54-1806. POWERS AND DUTIES. The board shall have the authority to:
(1) Establish, pursuant to the administrative procedure act, rules for administration of this chapter, including rules establishing procedures for the receipt of complaints and for the investigation and disposition thereof. Such rules shall provide for notice to a person when board staff has undertaken to investigate that person and shall provide an opportunity for a person under investigation to meet with the committee or board staff before the initiation of formal disciplinary proceedings by the board.
(2) Conduct investigations and examinations and hold hearings as authorized by this section and by section 54-1806A, Idaho Code.
(3) The board shall have the power in any investigation or disciplinary proceeding pursuant to this chapter to administer oaths, take depositions of witnesses within or without the state in the manner consistent with rules adopted by the board pursuant to the administrative procedure act and, upon a determination that there is good cause, the board shall have power throughout the state of Idaho to require the attendance of such witnesses and the production of such books, records, and papers as it may deem appropriate for any investigation, deposition or hearing. For that purpose, the board may issue a subpoena for any witnesses or a subpoena duces tecum to compel the production of any books, records or papers, directed to the sheriff of any county of the state of Idaho, where such witness resides, or may be found, which shall be served and returned in the same manner as a subpoena in a criminal case is served and returned. The fees and mileage of the witnesses shall be the same as that allowed in the district courts in criminal cases, which fees and mileage shall be paid from any funds in the state treasury in the same manner as other expenses of the board are paid. In any case of disobedience to, or neglect of, any subpoena or subpoena duces tecum served upon any person, or the refusal of any witness to testify to any matter regarding which he may lawfully be interrogated, it shall be the duty of the district court of any county in this state in which such disobedience, neglect or refusal occurs, or any judge thereof, on application by the board to compel compliance with the subpoena by proceedings for contempt as in the case of disobedience of the requirements of a subpoena issued from such court or for refusal to testify therein. The licensed person accused in such formal contested case shall have the same right of subpoena upon making application to the board therefor.
(4) Seek injunctive relief prohibiting the unlawful practice of medicine.
(5) Make and enter into contracts.
(6) Operate, manage, superintend and control the licensure of physicians and physician assistants.
(7) Develop and submit a proposed budget setting forth the amount necessary to perform its functions.
(8) Perform such other duties as set forth in the laws of this state.
(9) Provide such other services and perform such other functions as are necessary to fulfill its responsibilities.
(10) Apply the provisions of section 12-117(5), Idaho Code, regarding the assessment of costs and fees incurred in the investigation and prosecution or defense of a licensee under this chapter.
(11) Prepare an annual report.
(12) Share with the department of labor personal identifying information of persons licensed under the provisions of this chapter necessary for the department of labor to identify workforce shortage areas in Idaho. The information provided to the department of labor concerning any person licensed under this chapter shall remain confidential and not subject to public disclosure, as required in section 74-106, Idaho Code.
[54-1806, added 1977, ch. 199, sec. 7, p. 541; am. 2000, ch. 332, sec. 2, p. 1117; am. 2010, ch. 88, sec. 1, p. 169; am. 2013, ch. 115, sec. 1, p. 276; am. 2015, ch. 141, sec. 140, p. 486; am. 2018, ch. 348, sec. 10, p. 807; am. 2019, ch. 26, sec. 6, p. 57; am. 2021, ch. 221, sec. 8, p. 612.]