate to protect the State's interest in the event of bankruptcy, default, foreclosure or noncompliance with the terms and conditions of financial assistance or participation provided under this Article, including the power to sell, dispose, lease or rent, upon terms and conditions determined by the Director to be appropriate, real or personal property which the Department may receive as a result thereof.
(i) Acquire and accept by gift, grant, purchase or otherwise, but not by condemnation, fee simple title, or such lesser interest as may be desired, in land, and to improve or arrange for the improvement of such land for industrial or commercial site development purposes, and to lease or convey such land, or interest in land, so acquired and so improved, including sale and conveyance subject to a mortgage, for such price, upon such terms and at such time as the Department may determine, provided that prior to exercising its authority under this subsection, the Director shall find that other means of financing and developing any such project are not reasonably available and that such action is consistent with the purposes and policies of this Article.
(j) Provide grants from the Build Illinois Bond Fund to municipalities and counties to demolish abandoned buildings pursuant to Section 11-31-1 of the Illinois Municipal Code or Section 5-1080 of the Counties Code, for the purpose of making unimproved land available for purchase by businesses for economic development. Such grants shall be provided only when: (1) the owner of property on which the abandoned building is situated has entered into a contract to sell such property; (2) the Department has determined that the grant will be used to cause a project to be undertaken which will result in the creation of employment; (3) the business which has entered into a contract to purchase the property has certified that it will use the property for a project which is a new plant start-up or expansion or a new venture opportunity and is not a relocation of an existing business from another site within the State unless that relocation results in substantial employment growth. If a municipality or county receives grants under this paragraph, it shall file a notice of lien against the owner or owners of such demolished buildings to recover the costs and expenses incurred in the demolition of such buildings pursuant to Section 11-31-1 of the Illinois Municipal Code or Section 5-1080 of the Counties Code. All such costs and expenses recovered by the county or municipality shall be paid to the Department for deposit in the Build Illinois Purposes Account. Priority shall be given to enterprise zones or those areas with high unemployment whose tax base is adversely impacted by the closing of existing factories.
(j-5) A business accepting a grant or loan under this Article shall provide the Department with quarterly reports detailing financial and performance information as requested by the Department during the grant or loan period.
(k) Exercise such other powers as are necessary or incidental to the foregoing.
(Source: P.A. 96-1429, eff. 1-1-11.)
(30 ILCS 750/10-4) (from Ch. 127, par. 2710-4)
Sec. 10-4. Loans. Any loan made under this Article shall:
(a) Be made only if a participating lender or other funding source, including the applicant, also provides a portion of the financing with respect to the project and only if the Department determines, on the basis of all the information available to it, that the project would not be undertaken in Illinois unless the loan is provided. The other risk assumption may be in the form of a loan, letter of credit, guarantee, loan participation, bond purchase, direct cash payment, or other form approved by the Department.
(b) Finance no more than 25% of the total amount of any single project and be approved for amounts from the Fund not to exceed $2,000,000 for any single project, unless waived by the Director upon a finding that a waiver is appropriate to accomplish the purposes of this Article.
(c) Be protected by adequate security satisfactory to the Department to secure payment of the loan agreement.
(d) Be in a principal amount and form and contain terms and provisions with respect to property insurance, repairs, alterations, payment of taxes and assessments, delinquency charges, default remedies, additional security, and other matters as the Department shall determine adequate to protect the public interest.
(e) Include provisions to call the loan agreement as due and payable if the project is not completed, if the project fails to generate anticipated employment opportunities, or if the business ceases to operate the project.
(f) Be made only after the Department has determined that the loan will cause a project to be undertaken that has the potential to create substantial employment in relation to the principal amount of the loan.
(g) Be made with a business that has certified the project is a new plant start-up or expansion and is not a relocation of an existing business from another site in Illinois unless that relocation results in substantial employment growth.
(h) All receipts, including principal and interest payments, royalties, or other payments, paid to the Department because of any loan made under this Article and all proceeds of assets of whatever nature received by the Department as a result of default and delinquency with respect to loans made under this Article, including proceeds from the sale, disposal, lease, or rental of real or personal property that the Department may receive as a result of a default or delinquency, shall be deposited into the Large Business Attraction Fund.
