50-1328. RULES FOR THE ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT OF SANITARY RESTRICTION. The state board of environmental quality may adopt rules pursuant to section 39-107(8), Idaho Code, including adoption of sanitary standards necessary for administration and enforcement, pursuant to section 39-108, Idaho Code, of sections 50-1326 through 50-1329, Idaho Code. The rules and standards shall provide the basis for approving subdivision plats for various types of water and sewage facilities, both public and individual, and may be related to size of lots, contour of land, porosity of soil, ground water level, pollution of water, type of construction of water and sewage facilities, and other factors for the protection of the public health or the environment.
[50-1328, as added by 1971, ch. 329, sec. 4, p. 1294; am. 1989, ch. 233, sec. 3, p. 570; am. 2001, ch. 103, sec. 92, p. 332.]