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56-134A. REMEDIES FOR DEFICIENT CARE. If the director finds that a facility is deficient in, or no longer meets, any of the requirements of participation set forth in 42 U.S.C. 1396r(b), (c) and (d), which are hereby incorporated by reference, the director has the authority, as provided in title XIX of the social security act, to:

(1) terminate the facility’s participation in the medicaid program;

(2) deny payment;

(3) assess and collect a civil money penalty with interest;

(4) appoint temporary management of the facility;

(5) close the facility and/or transfer residents to another certified facility;

(6) direct a plan of correction;

(7) ban admission of persons with certain diagnoses or requiring specialized care;

(8) ban all admissions to the facility;

(9) assign monitors to the facility; or

(10) reduce the licensed bed capacity.


[56-134A, added 1990, ch. 303, sec. 1, p. 833.]

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