(Source: P.A. 91-34, eff. 7-1-99.)
(30 ILCS 750/10-5) (from Ch. 127, par. 2710-5)
Sec. 10-5. Loan Applications. Applications for loans shall be submitted to the Department on forms and subject to filing fees prescribed by the Department. The Department shall not be prohibited from soliciting such applications. The Department shall conduct such investigation and obtain such information concerning the business as is necessary and diligent to complete a loan agreement. The Department's investigation shall include facts about the company's history, job opportunities, stability of employment, past and present condition and structure, actual and pro-forma income statements, present and future market prospects and management qualifications and any other aspects material to the financing request.
After consideration of such data and after such other action as is deemed appropriate, the Department shall approve or deny the application. If the Department approves the application, its approval shall specify the amount of funds to be provided and the loan agreement provisions. The business shall be promptly notified of such action by the Department.
(Source: P.A. 84-109.)
(30 ILCS 750/10-6) (from Ch. 127, par. 2710-6)
Sec. 10-6. Large Business Attraction Fund.
(a) There is created the Large Business Attraction Fund to be held as part of the State Treasury. The Department is authorized to make loans from the Fund for the purposes established under this Article. The State Treasurer shall have custody of the Fund and may invest in securities constituting direct obligations of the United States Government, in obligations the principal of and interest on which are guaranteed by the United States Government, or in certificates of deposit of any State or national bank that are fully secured by obligations guaranteed as to principal and interest by the United States Government. The purpose of the Fund is to offer loans to finance large firms considering the location of a proposed plant in the State and to provide financing to carry out the purposes and provisions of paragraph (h) of Section 10-3. Financing shall be in the form of a loan, mortgage, or other debt instrument. All loans shall be conditioned on the project receiving financing from participating lenders or other sources. Loan proceeds shall be available for project costs associated with an expansion of business capacity and employment, except for debt refinancing. Targeted companies for the program shall primarily consist of established industrial and service companies with proven records of earnings that will sell their product to markets beyond Illinois and have proven multistate location options. New ventures shall be considered only if the entity is protected with adequate security with regard to its financing and operation. The limitations and conditions with respect to the use of this Fund shall not apply in carrying out the purposes and provisions of paragraph (h) of Section 10-3.
(b) Deposits into the Fund shall include, but are not limited to:
(c) The State Comptroller and the State Treasurer shall from time to time, upon the written direction of the Governor, transfer from the Fund to the General Revenue Fund those amounts that the Governor determines are in excess of the amounts required to meet the obligations of the Fund.
(Source: P.A. 90-372, eff. 7-1-98.)
(30 ILCS 750/10-7) (from Ch. 127, par. 2710-7)
Sec. 10-7. Construction. Nothing in this Article shall be construed as creating any rights of a competitor of an approved borrower or any applicant whose application is denied by the Department to challenge any application which is accepted by the Department and any loan or other agreement executed in connection therewith.
(Source: P.A. 84-109.)
(30 ILCS 750/10-8) (from Ch. 127, par. 2710-8)
Sec. 10-8. Confidentiality. Any documentary materials or data made or received by any member, agent or employee of the Department shall be deemed to be confidential and shall not be deemed public records to the extent that such materials or data consist of trade secrets, commercial or financial information regarding the operation of any business conducted by an applicant for or recipient of any form of assistance under this Article or information regarding the competitive position of such business in a particular field of endeavor.
(Source: P.A. 84-109.)
(30 ILCS 750/10-9) (from Ch. 127, par. 2710-9)
Sec. 10-9. Report. On January 1 of each year, the Department shall report on its operation of the Fund for the preceding fiscal year to the Governor and the General Assembly.
(Source: P.A. 84-109.)
(30 ILCS 750/10-10) (from Ch. 127, par. 2710-10)
Sec. 10-10. Federal Programs. The Department is authorized to accept and expend federal monies pursuant to this Article except that terms and conditions hereunder which are inconsistent with or prohibited by the federal authorization under which such monies are made available shall not apply with respect to the expenditure of such monies.
(Source: P.A. 84-109.)