25-1181. PENALTIES. (1) Any person who shall present false or fraudulent information to obtain a brand inspection certificate shall be guilty of a felony.
(2) Any person who wilfully forges any brand inspection certificate or written permit, or alters the same in any manner, with the intent to defraud another, or with the intent to deceive any state brand inspector or any other law enforcement officer in the state of Idaho, shall be guilty of forgery.
(3) Any person who shall knowingly transport livestock without proper certificate or permit, or knowingly offers for shipment any livestock not his own or without the authority of the owner of said livestock shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
(4) Any person who shall, without proper brand inspection certificate or written permit, transport livestock in violation of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined a sum not to exceed three hundred dollars ($300) or by imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed six (6) months or be punished by both fine and imprisonment.
(5) Any person who shall refuse to permit inspection of any livestock as required by this chapter, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined a sum not to exceed three hundred dollars ($300) or by imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed six (6) months or be punished by both fine and imprisonment; and provided further, such person may be liable for civil damages to any owner of such livestock injured thereby, plus treble damages and for costs of suit and attorney’s fees.
(6) It shall be unlawful for any common carrier to transport livestock within or without the state of Idaho without having had the required brand inspections required by this chapter, and any common carrier who knowingly violates the requirements of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined a sum not less than three hundred dollars ($300) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000); and provided further, that said common carriers may be liable for civil damages to any owner of such livestock who is injured thereby plus treble damages and for costs of suit and attorney’s fees. Any person who transports livestock within or without the state of Idaho without having had the brand inspection required by this chapter, and who has not previously violated this section, is guilty of an infraction. Any subsequent violation of this section is a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine not less than three hundred dollars ($300) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed six (6) months, or by both a fine and imprisonment.
(7) Any person who shall violate any of the rules adopted by the state brand board for the implementation of this chapter, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined a sum not to exceed three hundred dollars ($300) or by imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed six (6) months or be punished by both fine and imprisonment.
(8) It shall be a misdemeanor to brand any livestock with a recorded brand, when such livestock is not owned by the owner or owners of the recorded brand used.
(9) It shall be a felony to brand any livestock with a recorded brand, when such livestock is not owned by the owner or owners of the recorded brand used, for the purpose of committing or facilitating the theft of said livestock.
[(25-1181) I.C., sec. 25-1415, as added by 1973, ch. 168, sec. 20, p. 339; am. 1988 & redesignated 25-1181, ch. 75, sec. 39, p. 129; am. 1995, ch. 123, sec. 1, p. 539; am. 1996, ch. 90, sec. 4, p. 272; am. 1997, ch. 105, sec. 3, p. 249.]