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42-202. APPLICATION TO APPROPRIATE WATER — CONTENTS — FILING FEES — DISPOSITION OF FEES — RECORD OF RECEIPTS. (1) For the purpose of regulating the use of the public waters and of establishing by direct means the priority right to such use, any person, association or corporation hereafter intending to acquire the right to the beneficial use of the waters of any natural streams, springs or seepage waters, lakes or ground water, or other public waters in the state of Idaho, shall, before commencing of the construction, enlargement or extension of the ditch, canal, well, or other distributing works, or performing any work in connection with said construction or proposed appropriation or the diversion of any waters into a natural channel, make an application to the department of water resources for a permit to make such appropriation. Provided however, if the use of the diversion works or irrigation system is represented by shares of stock in a corporation or if such works or system is owned or managed by an irrigation district, no such application may be approved by the director of the department of water resources without the consent of such corporation or irrigation district. Such application must set forth:

(a) The name and post-office address of the applicant.

(b) The source of the water supply.

(c) The nature of the proposed use or uses and the period of the year during which water is to be used for such use or uses.

(d) The location of the point of diversion and description of the proposed ditch, channel, well or other work and the amount of water to be diverted and used.

(e) The time required for the completion of construction of such works and application of the water to the proposed use.

(2) An application proposing an appropriation of water by a municipal provider for reasonably anticipated future needs shall be accompanied by sufficient information and documentation to establish that the applicant qualifies as a municipal provider and that the reasonably anticipated future needs, the service area and the planning horizon are consistent with the definitions and requirements specified in this chapter. The service area need not be described by legal description nor by description of every intended use in detail, but the area must be described with sufficient information to identify the general location where the water under the water right is to be used and the types and quantity of uses that generally will be made.

(3) Whenever it is desired to appropriate and store flood or winterflow waters, the applicant shall specify in acre feet the quantity of such flood or winterflow waters which he intends to store, but for irrigation purposes he shall not claim more than five (5) acre feet of stored water per acre of land to be irrigated, nor, in the event of the filing of an application claiming both normal flow and flood water and winterflow water, shall the total amount of water claimed exceed the equivalent of a continuous flow during the irrigation season of more than one (1) cubic foot per second for each fifty (50) acres of land to be irrigated, or more than five (5) acre feet of stored water for each acre of land to be irrigated.

(4) The application shall be accompanied by a plan and map of the proposed works for the diversion and application of the water to a beneficial use, showing the character, location and dimensions of the proposed reservoirs, dams, canals, ditches, pipelines, wells and all other works proposed to be used by them in the diversion of the water, and the area and location of the lands proposed to be irrigated, or location of place of other use.

(5) If the application involves more than twenty-five (25) cubic feet per second of water or the development of more than five hundred (500) theoretical horsepower, or impoundment of water in a reservoir with an active storage capacity in excess of ten thousand (10,000) acre feet, the applicant may be required by the director of the department of water resources to furnish a statement of the financial resources of the corporation, association, firm or person making the application, and the means by which the funds necessary to construct the proposed works are to be provided, and the estimated cost of construction; and if such application is made by a corporation, the amount of its capital stock, how much thereof has been actually paid in, and the names and places of residence of its directors; and if for the generation of power or any other purpose than irrigation or domestic use, the purpose for which it is proposed to be used, the nature, location, character, capacity and estimated cost of the works, and whether the water used is to be and will be returned to the stream, and if so, at what point on the stream.

(6) In case the proposed right of use is for agricultural purposes, the application shall give the legal subdivisions of the land proposed to be irrigated, with the total acreage to be reclaimed as near as may be; provided, that no one shall be authorized to divert for irrigation purposes more than one (1) cubic foot of water per second of the normal flow for each fifty (50) acres of land to be so irrigated, or more than five (5) acre feet of stored water per annum for each acre of land to be so irrigated, unless it can be shown to the satisfaction of the department of water resources that a greater amount is necessary. Provided further, that the plan of irrigation submitted shall provide for the distribution of water to within not more than one (1) mile of each legal subdivision of the land proposed to be reclaimed by the use of such water; provided also, that in the case of all ditches designed to have a capacity of ten (10) cubic feet per second or less, such map showing the location of such ditch, and the place of use of such water, or the location of the lands to be irrigated, may be upon blanks furnished by the department of water resources.

(7) No application shall be accepted and filed by the department of water resources until the applicant shall have deposited with the department a filing fee as in this chapter provided.

(8) All moneys received by the department of water resources under the provisions of this chapter shall be deposited with the state treasurer, and such sums as may be necessary shall be available for the payment of the expenses of the department of water resources incurred in carrying out the provisions of this chapter.

(9) Such expense shall be paid by the state controller in the manner provided by law, upon vouchers duly approved by the state board of examiners, for the work performed under the direction of the department of water resources. The department of water resources shall keep a record of all filing fees received in connection with applications for permits to appropriate public waters.

(10) Provided further, that rights initiated prior to the enactment of this amendment, so far as it pertains to flood and winterflow waters, shall not be affected thereby.

(11) Provided further, that water rights held by municipal providers prior to July 1, 1996, shall not be limited thereby.


[(42-202) 1903, p. 223, sec. 1; am. 1905, p. 357, sec. 1; reen. R.C., sec. 3253; am. 1913, ch. 37, sec. 1, p. 136; reen. C.L., sec. 3253; C.S. sec. 5569; am. 1929, ch. 281, sec. 1, p. 675; I.C.A., sec. 41-202; am. 1935, ch. 145, sec. 1, p. 353; am. 1967, ch. 374, sec. 1, p. 1079; am. 1973, ch. 184, sec. 1, p. 428; am. 1994, ch. 180, sec. 83, p. 482; am. 1996, ch. 297, sec. 1, p. 968; am. 2012, ch. 120, sec. 1, p. 335.]

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